Beaver Dam Daily Citizen from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)

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Beaver Dam Daily Citizeni

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

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Temperature Yesterday's temperature range: Max Min Av in 1966 43 211 35 eb 10 1965 3IJ 211 33 Today (i am 26 2 in 32 Beawr Bam Bails A I It IltllIl air colder tonight Cloudy Saturday warmer north half Details page 4 UNITE!) PRESS INTERNATIONAL SERVICE (TWENTY TWO PAGES) SEVEN CENTS Major Changes In City Downtown Area Proposed WJ Helfert Gays Mills Is looded asts Named or KC Award closed by the wa are main Dam water 101 pCiMJlb hoped to to in INSURANCE MAN DIES a head' ot (Continued on page 7) I li On Model re LIGHTS RESUMED Wisconsin a (Continued "ii page Hi SUGGEST ASENCY TO IGHT WATER POLLUTION be made THAT A small used boat tube using boards as paddles as Hood waters ol the Kickapoo riv er pour into the town Seventeen ice on went banks to be weather a return Juveniles should be opinion ol VOLUME 55 NUMBER 293 began de manage in the 1965 two streets IN ADS YOU WILL IND Most of India's population is rural Only about III percent live in towns Humphrey Also Conferred with and Viet Ham Officials start with ot her after READ THE WANT ADS DAILY Vice President Visits Three Viet Nam Hamlets Under Special Guard Seven New Teachers Will be Added to aculty 2 Intern Teachers Rule Against Legislator Refused Post Thomson vice president in charge (if personnel lor Sentry sine' resigned Irom the uni versity board late last year lie cause of illness He died Thurs day of a heart attack American Soldiers lown Into Action by Helicopters Outstanding Catholic Lay man Presentation Will be April 17 GAYS MILLS Wis travel up the city's street but two boys can make the trip Thursday on a tire inner menl housing project lor refu gees but has grown into a model village on Saigon's outskirts Humphrey visited the village kindergarten where Vietnamese children scampered onto his lip and walked through tlic multi market During the long iliv be tin eled both by helicopter and car molorcadint: through Saigon's teeming streets jammed with bi cycles motorcycles scooters ox carts auto and every other lot in of eonv evanee recommendations ill Io (he ay session ol lai uro The committee also tailing which water meat I uncl ions of present agen cies should go to the new de parlmenl Additional Innetions were Io he considered today Translr of the slate board of health's public sewage facilities rcpulal ion lunclioii tn the new agetu was commended a STEVENS POINT ITU neral services will be Monday tor John Thomson 54 a vice pre ideat of the Sentry Insur ance Co and tormer member ol the state university board of re BEAVER DAM Joseph Helfert editor of the Beaver Dam Daily Citizen and a partner in the Citizen Publishing Co has been named Wisconsin's Catholic ot 1965 by li Beaver Knights of Columbus On April 17 Helfert is one ol the newspapermen In western Wisconsin an ice jam weakened a bridge and forced closing of Wisconsin 35 near Alma At River alls the rampaging Kinnickinnic River carried away scaffolding being used to rebuild a dam ruined in last spring's record Hoods La Crosse on? of the hardest hit communities floods reported closed In southeastern DAI TON Wis Weather conditions this past week have brought back the rob ins and there have been oilier reports of springlile aclivi lies But John II Posthinna ru ral Dalton found a small snake in the basem*nt of his home this week This snake was about ten inches in length and was as lively ns any snake would be in warm weather He wasn't sure about what kind ol snake it was but according to a book on rep tiles it resembled a spotted adder he said (ion of public water supplies from the board ol health to the new agency was however in jected on a vote Health ollieials argued tin too was an area in which they should have primary i cspoiisihilit Also approved was the trans fer ol industrial pollution con trol Irom the committee on wa ter pollllltoli Io the new eenev This came on a unanimous vote by the flood Irom 37 homes have been forced to evacuate their homes and Police Chief Has View Juveniles Rep Elect Julian Bond because ol his opposition Io the dralt and the war in Viet Nam Bond criticized (he three judge panel lor being ''unwilling or unable Io protect the Democra tic process" and said he would appeal to the Supreme Court where he was confident of vic tory I he special emu I in a 2 Io 1 dcctsKitjniKsed as "withoul merit' Bond argument that the section ol the Georgia Constitu tion giviui' the leglslal ill auth ority to iidg'' the qiiihl icat ions ol it? members was illegal Dam Unified in coopcraton ATLANTA 4TP A federal appeals lriluinil ruled Thursday that the Georgia Legislature had businesses ter and 101 persons were evacu ated from their homes Telephoto KARACHI Indian and Pakistan international airlines resumed Hights across each other's territory Thursday for the lust time since the Indo Pakistan war erupted last Aug ust Other international airlines serving India and Pakistan have been advised permission to Hy over Pakistan again would be lorlhcoining in the next tew GAYS MILLS Walter from the Kickapoo river floods iiomes and businesses here Thursday Seventeen businesses are dosed The Beaver Dam Unified School District's Board of Education approved the expansion of the teaching faculty for 1966 67 by adding seven teaching positions and two intern teachers New Teaching Positions Approved were the following additions: primary teacher at Lin coln School physical education tea chers for the Junior High math science teacher at the Junior High math science teacher for the Senior High teacher at the Sen ior High reading and foreign lang uage teacher at the Junior High biology intern teacher American Problems tern teacher The two phv cd positions the Junior High School are not really new positions since these were dropped for 1965 66 because of no phy ed facilities In past years there lias been two phy ed teachers at the Junior High The intern teachers are not under the regular salary schedule Salary Bequests The school board also reviewed teacher salary requests lor 1966 67 It will meet with the Beaver I) a Education Association's Salary Committee on eb 17 to further discuss the proposed sch edules In other action the board re cognized Senior High School prin cipal Robert Whitnall who is serving as president of the South ern Wisconsin Education Asso ciation granted the Neu man Co of Beaver Dam pay ments on his school contract ex cept for 5 pcrccnt hich is being retained acknowledged an agri cultural report from il'd Mein ke vo ag teacher at the Senior High: Authorized the purchase of equipment to expand the Senior High Printing Department under the vocational training pilot pro gram OK'd tables for board meetings and the faculty lounge and authorized lhe purchase of shelving equipment Action was delayed on I hi' 1'166 67 school calendars and some purchases Two school board members will be al each of the schools on Sunday eb 13 during the open house hours 1:30 to 3:30 in Also discussed were additional exits for lhe Junior High gym and handrails leading up lhe out side steps at the Junior High By US orces Started Today 16 I vole despite strong objec tions Irom representatives ot the board of 'alih Health officials argued dial conlriil of sewage lacdit ics was primarily a health problem and should slay within the bo nd Bui the committee approved the transler with only state geol ogist Grow Hanson voting against it A motion io transfer regain Reported To Local Police Vice Prcsi Humphrey con and Vietnamese then was taken to three 'You have many friends in Amcr he told one group of pea sants Humphrey first visited the vil lage ol Tan Phu New Prosper ity1 five miles from Saigon He later went on to two other near by hamlets his helicopter escor ted by other rocket and machine gun armed "choppers" "What a beautiful capital city you have" the vice president told the Vietnamese chief of slate Lt Gen Nguyen Van Thieu during a visit to lhe Gia Long Palace "and more impor tant what beautiful people" At Tan Phu about 1300 school children and a percussion band turned out to welcome Humph rey who arrived in the capital Thursday Their orderly ranks were briefly tlwown into contus ion when the rotor blast Irom lhe vice piesident's hi'ieouter blew the red hats irom the the tiny baiaLincn Premier Nguyen Cio earlier had talks with rev accompanied him to the vil lages "Yon have many many friends in America" aid Hum phrey as he shook hands with WASHINGTON (ITT House investigators made public today a letter allegedly written by a young Ohio Klansman discussing possible assassination attempts against President Johnson Vie? President Hilbert 11 Humphrey and Dr Manin Luther King Writer The House Committee on Un American Activities attributed the letter to Daniel Wagner who sat quietly at th? witness table as the document was read In it Wagner purportedly re counted that he and Mrs Eloise Witte a grand emprss of lhe klan in Ohio had also discussed the possibility of murdering husband and William II Monks an otlicia! of the National Assoc iation of the Ku Klux Klan 'the committee said the letter was addressed to Morris and was turned over to investiga tors by th? wile of an Ohio KKK official Tin1 proposal to kill King fell through when King's appearance Ohio conllictcd with an im portant Klan (enclave Tile letter indicated dial th' plans against Johnson and Hum phrey never got out ol the talk By DONALD MAY United Pi ess International SAIGON 'UPl' dent Hubert ferred with US ollieials todav hy helicopter on visit: hamlets near Saigon many Two Buildings On Spring BEAVER DAM WISCONSIN RIDAY EBRUARY 1 1" 19GG move in with friends and rela tives in the town of 600 The river crested Thursday Telephoto Assassination Letter Made Public Today City Plan Commission is Recommending Alley be Extended Proposal Hinges on Action of Common Council The Beaver Dam Plan Com mission is recommending to the Common Council ihtl lhe east west alley hae pi stores on the north side of the 10(1 block ol ront St be extended through to North Sjiiing Street 'J his action was taken during Thursday night's Plan Commis sion meeting The project would involve land and buddings pres ently owner! Ry the city and by essbe Inc a wholly owned sub sidiary of armers State Bank essbe Inc owns the Beaver Hotel building 113 North Spring St and the Schram Pait rick Hardware building 111 North Spring St while the city owns the parking lol off West Maple Ave west ol lhe armers State Bank The 16 foot alley behind lhe ront Street stoics would he ex tended through to North Spting by razing the hardware store building The bank would also raze the Hotel Beaver in the overall plan Schram and Paitriek plan Io continue to slay in bustness and are looking tor a new location Exchange Property This extension ot the alley to North Spring St would involve the exchange of the essbe own ed building at 114 North Spring St 33 feet by 103 feet for lhe city owned parking lol adjoining and east of Beaver Cleaners 36L feet by 105 fcet The present alley running from the middle of the block north to West Maple Ave would also be vacated and revert back to the owners on each side of the alley Everman vice pre ident of the armers State Bank said is the ultimate intent of lhe armers State Bank to raze the Beaver Hotel and to remove the second story of the building now occupied by Loewi and Co Inc J20 North Spring St This build ing would then be faced with lannon stone like that on the bank on the south and west sides "Undoubtedly the time table of essbe inc would approx imate that adopted by the city No del inile date lor tielion has been set" he added One Way Traffic The south side of lhe building at 120 North Spring St would be exposed by razing the adjoin ing building at 113 North Spring St The razing of the Heaver Hotel would include the over hang over the present alley but not that part over the leihig building which is located just wist ol the alley Included in the recommenda tion of the Plan Commission is one way traffic through the pro posed alley between North Spring and North Center streets The trallic flow would be to the west with no left turn into or out of the alley This proposal now binges on lhe approval of lhe Common Cotincil The recommendation will be made to (he council al the eb 21 meeting Two complaints involving thefts were reported to Beaver Dam olice Thursday Car Walter Lempke Markesan re ported to local police at 3:19 pm Thursday that his ear was missing from where it had hern parked at th? Lutheran Hospital lot Lem ke told police the keys were not in the vehicle The 1963 model Chevrolet was found parked on Elwell St shortly before 1:30 pm The Wisconsin Telephone Com pany also reported Io city police late Thursday afternoon that a coin operated telephone was stol en from the Econ Wash Laun dry 1305 Center St The phone was pried off the wall No estiinalcrvf the amount of money in the phone could be given MDIS( Th? gover nor's coinmillee on waler re sotireis voted 15 1 Thursday Io recommend crealion of a new slate agency to fight waler pol lution The group decided on the new agency which would be conti oi led by a thri mail board alter debaling whether to consolidate stale water management Hinc lions in a new depu linent or in a single existing agency Its Cither Action Oth eongres'ional news: Refugees: Edward Kenn ly D' Mass announced that llie I'niti'd Nations has agreed to look into the possibil ity ol expanding its i ole in help ing war refugees in South Viet Nam Kennedy made the an iContiinied on page MADISON (UPli charged with felonies tried as adults in lhe most law officers Racine Po lice Chif LeRoy Jenkins said Thursday Wisconsin's children's code should be changed unless judges allow more juveniles to Le tried in adult court the chid told a committee studying possible code changes Under the code persons iind('r 13 cannot be tried in adult courts unless a juvenile court judge waives jurisdiction Tlic Beaver School Distrct with PT A units will sponsor an "open house" al Wilson and Lin coln elementary schools and the Junior High and Senior High ad ditions on Sum lay eb 13 from to 3:30 A 12 page tabloid supplement on the lour schools is a part ol today's Daily t'ltizen Il shows pidures and explains lhe history ol lhe project Berners Schobcr and Kilp ol Green Bay were the ai chilecis tor lhe four school projects test and Knight of Columbus men in lhe state He will receive the award at the Beaver Dam KC's golden jubilee dinner program on April 17 according Io Edward 11 Beers grand knight of the spon soring Pope John XXH1 KC council Helfert becomes the sixth Cath olic layman in Wisconsin to re ceive this award since it was started in 1960 by the Beaver Dam Knights of Columbus The other recipients have teen: 1960 Vince Lombardi general man ager and coach of the Green Bay Packers 1961 Joseph Moser Milwaukee banker now deceased 1962 Ray Dvorak di rector of bands at the University of Wisconsin Madison: 1963 Blaine Walsh Milwaukee radio and television announcer and 1964 Leo Crowley Madison internationally known leader in industry government and church work Helfert is being cited for the many years he has worked with youth programs leadership in community civic and religious projects: dailv devotion Church: and work in the Knights of Columbus rom Kansas The 71 year old Kansas born newspaper editor gradual from Hoisington Kansas high school in 1913 lhe only boy in a class of thirteen He then taught elementary school in the rural area near his home until enrolling at Marquette Univer sity Milwaukee in 1916 His col lege education was interrupted hy World War 1 when he enlist ed in the Army in May 1913 during which time he serv ed with the 26lh Division in Italy ollowing the war he returned to Marquette in 1919 Helfert a Wisconsin man ager for United Press Interna tional before becoming editor of the Beaver Dam Daily Citizen in August 1926 He also worked for the Milwaukee Sentinel Ra cine Journal News and Sheboy gan Press During the years he has received seven National Salety Council citations for his (Continued on page It) School District Open House At New Buildings School Board OK Expansion Of Teaching Staff or 1966 67 Year GAYS MILLS Wis The worst appeared over today in southwestern Wisconsin flooded by one of the earliest thaws ever and the prospect of no more ram and colder was expected to speed to normalcy Cleanup Work I lari hit communities tackling cleanup work the swollen Kickapoo and rivers starting to recede cresting Thursday at four feet above flood stage at Gays Mills and Soldiers Grove Officials kept their lingers crossed that the early Hooding would spare the area of more severe damage later Col Leslie Harding of the Army Engi neers in St Paul toured the area with 11 staff members and said Hie moisture out of the way now may eliminate later we can only hope that it will" Joseph St rub of the Minneapo lis Weather Bureau described the Kickapoo waters as third highest crest in modern Elsewhere the unseasonably warm weather brought Hood conditions to all parts of the state Green Bay Hit In Green Bay city officials called for a Coast Guard ice breaker tn break up the the East River which about four feet out of its and causal 25 families evacuated ond du Lac experienced mi nor flooding because of an ice jam under a bridge spanning th? ond du Lac River Three families were evacuated in the Mishicot area of Manitowoc County where waters spilling over from the East Twin River damaged a small shopping cen New Offensive Worst APPears To Be Over In looded Areas By MICHAEL MALLOY United Press Internal ional SAIGON UPI) The US Army today opened a major new of fensive against the Viet Cong in coastal areas 300 miles northeast of Saigon The first wave of troops landing by helicopter was pinned down by enemy fire bitt air strikes and aitillery routed the Reds WASHINGTON (UP The Defense Department's week 31 ly casualty toll Thursday showed that as of Monday a total of 2005 service men had been killed in action in the Viet Nam war The figure was an increase of 103 over I previous week The combat fatality to tals by services were 1356 in the Army 421 in the Marine Corps 117 in the Air orce and Hl in the Navy total of Americans wounded in the conflict ap proached 10000 It was 9653 as of Monday comprising 6 442 in lhe Army 2555 in the Marine Corps in the Air orce and 275 in the Navy The tabulation showed that 161 Americans currently are missing an increase ol 12 over last week I'irst Strike The first strike was by battalion about 830 men' of the US Army's 1st Air Cavalry Division which was tlown into action near the village of Phu Xttan in "Operation Eagles a new phase an oper ation aimed at driving Viet Cong out of the Bong Son area The Vie: Coni! opi ned up with intense small arms and auto matic weapons lire which pin ned down the troops The Com munists also shot down a UII1D helicopter just east of the vil lage but the four man crew was rescued immediately and an other helicopter lilted the dam aged chopper out ol the area The earlier Masher White Wing Operation involving a divi sion of US Vietnamese and Inner Tube Transportation III mrigjr ill st? U' wUa 4 Winw st Theft Incidents I 3 5.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.