DA Pam 40-501, Army Hearing Program - [PDF Document] (2024)

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Department of the ArmyPamphlet 40–501

Medical Services


HeadquartersDepartment of the ArmyWashington, DC10 December 1998


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SUMMARY of CHANGEDA PAM 40–501Hearing Conservation Program

This revision --

o Outlines procedures to meet the requirements of AR 40-5 and AR 385-10 (para 1-4).

o Contains additional information about hearing loss and possible adverseaffects on combat effectiveness and readiness (chap 2).

o Requires consideration of ototoxic chemical (ear poison) exposures forprogram inclusion, particularly when in combination with marginal noiseexposures (para 3-3).

o Clarifies industrial hygiene roles to include providing a roster of names andsocial security numbers for noise-exposed individuals; providing the numberof noise-exposed military and civilian personnel to the Hearing ConservationProgram Manager; and maintaining a current inventory of all potentiallyhazardous noise areas and operations (chap 4).

o Requires that the noise-exposed personnel roster be updated at leastsemiannually by the responsible authority who develops and/or has readyaccess to personnel rosters (chap 4).

o Incorporates the requirement to use a 3-decibel time-intensity exchange ratefor the 8-hour time-weighted average sound level (chaps 4 and 6).

o Updates noise exposure criteria and time limits for using single- and double-hearing protection, based on the 3-decibel exchange rate (chap 6).

o Requires that disposable earplugs or noise muffs be available at all noise-hazardous sites (chap 6).

o Mandates the use of hearing protection attenuation data based on method B(subject fit) of American National Standards Institute Standard S12.6-1997(para 6-2).

o Mandates that all military personnel receive a reference audiogram at BasicTraining prior to noise exposure (para 7-2).

o Includes the implementation and use of the Defense Occupational HealthReadiness System, formerly known as the Occupational Health ManagementInformation System (chap 7).

o Modifies acceptable background noise levels for hearing conservationaudiometric test booths (table 7-1).

o Eliminates the use of age corrections for all hearing test calculations (chap7).

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o Includes the requirement to report Occupational Safety and HealthAdministration reportable hearing loss (para 7-7).

o Requires that all Defense Occupational Health Readiness System-HearingConservation data be forwarded to the DOD-wide corporate database (para 7-8).

o Enhances hearing conservation health education topics to also include themandatory requirement to wear protective equipment; use of administrativeactions for not wearing protective equipment; possible disqualification fromduties if hearing loss occurs; and use of hearing protection during off-duty,noise-hazardous activities (para 8-1).

o Expands command emphasis issues (para 9-1) and program effectivenessreporting requirements (para 10-3 c).

o Includes availability of forms prescribed by this pamphlet (app A, sec III).

o Modifies significant threshold shift criteria with the addition of ±15decibels at 1000, 2000, 3000, or 4000 hertz, either ear. The 10 decibelaverage at 2000, 3000, and 4000 hertz, either ear, remains in effect(glossary, sec II).

Use of trademarked names does not imply endorsem*nt by the U.S. Army, but isintended only to assist in identification of a specific product.

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HeadquartersDepartment of the ArmyWashington, DC10 December 1998

Medical Services

Hearing Conservation Program

*Department of the ArmyPamphlet 40–501

History. This printing publishes a revision ofthis publication. Because the publication has

been extensively revised, the changed portionshave not been highlighted.Summary. This pamphlet updates the U.S.A r m y H e a r i n g C o n s e r v a t i o n P r o g r a m r e -quirements prescribed by policy contained inDepartment of Defense Instruction 6055.12.Applicability. This pamphlet applies to theActive Army, Army National Guard, and theU.S. Army Reserve.P r o p o n e n t a n d e x c e p t i o n a u t h o r i t y .The proponent for this pamphlet is The Sur-geon General (TSG). TSG has the authorityto approve exceptions to this pamphlet thatare consistent with controlling law and regu-lation. TSG may delegate this authority inwriting, to a division chief within the Office

of The Surgeon General in the grade of colo-nel or the civilian grade equivalent.

Suggested Improvements. Users are in-vited to send comments and suggested im-p r o v e m e n t s o n D A F o r m 2 0 2 8(Recommended Changes to Publications andB l a n k F o r m s ) d i r e c t l y t o H Q D A( D A S G – H S Z ) , 5 1 0 9 L e e s b u r g P i k e , F a l l sChurch, VA 22041–3258.

Distribution. Distribution of this publica-tion is made in accordance with the require-ments on Initial Distribution Number (IDN)095302, intended for command level C forthe Active Army, the Army National Guardof the United States, and the U.S. Army Re-serve.

Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number)

Chapter 1Introduction, page 1Purpose • 1–1, page 1References • 1–2, page 1Explanation of abbreviations and terms • 1–3, page 1Implementing functions • 1–4, page 1Technical assistance • 1–5, page 2

Chapter 2Hearing Loss, page 2Influencing factors • 2–1, page 2Symptoms • 2–2, page 2Ramifications • 2–3, page 3Combat readiness effects • 2–4, page 3

Chapter 3Program Outline, page 3Conservation as a protective measure • 3–1, page 3Elements • 3–2, page 3Initiation • 3–3, page 3Waiving requirements • 3–4, page 3

Chapter 4Noise Hazard Identification, page 4Survey frequency • 4–1, page 4Survey equipment and calibration • 4–2, page 4Noise survey personnel • 4–3, page 4Determination of risk assessment codes • 4–4, page 4Post-survey procedures • 4–5, page 4Posting • 4–6, page 4

Chapter 5Engineering Controls, page 5Implementation • 5–1, page 5Control measures for existing equipment and facilities • 5–2,

page 5Control measures for new equipment and facilities • 5–3, page 5Follow-up • 5–4, page 5

Chapter 6Hearing Protectors, page 5Introduction • 6–1, page 5Protector requirements • 6–2, page 5Characteristics • 6–3, page 6Requisition • 6–4, page 7Special maintenance requirements • 6–5, page 7

Chapter 7Monitoring Audiometry, page 9Introduction • 7–1, page 9Personnel testing requirements • 7–2, page 9Testing equipment • 7–3, page 9Testing method • 7–4, page 10Diagnosis and referrals • 7–5, page 10Notification procedures for significant threshold shift • 7–6,

page 10Reporting OSHA reportable hearing loss • 7–7, page 10Recordkeeping • 7–8, page 10

Chapter 8Health Education, page 11Requirements • 8–1, page 11Educational materials • 8–2, page 11

*This pamphlet supersedes DA Pam 40–501, 27 August 1991.

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Chapter 9Enforcement, page 11Command emphasis • 9–1, page 11Performance standards • 9–2, page 11Compliance measures • 9–3, page 11Discipline • 9–4, page 12

Chapter 10Program Evaluation, page 12Requirements • 10–1, page 12External evaluations • 10–2, page 12Internal evaluations • 10–3, page 12

Appendix A. References, page 13

Table List

Table 3–1: Airborne high-frequency or ultrasonic noise limits,page 4

Table 3–2: Potential ototoxic chemicals, page 4Table 6–1: Hearing protectors1, page 8Table 6–2: Daily steady-state noise exposure limits with earplugs

and the Kevlar® helmet, page 9Table 6–3: Daily steady-state noise exposure limits with double

hearing protection, page 9Table 6–4: Earcup seals and filler: Federal supply system

replacement information, page 9Table 6–5: Earcup seals—commercial replacement information for

noise muffs and helmets, page 9Table 7–1: Allowable background noise levels for hearing

conservation audiometric test environments, page 11



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Chapter 1Introduction

1–1. PurposeThis pamphlet provides guidance and requirements for implement-ing the U.S. Army Hearing Conservation Program (HCP) at allfacilities controlled by the Department of the Army (DA), the U.S.Army National Guard, and the U.S. Army Reserve as established inAR 40–5, paragraph 5–16 and AR 385–10.

1–2. ReferencesRequired and related publications and prescribed and referencedforms used in this pamphlet are listed in appendix A.

1–3. Explanation of abbreviations and termsAbbreviations and special terms used in this pamphlet are explainedin the glossary.

1–4. Implementing functionsa. The installation commander—(1) Meets the requirements of AR 40–5, paragraph 5–16, and AR

385–10.(2) Issues a command emphasis letter (per AR 40–5, para 5–16)

endorsing the installation’s HCP.(3) Includes hearing conservation (per AR 40–5, para 5–16) as an

item of interest in the Command Inspection Program.b. The installation medical authority (per AR 40–5, para 5–16)—(1) Appoints an audiologist, where available, to act as the Hear-

ing Conservation Program Manager (HCPM) and to be a member ofthe installation’s Safety and Occupational Health Advisory Council.If an audiologist is unavailable, the installation medical authoritydesignates an individual from the occupational medicine staff (seeglossary) to act as the HCPM.

(2) Appoints an individual (per TB MED 503) to act as theIndustrial Hygiene Program Manager (IHPM).

(3) Ensures maximum use of the Military Occupational HealthVehicle, where available, to conduct monitoring audiometry per AR40–5.

(4) Ensures that a physician determines the diagnosis of noise-induced hearing loss. (See para 7–5a.)

(5) Notifies the immediate supervisor and civilian personnel offi-cer of an individual who has sustained a permanent hearing losswhich may endanger that individual and others.

(6) Maintains audiometric testing and noise exposure records.(See para 7-8.)

(7) Provides audiometric test records and noise exposure infor-mation on request. (See para 7–8.)

(8) Notifies appropriate personnel (individual and supervisor) ofa positive significant threshold shift (STS).

( 9 ) R e p o r t s O c c u p a t i o n a l S a f e t y a n d H e a l t h A d m i n i s t r a t i o n(OSHA) reportable hearing loss (RHL) for civilian personnel to thes a f e t y m a n a g e r a n d t h e O c c u p a t i o n a l H e a l t h P r o g r a m M a n a g e r(OHPM).

(10) Provides health education materials on request. (See chap 8.)(11) Analyses audiometric data, exposure data, and job classifica-

t i o n s t o i d e n t i f y w o r k a r e a s a n d c l a s s i f i c a t i o n s a s s o c i a t e d w i t ht h r e s h o l d s h i f t s r e g a r d l e s s o f s t a t i s t i c a l s i g n i f i c a n c e l e v e l , a n dn o t i f i e s a p p r o p r i a t e p e r s o n n e l ( s u p e r v i s o r , s a f e t y m a n a g e r , a n dIHPM).

c. The flight surgeon—(1) Monitor the fit and use of the SPH-4B and the HGU-56/P

aviator helmets and inspects helmet conditions per AR 95–1. (Seepara 6–5c(1).)

(2) Must provide or coordinate hearing conservation education.d. The safety manager (per AR 385-10)—(1) Inspects worksites to identify potential noise hazards and

refers these potential hazards to the installation IHPM for evalua-tion. (See para h below.)

(2) Includes noise-hazard abatement projects in the installationhazard abatement plan.

(3) Monitors wearing/use of hearing protective devices in identi-fied noise hazard areas and notifies the IHPM and employee/soldiersupervisor of non-compliance with hearing protection requirement.

(4) Records OSHA RHL as occupational illness (repetitive trau-ma) or as a one time acoustic trauma on the OSHA log of injuryand illness.

e. The civilian personnel officer—(1) Ensures that OH is included on in- and out-processing check-

lists for new, transferring, or terminating personnel. This alerts theinstallation medical authority of audiometric evaluations required forthese personnel.

(2) Coordinates with the IHPM to properly identify noise-hazard-ous positions for annotation on job descriptions. Ensures that appro-priate job descriptions include the requirement to wear personalprotective equipment, for example, hearing protectors and noisedosimeters when requested, and to report for scheduled medicalsurveillance.

(3) Informs the installation medical authority and safety managerof all workers’ compensation claims for hearing loss.

f. The Director of Engineering and Housing/Public Works/En-gineering and Logistics Operations—

(1) Erects and maintains noise hazard danger and caution signs(per AR 420–70 and the Safety Color Code Markings, Signs andTags Information Guide).

(2) Implements, whenever feasible (per AR 40–5), acoustical en-gineering control measures when exposures to noise exceed thecriteria of paragraphs 3–3a(1), (2) or (3).

g. The HCPM manages and coordinates all aspects of the HCPoutlined in this pamphlet (per AR 40–5). These responsibilitiesinclude—

(1) Drafting and staffing an installation memorandum of instruc-tion (MOI) detailing the HCP.

(2) Ensuring that medically trained personnel fit individuals withpreformed earplugs, and then examine individuals at least annuallyto ensure proper earplug condition and fit. (See para 6–3a.)

(3) Requisitioning and maintaining a supply of preformed ear-plugs. (See para 6-4.)

(4) Providing a pair of preformed earplugs and earplug carryingcase to all noise-exposed personnel. (See para 6–1c.)

(5) Ensuring that monitoring audiometry is performed using guid-ance provided in chapter 7 and U.S. Army Center for Health Promo-tion and Preventive Medicine (USACHPPM) Technical Guide (TG)167A (or latest approved manual).

(6) Providing health education annually according to chapter 8.( 7 ) C o n d u c t i n g u n a n n o u n c e d i n s p e c t i o n s o f n o i s e - h a z a r d o u s

areas. (See para 9–3c.)(8) Reporting program participation, quality assurance, and pro-

gram effectiveness/readiness measures. (See para 10–3.)(9) Training unit Hearing Conservation Officers (HCOs) in their

assigned duties.h. The IHPM (per AR 40–5 and TB MED 503)—(1) Surveys all known and suspected noise-hazardous areas and

equipment and ototoxic exposures at least once and within 30 daysof any change in operation using approved and calibrated equip-ment. (See para 4–1.)

(2) Performs an initial evaluation within 30 days of notificationof potential noise-hazardous or ototoxic work sites identified by thesafety manager per paragraph d(1) above.

( 3 ) E s t a b l i s h e s a n 8 - h o u r t i m e - w e i g h t e d a v e r a g e s o u n d l e v e l(TWA) for all civilians working in noise-hazardous areas and sol-d i e r s w o r k i n g i n n o i s e - h a z a r d o u s i n d u s t r i a l o p e r a t i o n s b y u s i n gguidance provided in USACHPPM TG 181.

(4) Maintains a current inventory of all noise-hazardous areasusing DD Form 2214 (Noise Survey), DD Form 2214C (NoiseS u r v e y ( C o n t i n u a t i o n S h e e t ) ) , a n d / o r t h e D e f e n s e O c c u p a t i o n a lHealth Readiness System-Hearing Conservation (DOHRS-HC). (Seepara 4-5a.)

(5) Provides, in writing, the names and social security numbersof noise-exposed and ototoxic-exposed personnel and the magnitudeof their noise exposure to—

(a) The HCPM. (See para 4–5b(1).)

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(b) The unit commander or supervisor of the individual. (Seepara 4–5b(4).)

(c) The OHPM.(6) Establishes risk assessment codes (RACs) (per AR 385-10)

and forwards noise survey results that indicate a violation to thedesignated safety and OH officials for inclusion on the violationinventory log.

(7) Establishes noise contours where appropriate and feasible andadvises unit commanders and supervisors on how to properly postthese contours.

(8) Notifies the civilian personnel officer of noise-hazardous andototoxic areas for inclusion in job descriptions.

i. Unit commanders or supervisors of noise-exposed personnel(per AR 40–5)—

(1) Appoint a unit HCO to—(a) Inspect helmets and noise muffs. (See paras 6–5c(1)(b) and

6–5d.)(b) Requisition and ensure an adequate supply of hearing protec-

tors, including helmets, noise muffs, and hand formed earplugs. (Seepara 6-4a.)

( 2 ) P r e p a r e a u n i t s t a n d i n g o p e r a t i n g p r o c e d u r e d e t a i l i n g t h eHCP.

(3) Purchase new equipment that generates the lowest noise lev-els and ototoxic exposures feasible. (See chap 5.)

(4) Notify the HCPM of any suspected hazardous noise levels orchanges in hazardous noise levels in work areas.

(5) Endorse the command emphasis letter highlighting the impor-tance of hearing conservation.

( 6 ) P r o v i d e a p p r o p r i a t e h e a r i n g p r o t e c t o r s , f r e e o f c h a r g e , t onoise-exposed personnel per AR 385–10.

( 7 ) E n s u r e t h a t n o i s e - e x p o s e d a n d o t o t o x i c - e x p o s e d p e r s o n n e lunder their supervision—

(a) Receive appropriate reference, 90-day periodic (at least annu-ally), and follow-up hearing tests.

( b ) A t t e n d a n n u a l h e a r i n g c o n s e r v a t i o n h e a l t h e d u c a t i o nbriefings.

(c) Follow recommendations from audiometric (hearing) exami-nations, medical evaluations, and noise/ototoxic surveys.

(d) Wear hearing protectors.(e) Report for scheduled medical examinations.(f) Are notified of their noise and ototoxic chemical exposure

levels.(g) Are allowed to choose from appropriate, approved hearing

protectors.(h) Report for termination hearing tests no later than 2 weeks

prior to termination of employment.(i) Wear noise and ototoxic chemical dosimeters when requested.(8) Ensure that all soldiers and noise-exposed civilians under

their supervision retain a pair of preformed earplugs and an earplugcarrying case as an item of individual equipment.

(9) Require noise-exposed soldiers (per AR 670–1) to wear theearplug carrying case with earplugs as part of the battle dress uni-form, when appropriate.

(10) Provide copies of regulations, technical bulletins, and otherhearing conservation documents to employees or their representa-tives on request.

(11) Ensure that noise-hazardous areas, vehicles, and equipmentare marked with proper danger and caution signs and decals. (Seepara 4-6a.)

(12) Post section 95, part 1910, title 29, Code of Federal Regula-tions (CFR) (29 CFR 1910.95). (See para 4–6b.) The standard isa v a i l a b l e t h r o u g h n o r m a l p u b l i c a t i o n c h a n n e l s a s D A P o s t e r40–501A (Occupational Noise Exposure Standard and Hearing Con-servation Amendment).

(13) Monitor the use of engineering controls. (See chap 5.)(14) Refer any personnel under their supervision to the military

treatment facility for any hearing problems or complaints associatedwith wearing hearing protectors.

(15) Initiate disciplinary action when appropriate.(16) Ensure (per AR 385-10), when applicable, that the following

procedures are included in military and civilian supervisors’ per-formance standards/support forms where applicable, to—

(a) Enforce the use of personal protective equipment.(b) Ensure that employees report for scheduled medical examina-

tions per paragraph 9–2.j. Noise-exposed personnel (per AR 40–5)—(1) Correctly wear approved and properly fitted hearing protec-

tors when exposed to hazardous noise. (See para 6–2.)(2) Report for all scheduled hearing conservation medical exami-

nations and health education briefings.(3) Report any hearing or hearing protector problems to their

supervisor.(4) Maintain hearing protectors in a sanitary and serviceable con-

dition. (See para 6–5.)(5) Wear noise and ototoxic chemical dosimeters to evaluate ex-

posure, when requested.(6) Keep hearing protection readily available at the job site.

1–5. Technical assistancea. The USACHPPM’s HCP provides technical assistance in the

following areas:(1) Noise abatement and acoustical engineering consultations.(2) HCP support and consultations.(3) DOHRS-HC support.(4) Hearing conservation training.(5) Program data profiles.(6) Health hazard assessments of new materiel.(7) Telephonic consultations.(8) Health education materials.(9) Marketing strategies.(10) Professional committee representation.b. Technical assistance may be obtained by—( 1 ) W r i t i n g t h r o u g h c o m m a n d c h a n n e l s t o C o m m a n d e r ,

U S A C H P P M , 5 1 5 8 B l a c k h a w k R o a d , A T T N : M C H B – T S – C H C ,Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5403.

( 2 ) S e n d i n g e l e c t r o n i c m a i l t o t h e f o l l o w i n g a d d r e s s :“#[emailprotected]”.

Chapter 2Hearing Loss

2–1. Influencing factorsHigh-intensity noise PERMANENTLY injures the hearing mecha-nism. The effects of steady-state and impulse noise on hearing varyamong individuals.

a. Steady-state noise effects depend on—(1) Frequency and intensity.(2) Intermittent or continuous exposure.(3) Exposure duration.(4) Individual susceptibility.b. Impulse noise effects depend on—(1) Peak pressure.(2) Duration of individual impulses.(3) Number of impulses per exposure period.(4) Frequency content.(5) Angle of incidence.(6) Rise time of impulse.(7) Individual susceptibility.

2–2. Symptomsa. Individuals with a noise-induced hearing loss may be unaware

of the loss and may not have any communication problems when inquiet listening situations. However, in noisy environments such ascombat, hearing becomes significantly more difficult and can ad-versely impact communication and mission readiness. The earlystage of noise-induced hearing loss is characterized by reducedhearing sensitivity at frequencies above 2000 Hertz (Hz). Othersymptoms may include—

(1) Tinnitus (a ringing sensation).

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(2) Temporary muffling of sound after exposure to noise.(3) Sensation of fullness in the ear(s).(4) Increased stress and fatigue.b. Continued, unprotected exposures to hazardous noise can pro-

duce a marked loss in the ability to communicate. This is caused byh e a r i n g l o s s t h a t w i l l p r o g r e s s i n t o t h e m i d d l e a n d l o w e rfrequencies.

c. Individuals with a high-frequency noise-induced hearing lossmay complain that although they hear people talk, they cannotalways understand what is being said.

2–3. Ramificationsa. Noise is one of the most common health hazards soldiers and

civilians face in the workplace and during training. The most dan-gerous occupational and recreational noise is from firing weapons.

b. Exposure to high-intensity noise may cause hearing loss thatcan adversely affect combat effectiveness and soldier readiness.Noise-induced hearing loss is—

(1) Painless.(2) Progressive.(3) Permanent.(4) Preventable (in most instances).(5) One of the most prevalent OH impairments for soldiers and

civilians who work for the military.(6) A compensable disability.c. For military personnel, AR 40–501, AR 611–101, and AR

611–201 prescribe the relationship between hearing requirementsand functional capability. For DA civilian employees, loss of hear-ing is not in and of itself a contraindication for assignment to noise-hazardous work provided they are protected against further hearingimpairment.

2–4. Combat readiness effectsThe following anecdotes demonstrate the importance of hearing inoffensive and defensive missions.

a. In offensive operations, hearing is necessary to perform thefollowing:

(1) Localizing snipers. Enemy snipers can be located by weaponreport in the absence of observed muzzle flashes.

(2) Locating patrol members as part of situational awareness.When on night patrol, especially during a new moon, patrol mem-bers are often guided more by sound than by vision.

(3) Determining the position, number, and type of friendly andenemy vehicles. Soldiers are able to tell the difference betweenthreat and friendly armor (mechanized vehicles). Additionally, deter-mining the number and location of enemy vehicles is critical to thesuccessful completion of the mission.

(4) Determining types of booby traps. There are different soundsgenerated from various types of trip wires. The sound generatedfrom a trip wire pulling the pin from a grenade is different from thesound of a pressure-activated explosive. In the instance of the gre-nade, quick movement away from the area is required. In the case ofthe pressure-activated device, the soldier must maintain pressure onthe trip wire, until the explosive is deactivated.

b. In defensive positions, the soldier may need to—(1) Hear the activation of perimeter alarms where movement acti-

vates remote sensing devices and sounds an alarm.(2) Hear enemy movement through leaves, grass, and twigs. Ex-

perts have long recognized that the high-frequency nature of thesesounds requires relatively normal hearing to detect them.

c. For both offensive and defensive missions, good hearing isessential and required to—

(1) Determine enemy location from the sounds of wildlife, load-ing cartridges, removing safety locks, and clipping barbwire. Theproximity of the enemy can be determined by the cessation of birdcalls in the upper canopy of the jungle. The presence of birds in thelower canopy may mean that human refuse from the enemy isnearby.

(2) Hear radio messages and verbal orders. Most military radiosclip both high- and low-frequency sounds. A soldier with a hearing

loss has more difficulty communicating on the radio and can con-f u s e s i m i l a r s o u n d i n g v e r b a l o r d e r s , s u c h a s d i g i t s i n a g r i dcoordinate.

(3) Aid in small arms accuracy and weapon identification. Sol-diers on pistol and rifle teams are aware of the advantage of wearinghearing protection while firing small arms. Wearing hearing protec-tion increases accuracy by reducing the tendency to flinch at thei m p a c t o f t h e w e a p o n . G o o d h e a r i n g c a n h e l p w i t h s u c c e s s f u lweapon identification. (For example, soldiers need to be able todiscriminate the difference in sound between the M16 and the AK47rifle.)

Chapter 3Program Outline

3–1. Conservation as a protective measureThe U.S. Army HCP protects the employee from hearing loss due tooccupational noise exposure.

3–2. ElementsThe essential elements of an HCP include—

a. Noise hazard identification (chap 4).b. Engineering controls (chap 5).c. Hearing protectors (chap 6).d. Monitoring audiometry (chap 7).e. Health education (chap 8).f. Enforcement (chap 9).g. Program evaluation (chap 10).

3–3. Initiationa. Personnel will be enrolled in a comprehensive HCP when they

are exposed to—(1) Steady-state noise with a TWA of 85 A-weighted decibels

(dBA) or greater. (This criterion applies only to energy in theaudible range up to 16000 Hz).

(2) Impulse noise of 140 decibels, peak measurement (dBP) orgreater.

(3) Airborne high-frequency or ultrasonic noise, regardless ofduration, in any of the one-third octave bands exceeding the cor-responding value listed in table 3–1.

(4) Known or suspected ototoxins.b. Excessive exposures to a workplace ototoxin (ear poison) can

on its own result in hearing loss. See table 3–2 for the potentialototoxic chemicals. In combination with noise exposure, even mar-ginal noise exposures, ototoxins can have a synergetic impact onhearing, producing more damage than a higher exposure to eitherhazard. Activities where noise and ototoxins often combine include,but are not limited to—

(1) Painting.(2) Printing.(3) Boat building.(4) Construction.(5) Furniture making.(6) Manufacturing of metal, leather, and petroleum products.

3–4. Waiving requirementsa. Implementation of all available hearing conservation measures

is not necessary in certain circ*mstances. For example—(1) Visitors in noise-hazardous areas must wear hearing protec-

tors, but they do not need monitoring audiometry.(2) In certain situations, noise levels rise infrequently and un-

predictably to 85 dBA or greater for very short durations (for exam-ple, aircraft fly-overs). In this situation, hearing protectors may beimpractical and unnecessary.

b . B e f o r e w a i v i n g a n y p r o g r a m r e q u i r e m e n t s , t h e i n s t a l l a t i o nmedical authority—

(1) Performs a thorough noise-hazard evaluation of the area.

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( 2 ) C o n s i d e r s a l l f a c t o r s t h a t m a y p o t e n t i a l l y c a u s e h e a r i n gimpairment.

Table 3–1Airborne high-frequency or ultrasonic noise limits

One-third octave band center One-third octave band level infrequency, kilohertz (kHz) decibels (dB)

10 8012.5 8016 8020 10525 11031.5 11540 11550 115

Table 3–2Potential ototoxic chemicals

ArsenicCarbon disulfideCarbon monoxide*CyanideLead and derivativesManganeseMercury and derivativesN-hexaneStoddard solventStyrene*Trichlorethylene*Tolulene*Xylene*

Notes:*High-priority ototoxins

Chapter 4Noise Hazard Identification

4–1. Survey frequencyAs part of the Industrial Hygiene (IH) Program, the IHPM—

a. Conducts noise surveys of all suspected noise-hazardous areas,vehicles, and equipment at least once and within 30 days of anychange in operations.

b. Determines the TWA for all Department of Defense (DOD)civilian employees routinely working in hazardous noise areas andmilitary personnel working in hazardous noise industrial-type opera-tions at least once and within 30 days of any change in operationsaffecting noise levels.

c. Visits each potentially noise-hazardous area at least once ayear to fulfill requirements of AR 385–10, chapter 4.

4–2. Survey equipment and calibrationa. To survey steady-state noise, use a sound level meter that

meets or exceeds the requirements for a Type 2 sound level meterper American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standard S1.4-1983 and S1.4A-1985 Amendment (or latest approved standard).( S e e a p p A f o r d e t a i l s o n h o w t o o b t a i n c o p i e s o f A N S Ipublications.)

b. Determine the TWA using guidance provided in USACHPPMTG 181. When measuring the TWA, use a noise dosimeter with thecapability of measuring dBA slow response and of integrating allsound levels from 80 to 130 dB using a 3-dB time-intensity ex-change rate. Dosimeters must meet or exceed specifications in thelatest approved ANSI Standard S1.25–1991.

c. To survey impulse noise, use a sound level meter that meets or

exceeds specifications in ANSI Standard S1.4–1983 and S1.4A-1985 Amendment (or latest approved standard) and has—

(1) A peak-hold circuit.(2) A rise time not exceeding 35 microseconds.( 3 ) T h e c a p a b i l i t y o f m e a s u r i n g p e a k s o u n d p r e s s u r e l e v e l s

(SPLs) exceeding 140 dBP.d. The equipment necessary to survey airborne high-frequency

and ultrasonic noise is not usually available at installations. For thistype of support, request technical assistance per paragraph 1–6.

e. To evaluate noise for engineering controls or for detailed hear-ing protector studies, use an octave band analyzer. For this type ofmeasurement, request technical assistance per paragraph 1–6.

f. Use only the acoustic calibrator recommended by the noisedosimeter or sound level meter manufacturer to verify before-and-after calibrations (within plus or minus 1 dB) of the sound levelmeter or dosimeter on the day measurements are taken.

g . T h e s o u n d l e v e l m e t e r , n o i s e d o s i m e t e r , a n d t h e a c o u s t i ccalibrator must receive an annual comprehensive calibration includ-ing checks of frequency response, internal noise, meter circuits,microphone and amplifier sensitivity. Submit calibration require-ments on a DA Form 3758–R (Calibration and Repair RequirementsWorksheet) to the medical equipment calibration coordinator.

4–3. Noise survey personnelOnly personnel trained in the use of noise measurement equipmentmay perform noise surveys. Guidance for performing noise surveysis provided in USACHPPM TG 181.

4–4. Determination of risk assessment codesa. Trained U.S. Army Medical Department (AMEDD) personnel

shall assign a RAC to all potentially hazardous noise areas andoperations.

b. The risk of each individual hazard in an operation, includingnoise, must be considered. USACHPPM TG 181 contains the proce-dures for assigning RACs to operations. The RACs are used as partof the installation hazard abatement plan.

4–5. Post-survey proceduresa. Evaluators must use the DOHRS-HC and/or the DD Form

2 2 1 4 a n d D D F o r m 2 2 1 4 C t o i d e n t i f y h a z a r d o u s n o i s e s u r v e yresults.

b. The IHPM—(1) Notifies the HCPM about survey results and provides a roster

of individuals who are exposed to hazardous noise by name andcomplete social security number.

(2) Provides the HCPM with the number of noise-exposed mili-tary and civilian personnel for the specific calendar year at leastonce a year. This is required to determine HCP participation and isreported to the DOD.

(3) Provides information copies of IHPM survey results to theunit HCO and installation safety manager.

(4) Notifies the unit commander or supervisor, in writing, aboutthe—

(a) Magnitude of noise exposure based on a TWA for civilianemployees working in noise-hazardous areas and for soldiers work-ing in noise-hazardous industrial operations.

(b) Results of noise hazard evaluations for subsequent notifica-tion to employees.

(c) Compliance with hearing conservation requirements includinguse of hearing protection.

(5) Maintains a current inventory of all potentially hazardousn o i s e a r e a s a n d o p e r a t i o n s t o i n c l u d e , m i n i m a l l y , n o i s e l e v e l s ,RACs, and the types of control measures used.

c. The responsible authority who develops and/or has ready ac-cess to personnel rosters (for example, the IHPM or supervisors andunit commanders) must update the noise-exposed personnel roster atleast semiannually.

4–6. Postinga. The unit commander or supervisor ensures that danger and

caution signs and decals comply with the color-coding and size

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specifications in the Safety Color Code Markings, Signs and TagsInformation Guide. (See app A.)

(1) Signs. Although the Director of Engineering and Housingerects and maintains signs per AR 420–70, the unit commander orsupervisor ensures that DANGER or CAUTION signs are posi-tioned at entrances and on the periphery of potentially noise-hazard-ous areas, where they are most visible.

(2) Decals. The unit commander or supervisor ensures that decalsare attached to potentially noise-hazardous equipment and vehiclesaccording to the Safety Color Code Markings, Signs and Tags Infor-mation Guide.

b. The unit commander or supervisor posts 29 CFR 1910.95 ina l l i n d u s t r i a l , n o i s e - h a z a r d o u s a r e a s . T h e s t a n d a r d i s a v a i l a b l ethrough normal publication channels as DA Poster 40–501A. Modi-fication or local reproduction of DA Poster 40–501A is not allowed.

c. The IHPM ensures applicable 85 dBA and 140 dBP noisecontours are established and advises the unit commander or supervi-sor where to locate contour signs.

Chapter 5Engineering Controls

5–1. Implementationa. The most desirable hearing conservation measure is reducing

noise levels at their source and eliminating harmful health effects.Implementation is generally feasible, if technologically and opera-tionally practicable and cost effective.

b. In some instances, the implementation of engineering controlsrequires funding which is rank ordered on the installation hazardabatement plan per AR 385–10 and TB MED 503. In other in-stances, simple maintenance of the equipment, vehicles, or facilitieswill eliminate or control the hazard.

5–2. Control measures for existing equipment andfacilitiesUse engineering controls, whenever feasible, to reduce steady-statenoise levels below 85 dBA and impulse noise levels below 140dBP. If these levels cannot be met, then reduce noise to the maxi-mum extent possible. The industrial hygienist, after consulting withan acoustical engineer (if appropriate), may recommend the follow-ing noise-control measures:

a. Maintain equipment by—(1) Replacing or adjusting worn, loose, or unbalanced machine

parts.(2) Correctly lubricating machine parts.(3) Shaping and sharpening cutting tools.b. Substitute machines by replacing—(1) Smaller, faster machines with larger, slower ones.(2) Single operation dies with step dies.(3) Hammers with presses.(4) Square shears with rotating shears.c. Substitute processes by replacing—(1) Impact riveting with compression riveting.(2) Riveting with welding.(3) Cold working with hot working.(4) Rolling or forging with pressing.d. Control vibration and impact by—(1) Using suitable vibration isolation.(2) Avoiding resonant frequencies.(3) Varying mass.(4) Varying stiffness.(5) Increasing damping.(6) Reducing the driving force on vibrating surfaces.(7) Reducing the area of the vibrating surface.e. Reduce sound transmission through solids by using—(1) Flexible (vibration isolation) mountings.(2) Flexible sections in pipe runs or ducts.(3) Flexible shaft couplings.

(4) Resilient flooring.f. Reduce sound produced by air or gas flow by—(1) Using intake and exhaust mufflers.(2) Designing fan blades to reduce turbulence.(3) Substituting smaller high-speed fans with larger low-speed

fans.g. Isolate noise sources by—(1) Enclosing individual machines.(2) Using baffles.(3) Confining high-noise machines to sound-treated rooms.h. Isolate the operator by providing a sound-treated booth.i. Use electronic noise cancellation technology.

5–3. Control measures for new equipment and facilitiesa. Specifications for all new facilities, vehicles, equipment, sub-

s t a n t i a l m o d i f i c a t i o n p r o j e c t s , w e a p o n s y s t e m s , a n d s u b s y s t e m sshould include acoustics. The objective shall be to ensure, if possi-ble, a steady-state level less than 85 dBA at all personnel locationsduring normal operations.

b . P r o c u r i n g n e w e q u i p m e n t , v e h i c l e s , o r f a c i l i t i e s o f f e r s t h eideal opportunity to implement noise controls. The tactically quietgenerator (TQG) program represents one of the most successfulapplications of this approach. The TQG and detailed specificationsc a n b e o r d e r e d b y a c c e s s i n g t h e w o r l d - w i d e w e b a t h t t p : / /www.pmmep.org. Safe noise limits can be inserted into both themission need statement and into equipment specifications as a per-formance requirement. The following paragraph may be used in theprocurement document.“The noise level at the operator’s head posi-tion shall not exceed 80 dBA when the equipment is operating in itsnoisiest operating mode. Noise measurements made to demonstratecompliance with this specification shall be made with the equipmentinstalled on a hard, acoustically reflective surface. (Note: If known,specify the exact location of the operator’s head position.)”

c. Meeting the above noise limits may be beyond the state-of-the-art for the type of equipment or vehicle being procured, but this isusually not known until after contractors bid. In such cases, thelowest noise levels must be accepted, even if above 80 or 85 dBA.However, inserting noise limits in the procurement specificationsi n c r e a s e s t h e p r o b a b i l i t y o f r e c e i v i n g q u i e t e r e q u i p m e n t a n dvehicles.

5–4. Follow-upThe IHPM evaluates the results of the engineering controls.

Chapter 6Hearing Protectors

6–1. Introductiona. All personnel working in, or visiting, potentially noise-hazard-

ous areas must have hearing protectors with them at all times.b. Hearing protectors consist of earplugs, noise muffs, ear canal

caps, noise-attenuating helmets, or a combination of these. TheSurgeon General (TSG) has approved the hearing protectors listed intable 6–1 for use by DA personnel. Personnel may select the type ofprotector they desire, unless their selection is medically contraindi-cated or inappropriate for a particular noise-hazardous environment.

c. Hearing protectors are issued at no charge to all personnelworking in potentially noise-hazardous areas. An earplug carryingcase (national stock number 6515–01–100–1674) must also be pro-vided at no charge with each set of preformed earplugs. This casecan also be used for hand-formed earplugs.

6–2. Protector requirementsa. Civilians and soldiers working in or visiting industrial-type

operations.(1) For steady-state noise levels of—(a) 85 dBA, regardless of duration, to TWA of 103 dBA, person-

nel must wear single hearing protection. The requirement to wearhearing protectors may be waived only if the TWA is well below 85

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dBA (for example, 82 dBA TWA) or the uniform requirement towear single hearing protectors in an area does not enhance the HCPo b j e c t i v e s . R e f e r t o p a r a g r a p h 3 - 4 f o r m o r e d e t a i l e d w a i v e rconsiderations.

(b) Greater than 103 dBA TWA and up to and including 108dBA TWA, personnel must wear double hearing protection. (Seepara 6–2c for further guidance.)

(c) Greater than 108 dBA TWA, exposure is not permitted. Ad-ministrative controls, such as limiting noise exposure time, must beused. Exception: The 108 dBA TWA limit may be increased ifindicated through the calculation of the effectiveness of the specifichearing protector and the particular noise environment using OSHA-approved calculation methods. Attenuation data based on method B(subject fit) of ANSI S12.6–1997 will be used to evaluate thepotential effectiveness of hearing protectors. Request technical as-sistance per paragraph 1–5.

(2) For impulse noise levels, follow the requirements of (1)(c)above.

b. Military-unique equipment.(1) Through the DA health hazard assessment (HHA) program

per AR 40–10, TSG evaluates military-unique equipment, such astactical items and weapons entering the inventory.

(2) Hearing protection requirements for these items use a moreprecise and less conservative set of guidelines and are defined aspart of the HHA for the item. The applicable user’s documents, suchas TGs, should contain these requirements and may differ from therequirements in this paragraph.

c. Soldiers in training, noncombat or nonindustrial scenarios.(1) For steady-state noise levels, use the hearing protection rec-

ommendations defined as part of the HHA process discussed in babove, where available. If the HHA analyses are not available, usethe hearing protection requirements of a above as general guidance.Since there is no requirement to perform noise dosimetry on soldiersengaged in military activities, TWA data will probably be unavail-able. The following guidance, which is not time-weighted dBAnoise levels, may be used.

(a) Greater than or equal to 85 dBA, but less than or equal to 103dBA, personnel must wear single protection.

(b) Greater than 103 dBA, but less than or equal to 108 dBA,personnel must wear earplugs and noise muffs or noise attenuatinghelmets in combination (that is, double hearing protection). Excep-tion: If the operation requires the Kevlar® infantryman’s helmet andcompatible noise muffs are not available, personnel must wear ear-plugs and comply with the time limits for daily noise exposure intable 6–2.

(c) Greater than 108 dBA, but less than or equal to 129 dBA,personnel must wear double hearing protection and comply with thetime limits on daily exposure in table 6–3.

(d) Greater than 129 dBA, TSG must approve exposure.(2) For impulse noise levels, the hearing protection requirements

are weapon-specific and are established through the HHA process.The following guidelines should be used for situations where theweapon-specific evaluation has not been made or for non-weaponimpulse noise:

(a) Less than 140 dBP, personnel may wear hearing protectors ifdesired.

(b) 140 to 165 dBP, personnel must wear hearing protection.(c) Greater than 165 dBP, but less than or equal to curve Z per

MIL–STD 1474D, requirement four, figure 4–1, personnel mustwear earplugs in combination with noise muffs or a noise-attenuat-ing helmet.

(d) Greater than curve Z, TSG must approve exposure.d. Combat scenarios. In combat, soldiers—(1) Should wear hearing protectors, especially when firing weap-

ons or riding in noisy vehicles or aircraft. Hearing protectors im-prove readiness and prevent permanent and temporary thresholdshifts which impair the ability to communicate and detect quiet orlow level combat sounds.

(2) Should NOT wear hearing protectors when they impair neces-sary hearing, for example, with dismounted infantry operations.

6–3. Characteristicsa. Earplugs.( 1 ) P r e f o r m e d e a r p l u g s a r e t r i p l e - o r s i n g l e - f l a n g e e a r p l u g s .

Medically trained personnel must fit and examine these earplugs atleast annually to ensure proper fit and condition.

(a) Triple-flange earplugs are usually the first type of earplugthat medically trained personnel attempt to fit. If these do not fitproperly, the individual must be fitted with another type of earplug.

(b) Single-flange earplugs take more time to fit but are useful fordifficult-to-fit cases, such as crooked or exceptionally small or largeear canals.

(2) Approved hand-formed earplugs are made of polyvinyl foam.These earplugs do not require medical fitting and are disposable. Ifcleaned regularly, foam earplugs can be used until they becomediscolored or disfigured. DO NOT use foam earplugs if hazardousmaterials, such as solvents or grease, can be transferred from thehand to the ear via the earplug.

(3) Employees may use custom earplugs ONLY if they cannot beproperly fitted with approved hearing protectors or if a customdevice is required for special circ*mstances. Only audiologists, ear-nose-and-throat specialists, or AMEDD-credential personnel maytake impressions of the ear. Medically trained personnel must exam-ine the fit and condition of custom earplugs at least annually.

(4) The Army shall provide preformed or custom-molded musi-cians’ earplugs to Army band members. Medically trained personnelmust examine the fit and condition of the musician’s earplugs atleast annually. Band unit funds will be used to purchase musician’searplugs.

b. Ear canal caps. Ear canal caps are only appropriate for shortor intermittent exposures where noise levels are 95 dBA or less. Earcanal caps are not as effective in attenuating noise as earplugs ornoise muffs.

c. Noise muffs. In some situations, using noise muffs is impracti-cal. Noise muffs are incompatible with certain types of requiredheadgear and are unsatisfactory in warm temperatures or limitedspace areas where earplugs or ear canal caps are preferred. To beeffective, noise muffs must be worn with—

(1) The headband adjusted for a snug fit.(2) A crown strap, if provided with Type II noise muffs when the

headband is worn in back of the head or under the chin.(3) Earcup seals that fit snugly around eyeglass temples. Even

small leaks will permit noise to enter the ear canal.(4) The proper foam lining in place. (Do not remove or add foam

or cotton to the linings of noise muffs, even when cleaning. Thiswill change the attenuation characteristics of the noise muff.)

d. Helmets. Aviator helmets (SPH–4B or HGU–56/P and thecombat vehicle crewman (CVC) helmet (DH–132 or the vehicularintercommunication system CVC) will provide head protection andmaximum noise attenuation when—

(1) Fitted correctly.(2) Worn with securely fastened chin straps.(3) Worn with properly maintained earcup seals and chin straps.e. Earcup seals and acoustic filler. Noise muffs, headsets, and

n o i s e - a t t e n u a t i n g h e l m e t s i n t h e F e d e r a l s u p p l y s y s t e m m a y b eequipped with an additional set of earcup seals. Replace earcupseals in hearing protectors when torn, punctured, or hardened (fromage or perspiration) to maintain a comfortable fit and adequate noiseattenuation. Some manufacturers also allow the acoustic filler intheir noise muffs to be replaced once the filler starts to degrade.This is determined by visual and tactile observation. If the foamstarts to crumble or tear when rubbed, it should be replaced. Replac-ing the acoustic filler is needed to maintain adequate noise attenua-tion. If the filler cannot be replaced, then new noise muffs arerequired. See tables 6–4 and 6–5 for replacement information.

f. Other. Do NOT use hearing aids (either vented or in the “on”mode) and noise muffs with built-in radios designed for recreationallistening in place of, or with, approved hearing protectors. Thepotential for increased hearing loss exists under these conditions.

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Sound levels from radio headphones pose potential auditory andsafety hazards.

6–4. Requisitiona. The unit HCO—(1) Requisitions hearing protectors from the HCPM within the

installation using the information given in table 6–1. Requisitiononly those hearing protectors described in the publications listed inthe footnotes to table 6–1.

(2) Must maintain an adequate supply of hand-formed (foam)earplugs for visitors not possessing preformed earplugs.

(3) May obtain noise muffs through commercial sources as wellas through the Federal supply system.

b. The installation HCPM must maintain a supply of all threesizes of triple-flange earplugs and all five sizes of single-flangeearplugs at sites with personnel trained in their fit and use. All otherfacilities identified as noise hazardous shall requisition disposableearplugs and/or noise muffs.

6–5. Special maintenance requirementsThe following are specific requirements for the care and use ofhearing protectors:

a. Preformed earplugs.(1) Clean with a mild soap, rinse thoroughly, and dry before

returning to the earplug carrying case.(2) Do NOT alter the earplugs in any manner.b. Hand-formed earplugs.(1) Always wash hands with soap and water before inserting

plugs in ears.(2) Do NOT alter the earplugs. For example, cutting them in half

decreases the amount of noise reduction provided to the wearer.c. Helmets.(1) SPH–4B and HGU–56/P aviator helmets:(a) The flight surgeon monitors for fit and use according to AR

95–1.( b ) T h e u n i t H C O m u s t i n s p e c t s e m i a n n u a l l y t o d e t e r m i n e

whether the helmets, including earcup seals and chin straps, need tobe serviced and must replace unserviceable seals.

(2) CVC helmets:(a) The unit HCO must fit and inspect semiannually to determine

whether the helmets, including earcup seals and chin straps, need tobe serviced and must replace unserviceable seals.

(b) These helmets are items of individual issue.d. Noise muffs. The unit HCO inspects the condition of noise

muffs, including earcup seals and foam lining, semiannually to—(1) Determine whether the noise muffs need to be serviced.(2) Replace unserviceable seals.

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Table 6–1Hearing protectors 1

RequisitionType of protector publication2 Nomenclature National stock number Available sizes/models

Single–flange A and B Earplug, hearing protection, 6515–00–442–4765 extra small (white)earplugs3 single-flange, 24s 6515–00–467–0085 small (green)

6515–00–467–0089 medium (orange)6515–00–442–4807 large (blue)6515–00–442–4813 extra large (red)

Triple-flange A and B Earplug, hearing protection, 6515–00–442–4821 small (green)earplugs3 triple-flange, 24s 6515–00–442–4818 medium (orange)

6515–00–467–0092 large (blue)

Foam earplugs A and B Earplug, hearing protection,yellow/white, 400s


Ear canal caps A and B Ear canal caps, hearing protection 6515–00–392–0726 Willson Model 10™

6515–01–149–4133 Aearo Co. Model™

6515–01–059–1821 Willson Model 20™4

Noise muffs A Aural protector, sound Type II 4240–00–022–2946

Headsets A Noise attenuating headset/microphone 5965–00–168–9624

Communications aural protectivesystem (CAPS) with passivenoise reduction (PNR)


CAPS without microphone, withPNR/active noise reduction


CAPS with microphone, with PNR 5965–01–385–7813

Artillery communications aural protectivesystem (ACAPS) with PNR/active noisereduction


ACAPS, Type A, (no connection tointercom), PNR


ACAPS, Type B, PNR 5965–01–388–4181

Commercial grade headset 5965–01–387–1950

Helmets A Helmet, flyer’s, crash type 8415–01–308–5359 regular(SPH–4B) 8415–01–308–5360 extra large

Helmet, combat vehicle crewman’s 8415–00–094–2679 small(CVC) (DH–132) helmet 8415–00–094–2691 medium

8415–00–094–2684 large

CVC headset (Helmet liner for 5965–01–397–7542 smallvehicular intercommunication system) 5965–01–398–1551 medium

5965–01–397–7544 large

Flyer’s crash type (HGU–56/P) helmet 8415–01–394–8032 extra, extra small8415–01–394–8033 extra small8415–01–394–8036 small8415–01–394–8034 medium8415–01–394–8035 large8415–01–394–6474 extra large

Earplug carryingcase

A Earplug carrying case 6515–01–100–1674

™Willson Model 10 is a trademark of Willson, PO Box 622, Reading, PA 19603.™Aearo Co. Model is a trademark of Aearo Company, 90 Mechanic St., Southbridge, MA 01550.™Willson Model 20 is a trademark of Willson, PO Box 622, Reading, PA 19603.

Notes:1 AR 385–10, paragraph 6–2, gives the authority for purchase and issue.2 A = Federal Logistics Data on Compact Disk.

B = CTA 8–100.3 Requisition requires approval of HCO.4 Can be worn under the chin and behind the head only.

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Table 6–2Daily steady-state noise exposure limits with earplugs and theKevlar® helmet

dBA Time limit per day

106 4 hours109 2 hours112 1 hour115 30 minutes118 15 minutes121 7.5 minutes124 3.75 minutes

Notes:Kevlar® is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company,1007 Market St., Wilmington, DE 19898.

Table 6–3Daily steady-state noise exposure limits with double hearingprotection

dBA Time limit per day

111 4 hours114 2 hours117 1 hour120 30 minutes123 15 minutes126 7.5 minutes129 3.75 minutes

Table 6–4Earcup seals and filler: Federal supply system replacementinformation

Helmet type Designation National stock number

SPH–4B Aviator Seal, Plain 8415–00–143–8577

DH–132 CVC Seal, Plain 5965–00–135–0505

HGU–56/P Aviator Cushion, Ear 8415–01–074–1622

High Performance Navy, Seal, Dome 4240–00–979–4040Type I Noise Muff

High Performance Navy, Filler, Dome 5965–00–674–5379Type I Noise Muff

Table 6–5Earcup seals—commercial replacement information for noisemuffs and helmets

Manufacturer/address/phone* Noise muff model Earcup seal model/number comments

Aearo Company (formerly 1720 Fits all types: 85622American Optical andCabot Safety Corporation)90 Mechanic StreetSouthbridge, MA 01550(508) 764–5500 or1–800–678–4163

David Clark Co., Inc. E310 (Type II) Fits all typesPO Box 15054 9AN–2 18316G–02 (pair)360 Franklin Street All communication 18316G–03 (case)

Table 6–5Earcup seals—commercial replacement information for noisemuffs and helmets—Continued

Manufacturer/address/phone* Noise muff model Earcup seal model/number comments

Worcester, MA headsets01615–0054(508) 756–6216

Dalloz Safety (formerly 365 (Willson) EM 304Willson Safety and 7308 (Bilsom) 2310Bilsom)PO Box 622 10 pairs (box)ATTN: Government Sales 100 pairs (carton)Reading, PA 19603(610) 376-6161

Notes:*Use of manufacturer names does not imply endorsem*nt by the U.S. Army butis intended only to assist in identification of a specific product.

Chapter 7Monitoring Audiometry

7–1. IntroductionMonitoring audiometry detects changes in an individual’s hearingsensitivity. This information identifies individuals who are highlysusceptible to noise-induced hearing loss and evaluates the effec-tiveness of the HCP.

7–2. Personnel testing requirementsa. ALL soldiers, regardless of noise exposure, must receive refer-

ence and termination audiograms. All military personnel shall re-c e i v e a r e f e r e n c e a u d i o g r a m a t B a s i c T r a i n i n g , p r i o r t o n o i s eexposure.

b. Reference audiograms for new civilian personnel with a poten-tial for hazardous noise exposure must be performed as soon aspossible, but not later than 30 days after initial exposure.

c. ALL noise-exposed and/or ototoxically exposed military andcivilian personnel must receive reference, 90-day, annual, and termi-nation audiograms. Follow-up hearing tests, 1 and 2, must also beprovided, if required. Deaf civilians working in noise-hazardousareas must have reference and termination audiograms.

d. Termination audiograms must be conducted as part of out-processing or when a worker is going to stop working in a desig-nated noise-hazardous area. If an STS should occur and to allowtime for follow-up testing, all termination audiograms for militaryand civilian personnel should be conducted at least 2 weeks prior tod e p a r t u r e f r o m G o v e r n m e n t s e r v i c e . P e r s o n n e l m o v i n g t o o t h e rDOD jobs involving hazardous noise exposure do not require at e r m i n a t i o n a u d i o g r a m , u n l e s s t h e y c h a n g e D O D a n d / o r s e r v i c ecomponents.

7–3. Testing equipmenta. The DOHRS audiometer is the only authorized audiometer for

use within the HCP. The DOHRS (formerly known as the Occupa-tional Health Management Information System), provides input toDOD-wide OH data bases. The DOHRS-HC module can completeup to eight hearing tests simultaneously and can also be used as amanagement tracking and reporting tool. The DOHRS audiometer—

(1) Automates hearing tests and the completion of test forms.(2) Must have an annual, comprehensive electroacoustical cali-

bration, as well as daily calibration and function checks to validatehearing test thresholds. USACHPPM TG 167A (or latest approvedmanual) provides the instructions for completing these requirements.

b. The noise levels within the hearing test environment must notexceed those shown in table 7–1. The HCO, industrial hygienist, or

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personnel from the appropriate Army calibration facility must evalu-ate the test environment on an annual basis using equipment confor-ming to—

( 1 ) A t l e a s t t h e T y p e 1 r e q u i r e m e n t s o f t h e A N S I S t a n d a r dS 1 . 4 – 1 9 8 3 ( R 1 9 9 7 ) a n d S 1 . 4 A – 1 9 8 5 A m e n d m e n t ( o r l a t e s t a p -proved standard).

(2) The order three extended range requirements of the latestANSI Standard S1.11–1986 (R 1993).

c. Ventilation systems in audiometric test booths must provideadequate air exchange for patient comfort and acceptable soundlevels for valid audiometric testing.

d. Do not paint the interior of audiometric test booths. Paintingt h e m e t a l f a c e c o v e r i n g w i l l i n t e r f e r e w i t h i t s n o i s e - r e d u c i n geffectiveness.

7–4. Testing methoda. A physician, an audiologist, or an audiometric technician who

is certified by the Council for Accreditation in Occupational Hear-ing Conservation or who has completed the equivalent militarytraining must administer audiometric tests. In addition, audiometrictechnicians must administer audiometric tests under the supervisionof a physician or an audiologist.

(1) For assistance in obtaining audiometric technician training,contact U.S. Army Medical Center (MEDCEN) or U.S. Army Medi-cal Activity (MEDDAC) audiologists, or Commander, USACHPPM,5158 Blackhawk Road, ATTN: MCHB–TS–CHC, Aberdeen Prov-ing Ground, MD 21010–5403.

(2) For locally-sponsored training programs, the course directorm u s t o b t a i n c e r t i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r s t h r o u g h t h e C o m m a n d e r ,U S A C H P P M , 5 1 5 8 B l a c k h a w k R o a d , A T T N : M C H B – T S – C H C ,Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010–5403, for those individualssatisfying all course requirements.

b . M e d i c a l l y t r a i n e d p e r s o n n e l s h a l l r e m o v e a n y e x a m i n e e ’ shearing aids and comply with USACHPPM TG 167A (or latestapproved manual) when administering all aspects of monitoringaudiometry with the DOHRS-HC, including completion of—

(1) DD Form 2215 (Reference Audiogram).(2) DD Form 2216 (Hearing Conservation Data).(3) DD Form 2217 (Biological Audiometer Calibration Check).(4) Dispositions/referrals.(5) Non-hearing conservation hearing tests.c. The DOHRS software will automatically determine whether an

STS is present and will print this information on the DD Form2216. If an STS is noted, the software and corresponding applicabledocumentation will provide further instructions. Note: Age correc-tions no longer apply to this calculation.

d . T h e D O H R S s o f t w a r e w i l l a u t o m a t i c a l l y d e t e r m i n e i f a nOSHA RHL is present and will provide disposition instructions.Age corrections do not apply to this calculation.

e. Upon completion of the audiogram—(1) The examiner will explain the results of the hearing test to

the individual.(2) The individual must sign the DD Form 2216 to acknowledge

that the test results were explained in the case of an STS.(3) A physician, audiologist, or audiometric technician who is

certified by the Council for Accreditation in Occupational HearingConservation or who has completed the equivalent military trainingw i l l r e v i e w t h e a u d i o g r a m f o r v a l i d i t y a n d p r o p e r p a t i e n tdisposition.

7–5. Diagnosis and referralsa. Diagnosis. Only physicians may diagnose noise-induced hear-

ing loss. They should use all reasonable methods of differentialdiagnosis. These methods include, but are not limited to—

(1) An investigation of the individual’s medical history with par-ticular attention given to auditory history including any previoushearing tests.

(2) Pure-tone air conduction results.(3) Pure-tone bone conduction results.(4) Speech reception thresholds.

(5) Speech discrimination results.( 6 ) A c o u s t i c - i m m i t t a n c e t e s t i n g , i n c l u d i n g a c o u s t i c r e f l e x

measurements.(7) Masking, when indicated.(8) Otoacoustic emissions, if applicable.b. Funding for referral services.(1) Military and civilian personnel receive required diagnostic

referrals from in-house military treatment facilities, other Service’smilitary treatment facilities, or civilian health care providers. Fund-ing responsibility rests with the MEDDAC or MEDCEN per AR40–3.

(2) In compensation claims—(a) If a civilian employee receives referral services from a non-

AMEDD source to determine compensation, AND a compensationclaim is awarded, the Army’s medical authority is responsible forthe cost of the diagnostic evaluation.

(b) If a compensation claim is NOT awarded, the individual isresponsible for the cost of the evaluation.

7–6. Notification procedures for significant threshold shifta. When a positive STS is discovered on a periodic test, the

individual and his or her supervisor will be notified immediately, inwriting, that a possible change has occurred in his or her hearingand that follow-up testing is required.

b. When a positive STS is confirmed on the second follow-uphearing test, the HCPM or designee notifies—

(1) The employee, in writing, within 21 days after completion ofthe audiogram.

(2) The employee’s immediate supervisor and the unit HCO.(3) The OH nurse for inclusion in any OH reports.(4) The Safety and Occupational Health Advisory Council. (See

AR 385–10.)

7–7. Reporting OSHA reportable hearing lossAR 385–40 requires separate logs be maintained for recording mili-tary and civilian personnel occupational illnesses and injuries.

a. The Log of Federal Occupational Injuries and Illnesses or anequivalent log at the installation level is used for civilian employees.

b. DA Form 285 (U.S. Army Accident Report) is used for mili-tary personnel.

c. When an OSHA RHL occurs, the HCPM must notify both thee m p l o y e e a n d t h e e m p l o y e e ’ s i m m e d i a t e s u p e r v i s o r , i n w r i t i n g ,within 21 days after completion of the hearing test identifying theOSHA RHL.

d. Within 6 workdays of this written notification—(1) The civilian employee and the employee’s supervisor must

complete either of the following forms:(a) A Department of Labor (DOL) Form CA–1 (Federal Employ-

ee’s Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim for Continuation of Pay/Compensation). This is only used in cases of acoustic trauma, thatis, a one-time accident.

(b) A DOL Form CA–2 (Notice of Occupational Disease andClaim for Compensation).

(2) Military personnel and their unit commander must completethe DA Form 285.

e. Completing the DOL Form CA–1 or 2 does not require that aclaim for compensation be filed unless the employee desires.

f. When completed, all forms (DOL Form CA–1, DOL FormCA–2, and DA Form 285) must be sent to the safety and/or OHoffices. If illness logs are maintained by the OH office and injurylogs are maintained by the safety office, copies of both logs will beavailable at either location for employee review.

g. Any civilian hearing loss claims that are controverted or other-wise challenged shall be logged. Claims denied by the Office ofWorkers’ Compensation Programs may be deleted from a log.

7–8. Recordkeepinga. All DOHRS-HC data will be forwarded to the DOHRS DOD-

wide corporate database semi-annually, for each calendar year, asfollows:

(1) 1 January through 15 July—due by 1 August.

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(2) 1 July through 31 December—due by 1 February.b. On request, the installation medical authority—(1) Provides copies of an employee’s audiometric test and noise

exposure records to the employee, former employee, people desig-nated in writing by the employee to receive the records, and repre-s e n t a t i v e s d e s i g n a t e d b y t h e A s s i s t a n t S e c r e t a r y o f L a b o r f o rOccupational Safety and Health per 29 CFR 1910.95(m)(4).

(2) Ensures that all DD Forms 2215, DD Forms 2216, hearingtests, and dispositions/referrals are included in the individual’s med-ical record per AR 40–66. In addition, all noise exposure documen-tation shall also be a permanent part of the individual’s medicalrecord.

(3) Ensures that audiometric and noise exposure records are re-tained for the duration of the individual’s enlistment or employmentand an additional 30 years per AR 25–400–2.

Table 7–1Allowable background noise levels for hearing conservationaudiometric test environments

Octave band center Octave band levels in dB re: 20frequencies micropascals (µPa)

500 271000 292000 344000 398000 41

Chapter 8Health Education

8–1. RequirementsThe HCPM or designee must provide hearing conservation healtheducation at least annually to ALL noise-exposed personnel. Instruc-tion will cover—

a. The effects of noise on hearing.b. The purpose, advantages, disadvantages, and attenuation of

various types of hearing protectors.c. The selection, fit, care, and use of hearing protectors.d. The purpose and procedures of audiometric evaluations.e. The structure and elements of the HCP.f. The mandatory requirement to wear assigned protective equip-

ment and the administrative actions which may follow for failure todo so.

g. The use of hearing protection during noise-hazardous, off-dutyactivities.

8–2. Educational materialsOn request, the installation medical authority provides hearing con-servation health education materials such as—

a . P o s t e r s , f i l m s , p a m p h l e t s , r e c o r d i n g s , a n d s l i d e s a v a i l a b l ethrough commercial sources.

b. Films and videotapes from local audiovisual support centers.Complete DA Form 4103–R (Visual Information (VI) Product LoanOrder) to order the following:

(1) “Prevention of Hearing Loss” (TF 8–4602), also available inv i d e o t a p e a n d a p p l i c a b l e t o m i l i t a r y p e r s o n n e l ( 2 2 m i n u t e s i nlength).

( 2 ) “ T h e S o u n d o f S o u n d ” ( M F 8 – 5 8 1 0 ) , a l s o a v a i l a b l e i nvideotape (16.4 minutes in length).

( 3 ) “ S t i c k I t i n Y o u r E a r ” ( M F 8 – 1 3 0 7 7 ) , a l s o a v a i l a b l e i nvideotape and applicable to civilian personnel.

(4) “Hear Here! Hearing Conservation for the Good Life” (TVT2 0 – 6 3 2 , P I N N o . 7 0 6 0 1 7 D A ) , a v i d e o t a p e a i m e d a t c i v i l i a nemployees.

(5) “Sounds of Combat” (TVT 8–170, PIN No. 707370DA), avideotape oriented to soldiers (8 minutes in length).

(6) “Hearing Protection” (TVT 20–878, PIN No. 708562DA), avideotape applicable to both civilian and military personnel (10.35minutes in length).

c. “The Prevention of Hearing Loss” pamphlet and USACHPPMTG 175 are available in quantities of 20 or less by writing to thea d d r e s s i n a p p e n d i x A . A d d i t i o n a l c o p i e s m a y b e r e p r o d u c e dlocally.

d. DA Posters 40–501A through 40–501M covering topics suchas earplugs, ear canal caps, noise muffs, graphic representations ofh e a r i n g l o s s f r o m o c c u p a t i o n a l n o i s e e x p o s u r e a n d a g i n g , a n da u d i o m e t r i c i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r h e a r i n g t e s t s . T h e y a r e a v a i l a b l ethrough normal publication channels. Modification or local repro-duction is not permitted.

e. Requests for additional hearing conservation health educationm a t e r i a l s s h o u l d b e m a d e t o C o m m a n d e r , U S A C H P P M , 5 1 5 8B l a c k h a w k R o a d , A T T N : M C H B – T S – C H C , A b e r d e e n P r o v i n gGround, MD 21010–5403. (See para 1–5b.)

Chapter 9Enforcement

9–1. Command emphasisThe unit commander or supervisor of personnel working in noise-hazardous areas should endorse—

a. The installation commander’s command emphasis letter ex-plaining the importance of the HCP.

b. The installation HCP MOI.c. Wearing of the earplug carrying case as part of the battle dress


9–2. Performance standardsa. Supervisors or unit commanders must ensure that the follow-

ing responsibilities are included in first-line civilian supervisor’sperformance standards per AR 385–10—

(1) Enforce the use of hearing protectors. (These are listed undera generic designation of personal protective devices.)

( 2 ) E n s u r e t h a t e m p l o y e e s r e p o r t f o r s c h e d u l e d m e d i c a lexaminations.

b. The military supervisor’s officer evaluation report or enlistede v a l u a t i o n r e p o r t , w h e n a p p l i c a b l e , s h o u l d a l s o i n c l u d e t h e s eresponsibilities.

c. Supervisors or unit commanders must ensure that the followingresponsibilities are included in the noise-exposed military or civilianemployee’s performance standards—

(1) Use of hearing protection, as required.(2) Attends medical surveillance, as required.

9–3. Compliance measuresa. Supervisors of noise-hazardous areas must—(1) Enforce the mandatory use of hearing protectors. Take disci-

plinary action as appropriate for non-compliance.( 2 ) E n s u r e t h a t e m p l o y e e s r e p o r t f o r s c h e d u l e d m e d i c a l

examinations.b. The safety manager will—(1) Conduct unannounced inspections of noise-hazardous areas to

e n s u r e c o m p l i a n c e w i t h a n d e n f o r c e m e n t o f h e a r i n g p r o t e c t o rrequirements.

( 2 ) R e p o r t r e s u l t s t o t h e H C P M , I H P M , a n d t h e e m p l o y e e s ’supervisor.

c. The HCPM will—(1) Conduct unannounced inspections of noise-hazardous areas to

e n s u r e c o m p l i a n c e w i t h b o t h H C P a n d h e a r i n g p r o t e c t o rrequirements.

(2) Report inspection results through command channels to theinstallation commander, the unit commander, the unit HCO, thesafety manager, and the IHPM.

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d. The IHPM will inspect noise-hazardous areas to ensure com-pliance with HCP and hearing protector requirements during bothannounced and unannounced IH surveys.

9–4. Disciplinea. If a civilian employee violates hearing protector requirements

or fails to comply with audiometric evaluation procedures, the su-pervisor will discuss disciplinary actions with appropriate membersof the civilian personnel office staff. The provisions of AR 690-700,outlining penalties for various offenses, may apply. Additionally,major Army command or activity regulations and policies or collec-tive bargaining agreements may apply.

b. If military personnel violate hearing protector requirements orfail to comply with audiometric evaluation procedures, the chain ofcommand will apply the appropriate disciplinary action.

Chapter 10Program Evaluation

10–1. RequirementsEach installation’s HCP is evaluated by both external and internalsources to assess program effectiveness.

10–2. External evaluationsThe HCP at USACHPPM—

a. Conducts installation hearing conservation management con-sultations. These management consultations provide on-site assis-tance to the installation HCPM. The consultation includes—

(1) Reviewing the current program status.(2) Providing on-site assistance.(3) Discussing recommendations for the seven elements of an

HCP listed in paragraph 3–2.b. Conducts DOHRS-HC consultation visits. These visits concen-

trate on the function and local use of the DOHRS. InstallationDOHRS-HC data base records are reviewed, and assistance is pro-vided to enhance program support, effectiveness, and participation.

10–3. Internal evaluationsThe DOHRS-HC module allows the HCO to evaluate program par-ticipation, quality assurance, and program effectiveness. The 29CFR 1960.78, Subpart J requires that an annual self-assessment beperformed. Program evaluation requirements are as follows:

a. Program participation.(1) Preparing program participation reports by using the DOHRS-

HC.(2) Reporting the following through the installation medical au-

thority to the installation commander—(a) The number of employees who are referred to the program,

b u t w h o d o n o t p a r t i c i p a t e i n m o n i t o r i n g a u d i o m e t r y , a t l e a s tquarterly.

(b) The number of employees who comply with the program, atleast annually.

b. Quality assurance.(1) Generating quality assurance reports using the DOHRS-HC.(2) Reporting quality assurance measures to the installation medi-

cal authority at least twice a year. These measures include—( a ) P r e f o r m e d e a r p l u g s i z i n g d i s t r i b u t i o n s , i n c l u d i n g d i f f e r e n t

earplug sizes for each ear. These reports help monitor earplug fittingprocedures.

(b) Distributions of the types of hearing protectors issued andused. This information helps monitor the appropriate variety ofavailable protectors.

(c) The prevalence of negative STS. This helps monitor the qual-ity of reference audiograms.

c. Program effectiveness/readiness indicators.(1) Generating program effectiveness reports using the DOHRS-

HC.(2) Reporting local hearing loss prevalence figures through the

installation medical authority to the installation commander, at leastannually. These figures include—

(a) Positive STS on annual hearing tests for military personnel.(b) Positive STS on the second follow-up hearing tests for mili-

tary personnel.(c) Positive STS on annual hearing tests for civilians.( d ) P o s i t i v e S T S o n t h e s e c o n d f o l l o w - u p h e a r i n g t e s t s f o r

civilians.(e) Positive STS on annual hearing tests by unit.(f) Positive STS on the second follow-up hearing tests by unit.( g ) P o t e n t i a l o r a s s i g n e d m i l i t a r y h e a r i n g p r o f i l e s ( a p r i m a r y

readiness indicator).(h) Potential civilian hearing loss compensation costs.d . A s s i s t a n c e . P r o g r a m e v a l u a t i o n a s s i s t a n c e i s a v a i l a b l e i n

USACHPPM TG 167B (or latest approved manual).

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Appendix AReferences

Section IRequired Publications

ANSI S1.4–1983Specification for Sound Level Meters. (Cited in paras 4–2a, 4–2c,and 7–3b(1).) (Note: Copies of ANSI publications are availablefrom the American National Standards Institute Incorporated, 120Wall Street, 32nd Floor, New York, NY 10005–3993.)

ANSI S1.4A–1985Amendment to ANSI S1.4–1983. (Cited in paras 4–2a, 4–2c, and7–3b(1).)

ANSI S1.11–1986 (Reaffirmed 1993)Specification for Octave-Band and Fractional-Octave-Band Analogand Digital Filters. (Cited in para 7–3b(2).)

ANSI S3.6–1989Specification for Audiometers. (Cited in glossary.)

ANSI S12.6–1997Methods for Measuring the Real-Ear Attenuation of HearingProtectors. (Cited in para 6–2a(1)(c).)

AR 40–5Preventive Medicine. (Cited in paras 1–1, 1–4a(1), 1–4a(2),1–4a(3), 1–4b, 1–4b(3), 1–4f(2), 1–4g, 1–4h, 1–4i, and 1–4j.)

AR 95–1Flight Regulations. (Cited in paras 1–4c(1) and 6–5c(1)(a).)

AR 385–10The Army Safety Program. (Cited in paras 1–1, 1–4a(1), 1–4d,1–4h(6), 1–4i(6), 1–4i(16), 4–1c, 5–1b, 7–6b(4), 9–2a, and table6–1.)

AR 420–70Buildings and Structures. (Cited in paras 1–4f(1) and 4–6a(1).)

AR 690–700Personnel Relations and Services (General). (Cited in para 9–4a.)

TB MED 503The Army Industrial Hygiene Program. (Cited in paras 1–4b(2),1–4h, and 5–1b.)

Unnumbered PublicationSafety Color Code Markings, Signs and Tags Information Guide.(Cited in paras 1–4f(1), 4–6a, and 4–6a(2).) (Copies are availablefrom the U.S. Army Safety Center, ATTN: CSSC–SM, Fort Rucker,AL 36362–5363.)

Section IIRelated PublicationsA related publication is merely a source of additional information.The user does not have to read it to understand this pamphlet.

29 CFR 1910.95OSHA Occupational Noise Exposure Standard and HearingConservation Amendment.

29 CFR 1960.78, Subpart JEvaluation of Federal Occupational Safety and Health Programs.

ANSI S1.25–1991Specification for Personal Noise Dosimeters.

AR 25–400–2The Modern Army Recordkeeping System (MARKS).

AR 40–3Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Care.

AR 40–10Health Hazard Assessment Program in Support of the ArmyMateriel Acquisition Decision Process.

AR 40–66Medical Record Administration.

AR 40–501Standards of Medical Fitness.

AR 385–40Accident Reporting and Records.

AR 611–101Commissioned Officer Classification System.

AR 611–201Enlisted Career Management Fields and Military OccupationalSpecialties.

AR 670–1Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia.

CTA 8–100Army Medical Department Expendable/Durable Items.

DA Poster 40–501AOccupational Noise Exposure Standard and Hearing ConservationAmendment.

DA Poster 40–501BFoam Earplugs.

DA Poster 40–501CFor Maximum Protection and Comfort, Insert Single-FlangeEarplugs as Follows:

DA Poster 40–501DFor Maximum Protection and Comfort, Insert Triple-FlangeEarplugs as Follows:

DA Poster 40–501EEarplug Seating Device and Carrying Case.

DA Poster 40–501FEar Muffs: General Information.

DA Poster 40–501GEar Canal Caps: General Information.

DA Poster 40–501HEarplugs: General Information.

DA Poster 40–501IAudiometric Instructions.

DA Poster 40–501JNoise-Induced Hearing Loss and Its Effects.

DA Poster 40–501KHow Tough Are Your Ears? (Hearing Loss from OccupationalNoise Exposure).

DA Poster 40–501LHow Old Are Your Ears? (Hearing Loss from Aging).

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DA Poster 40–501MWell-Fitted and Properly Inserted Earplugs.

DODI 6055.12DOD Hearing Conservation Program (HCP).

MIL–STD 1474DDepartment of Defense Design Criteria, Noise Limits.

Unnumbered PublicationPrevention of Hearing Loss Pamphlet. (Copies of this publicationare available from the Commander, USACHPPM, 5158 BlackhawkRoad, ATTN: MCHB–TS–CHC, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD21010–5403.)

USACHPPM TG 167AHearing Evaluation Automated Registry System (HEARS)Audiometer Operation Manual. (USACHPPM Technical Guides areavailable from the Commander, USACHPPM, 5158 BlackhawkRoad, ATTN: MCHB–CS–IDD, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD21010–5403.)

USACHPPM TG 167BHEARS Manager’s Module Manual.

USACHPPM TG 175Guide to Hearing Conservation for Unit Commanders andSupervisors.

USACHPPM TG 181Noise Dosimetry and Risk Assessment.

Section IIIPrescribed FormsThe forms in this section are available on the Army ElectronicLibrary CD-ROM and the USAPA website.

DD Form 2214Noise Survey. (Prescribed in paras 1–4h(4) and 4–5a.)

DD Form 2214CNoise Survey (Continuation Sheet). (Prescribed in paras 1–4h(4) and4–5a.)

DD Form 2215Reference Audiogram. (Prescribed in paras 7–4b(1) and 7–8b(2).)

DD Form 2216Hearing Conservation Data. (Prescribed in paras 7–4b(2), 7–4c,7–4c(2), and 7–8b(2).)

DD Form 2217Biological Audiometer Calibration Check. (Prescribed in para7–4b(3).)

Section IVReferenced Forms

DA Form 285U.S. Army Accident Report.

DA Form 3758–RCalibration and Repair Requirements Worksheet.

DA Form 4103–RVisual Information (VI) Product Loan Order.

DOL Form CA–1Federal Employee’s Notice of Traumatic Injury and Claim forContinuation of Pay/Compensation.

DOL Form CA–2Notice of Occupational Disease and Claim for Compensation.

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Section IAbbreviations

ACAPSA r t i l l e r y c o m m u n i c a t i o n s a u r a l p r o t e c t i v esystem

AMEDDU.S. Army Medical Department

ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute

CAPSCommunications aural protective system

CFRCode of Federal Regulations

CVCCombat vehicle crewman


dBAA-weighted decibel

dBPpeak decibel

DODDepartment of Defense

DOHRSD e f e n s e O c c u p a t i o n a l H e a l t h R e a d i n e s sSystem

DOHRS-HCDefense Occupational Health Readiness Sys-tem-Hearing Conservation

DOLDepartment of Labor

HCOHearing Conservation Officer

HCPHearing Conservation Program

HCPMHearing Conservation Program Manager

HHAhealth hazard assessment


IHindustrial hygiene

IHPMIndustrial Hygiene Program Manager


MEDCENU.S. Army Medical Center

MEDDACU.S. Army Medical Activity

MOImemorandum of instruction

OHoccupational health

OSHAO c c u p a t i o n a l S a f e t y a n d H e a l t hAdministration

OHPMOccupational Health Program Manager

PNRpassive noise reduction

RACrisk assessment code

RHLreportable hearing loss

SPLsound pressure level

STSsignificant threshold shift

TB MEDTechnical bulletin, medical

TGtechnical guide

TQGtactically quiet generator

TSGThe Surgeon General

TWA8-hour time-weighted average sound level

USACHPPMU.S. Army Center for Health Promotion andPreventive Medicine


Section IITerms

AudiogramA record of audibility thresholds, for eachear, at specific pure-tone test frequencies.

AudiometerAn instrument for measuring hearing thresh-olds. Only audiometers that conform to ther e q u i r e m e n t s a n d s p e c i f i c a t i o n s o f A N S IStandard S3.6–1989 are permitted for use bythe DA, to include the Army National Guardand the U.S. Army Reserve.

Change in operationsAny increase in the number of noise-exposedemployees and/or any technological changesin the work environment (for example, pro-duction line modifications, building renova-t i o n s , a d d i t i o n a l o r r e d u c e d n u m b e r s o fnoise-hazardous equipment per 29 CFR 1910.95(d)(3)).

DeafnessThe otological condition in which the hearingt h r e s h o l d l e v e l f o r s p e e c h o r t h e a v e r a g ehearing threshold level for pure tones at 500,1000, and 2000 Hz is at least 93 dB bilateral-ly. This condition is generally accepted asrepresenting 100 percent hearing handicap forhearing everyday speech.

DecibelA unit of measurement used to express SPL.The dB level of a sound is related to thelogarithm of the ratio of sound pressure to areference pressure. The dB has meaning onlywhen the reference quantity is known. Theinternationally accepted reference pressure inacoustics is 20 µPa which corresponds to 0dB. This value is used in the most currentacoustical literature. In the past, other units,including 20 micronewtons per square meter,0 . 0 0 0 2 m i c r o b a r , a n d 0 . 0 0 0 2 d y n e s p e rsquare centimeter, all physically equivalent to20 µPa, have been used.

dBASound pressure level measured with a soundlevel meter set to the A-weighted networkand which meets the ANSI S1.4–1983 re-q u i r e m e n t s . T h e A - w e i g h t i n g n e t w o r k r e -duces the contribution of lower frequencies,w h i c h a r e o f l e s s c o n c e r n f o r h e a r i n gconservation.

dBPUnit used to express the peak SPL of impulsenoise. It is equal to 20 times the commonlogarithm of the ratio of the highest instanta-neous sound pressure to a reference pressureof 20 µPa.

8-hour time-weighted average sound levelA measure of the severity of the employee’sworkday noise environment. The TWA is anexpression of the constant noise level, meas-ured in dBA, which can potentially producethe same hearing damage over an 8-hour pe-riod, as the actual workday noise exposure.The TWA is always computed as if the TWAnoise level is present for an 8-hour workshift, whether or not the workday noise lastsfor 8 hours. Because the TWA is a measureof the noise environment, it does not reflectthe effects of any hearing protection worn byemployees. Implicit in the TWA is a 3–dBtime-intensity exchange rate.

HertzUnit of measure for frequency, numericallyequivalent to cycles per second.

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Impulse noiseA short burst of acoustic energy consisting ofeither a single impulse or a series of im-pulses. The pressure-time history of a singleimpulse includes a rise of 40 dB or more in 1second or faster to a peak pressure, followedby a somewhat slower decay of the pressureenvelope to ambient pressure, both occurringwithin 1 second. When the intervals betweenimpulses are less than 500 milliseconds, then o i s e i s c o n s i d e r e d c o n t i n u o u s , e x c e p t f o rshort bursts of automatic weapons fire whichare considered impulse noise.

Industrial Hygiene Program ManagerThe individual designated to execute the in-s t a l l a t i o n ’ s I H p r o g r a m a c c o r d i n g t o T BMED 503.

Installation medical authorityT h e u n i t / c o m m a n d s u r g e o n , M E D D A C /M E D C E N c o m m a n d e r , o r t h e D i r e c t o r o fHealth Services who is designated as the leadmedical officer for the installation concerned.

NoiseI n t h e n o n - t e c h n i c a l s e n s e , a n y u n w a n t e dsound. Noise may be steady, either a puretone or a combination of tones, or it mayconsist of one or more impulses. The term isusually applied to sounds having a complexcharacter with numerous separate frequencycomponents extending over a wide range off r e q u e n c i e s a n d n o t g e n e r a t e d t o c o n v e ymeaning or information.

Noise contourBoundary area, where hearing protectors arerequired.

Noise doseThe ratio of the severity of a noise environ-ment to the severity of exposure to 85 dBAf o r 8 h o u r s p e r d a y , e x p r e s s e d a s apercentage.

Occupational medicine staffAn OH physician, audiologist, OH nurse, in-dustrial hygienist, radiation protection officer,optometrist, and technicians of each specialtyarea.

OSHA reportable hearing lossPresent when an individual has an increase inhearing thresholds ≥ 25 dB for the average of2000, 3000, and 4000 Hz in either ear, ascompared to the individual’s original (first)baseline hearing test. It is reported one timeand is not reported again until there is anadditional increase of ≥ 25 dB for the aver-age of 2000, 3000, and 4000 Hz, in the sameear as the previous increase, or if there is achange in hearing ≥ 25 dB for the average of2000, 3000, and 4000 Hz in the other ear, ascompared to the original baseline. For exam-ple, if the first OSHA RHL is reported in1995 and an additional average increase of25 dB does not appear until 1998, the OSHARHL would only be reportable in 1995 and1998, NOT the intervening years.

Peak pressure levelThe highest instantaneous pressure reachedduring an impulse noise event and expressedin dB. For Army hearing conservation pur-poses, peak pressure levels are unweighted;that is, a weighting network is not used whenmeasurements are taken.

Potentially hazardous noiseExposure to steady-state noise having a TWAof ≥ 85 dBA. Also, exposure to impulse/impact noise levels ≥ 140 dBP.

Potentially hazardous noise areaAny work area where personnel are likely tobe exposed to sound levels ≥ 85 dBA forsteady-state noise or impulse noise levels ≥140 dBP.

PressureAs used in acoustics, refers to the change inthe instantaneous pressure relative to the am-bient atmospheric pressure.

Reference audiogramThe first audiogram obtained (and available)upon entrance to active military service oremployment with the DA, the Army NationalGuard, or the U.S. Army Reserve. The termapplies to pre-placement, pre-assignment, en-trance or baseline audiograms. Free from au-d i t o r y f a t i g u e a n d o t h e r t r a n s i e n t o t o l o g i cpathologies, it is used for comparison withfuture audiograms.

Risk assessment codeAn expression of risk which combines thee l e m e n t s o f m i s h a p p r o b a b i l i t y a n d h e a l t hhazard severity. Risk assessment codes areexpressed in Arabic numbers from one tofive. The RAC rank orders the hazard. Haz-ards with lower RAC numbers require moreimmediate attention than hazards with higherRAC numbers.

Significant threshold shiftA change in hearing of an average of ≥ ± 10dB at 2000, 3000 and 4000 Hz in either ear,and/or any change of ≥ ± 15 dB at 1000,2000, 3000 or 4000 Hz in either ear, relativeto the current reference audiogram.

Steady-state noiseA p e r i o d i c o r r a n d o m v a r i a t i o n i n a t m o s -pheric pressure. It may be continuous, inter-mittent, or fluctuating, with an SPL varyingover a wide range, provided such variationshave a duration exceeding 1 second.

Time-intensity exchange rateThe change in the level of sound required tod o u b l e t h e d a m a g e p o t e n t i a l o f t h e s o u n dduring a fixed time period of exposure. ForArmy hearing conservation purposes, the ex-change rate is 3 dB. This exchange rate isimplicit in the TWA and noise dose.

Trained U.S. Army Medical DepartmentpersonnelFor hearing conservation purposes, medical,

audiology, IH, environmental science, or en-gineering personnel with approved training inthe areas of hearing conservation (that is, theC o u n c i l f o r A c c r e d i t a t i o n i n O c c u p a t i o n a lHearing Conservation or equivalent civilianor military training).

Unit Hearing Conservation OfficerThe individual designated in writing to man-age the unit’s HCP and to serve as a point ofcontact.

Section IIISpecial Abbreviations and TermsThis section contains no entries.

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IndexIndexT h i s i n d e x i s o r g a n i z e d a l p h a b e t i c a l l y b ytopic and subtopic. Topics and subtopics areidentified by paragraph number.

AudiogramAnnual, 7-2, 10-3Definition, glossaryFunding for, 7-5Reference, 1-4, 7-2, 7-4, 10-3, glossaryTermination, 1-4, 7-290-day, 1-4, 7-2

Audiometric technicianTraining, 7-4

CalibrationAcoustic calibrators, 4-2D e f e n s e O c c u p a t i o n a l H e a l t h R e a d i n e s s

System audiometer, 7-3Sound level meters, 4-2, glossary

Command emphasisInstallation commander, 1-4, 9-1

Commander or supervisor, 1-4, 9-1Compensation claims, 1-4, 7-5, 7-7Council for Accreditation in Occupational

Hearing Conservation, 7-4, glossary

Danger signs and decalsColor-coding, 4-6Contours, 1-4, 4-6, glossaryPosting, 1-4, 4-6Size specifications, 4-6

D e f e n s e O c c u p a t i o n a l H e a l t h R e a d i n e s sSystem, 1-5, 4-5, 7-3, 7-8, 10-2, 10-3

Discipline. See violations.

EarplugsCarrying case, 1-4, 6-1, 6-5, 9-1, table 6-1Custom, 6-3Disposable, 6-3, 6-4Foam, 6-3, 6-4, table 6-1For difficult-to-fit cases, 6-3Handformed, 1-4, 6-1, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5Musician’s, 6-3Preformed, 1-4, 6-1, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 10-3Single-flange, 6-3, 6-4, table 6-1Sizes of, 6-4, 10-3, table 6-1

Engineering controls, 1-4, 3-2, 4-2, 5-1, 5-2,5-3, 5-4

EquipmentAudiometric test booth, 7-3Maintenance of, 5-1, 5-2Military-unique, 6-2Noise-hazardous, 1-4, 4-1, 4-6, 5-2, glos-

saryP e r s o n a l p r o t e c t i o n . S e e H e a r i n g p r o t e c -

tors, types.Procurement specifications, 1-4, 5-3Ventilation systems, 7-3

Health educationMaterials, 1-4, 1-5, 8-2Requirements, 1-4, 3-2, 8-1, 8-2

Health Hazard Assessment Program, 1-5,6-2, glossary

Health Hazard Information Module, 1-4,4-5

Hearing Conservation ProgramAssistance, 1-5, 7-4, 10-2Effectiveness, 1-4, 7-1, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3Elements, 3-2, 8-1, 10-2Evaluation, 3-2, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3Initiation, 3-3

Participation, 1-4, 3-3, 4-4, 10-2, 10-3Quality assurance, 1-4, 10-3Waivers, 3-4, 6-2

Hearing Conservation Program Manager,1-4, 4-5, 6-4, 7-6, 7-7, 8-1, 9-3, 10-2

Hearing lossDiagnosis, 1-4, 7-5Funding for diagnostic evaluation, 7-5Funding for evaluation for compensation

claims, 7-5Noise-induced, 1-4, 2-2, 2-3, 7-1, 7-5Ototoxins, 3-3Permanent, 1-4, 2-1, 2-3Preventable, 2-3, 3-1, 6-3Reportable, 1-4, 7-7, glossaryReporting, 10-3Symptoms, 2-2, 2-4

Hearing protectorsCare and use, 1-4, 3-4, 6-1, 6-4, 6-5, 8-1,

9-2, 9-3Characteristics, 6-3Funding, 1-4Job descriptions, 1-4, 9-2Requisition, 1-4, 6-4, table 6-1

Hearing protectors, typesAcoustic filler, 6-3, table 6-4Ear canal caps, 6-1, 6-3, 8-2, table 6-1Earcup seals, 6-3, 6-5, tables 6-4 and 6-5Earplugs. See earplugs.Headsets, 6-3, tables 6-1 and 6-5Hearing aids, 6-3, 7-4Helmets, 1-4, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-5, tables 6-1,

6-2, 6-4, and 6-5Noise muffs, 1-4, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 8-

2, tables 6-1, 6-4, and 6-5Hearing protectors, use for

Combat scenarios, 2-3, 2-4, 6-2Evaluating military-unique equipment, 6-2Infantryman’s helmet, 6-1, 6-2, table 6-2Noise-hazardous areas, 1-4, 2-2, 2-3, 6-1,

9-3Personnel working in industrial-type opera-

tions, 1-4, 6-2Training, non-combat or non-industrial sce-

narios, 6-2Visitors, 3-4, 6-1, 6-2

Installation Hazard Abatement Plan, 1-4,4-4, 5-1

Military Occupational Health Vehicle, 1-4

Noise dosimeter, 1-4, 4-2Noise-exposure

Daily limits, 5-3, 6-2, tables 6-2 and 6-3Evaluation of, 1-4, 3-4, 8-1Levels, 1-4Magnitude of, 1-4, 4-5Occupational, 3-1, 8-2Ototoxins, 3-3Records, 1-4, 7-8

Noise levelsAirborne high-frequency, 3-3, 4-2, table 3-

1Audiometric test booth, 7-3, table 7-1Hazardous, 1-4, 2-2, 4-5High-intensity, 2-1, 2-3Impulse, 2-1, 3-3, 4-2, 5-2, 6-2, glossarySteady-state, 2-1, 3-3, 4-2, 5-2, 5-3, 6-2, 6-

2, tables 6-2 and 6-3, glossary

Operations, change in, 1-4, 4-1, glossary

OSHA Reportable Hearing Loss, 1-4, 7-4,7-7, glossary

ProceduresAudiologist, 1-4, 6-3, 7-4, glossaryAudiometric technician, 7-4, glossaryCivilian personnel officer, 1-4, 9-4Course director, 7-4Director of Engineering and Housing, 1-4,

4-6Flight surgeon, 1-4, 6-5Hearing Conservation Officer, 1-4, 6-4, 6-

5, 7-3, 7-6, 9-3, 10-3, table 6-1, glossaryIndustrial Hygiene Program Manager, 1-4,

4-1, 4-5, 4-6, 5-4, 9-3, glossaryIndustrial hygienist, 5-2, 7-3, glossaryInstallation commander, 1-4, 9-1, 9-3, 10-3Installation medical authority, 1-4, 3-4, 7-8,

8-2, 10-3, glossaryMilitary treatment facility, 1-4, 7-5Noise-exposed personnel, 1-4, 3-3, 4-5, 7-

2, 8-1, 9-2, glossaryNoise survey personnel, 4-3Physician, 1-4, 7-4, 7-5, glossarySafety manager, 1-4, 4-5, 9-3Unit commanders or supervisors of noise-

hazardous personnel and areas, 1-4, 4-5,4-6, 7-7, 9-1, 9-2, 9-3

Unit Hearing Conservation Officer, 1-4, 4-5, 6-4, 6-5, 7-6, 9-3, glossary

U S A C H P P M H e a r i n g C o n s e r v a t i o n P r o -gram, 1-5, 7-4, 10-2

U.S. Army Medical Department personnel,4-4, 6-3, glossary

Risk assessment codes, 1-4, 4-4, 4-5, glos-sary

Safety and Occupational Health AdvisoryCouncil, 1-4, 7-6

Significant threshold shiftDefinition, glossaryDetection of, 7-4Negative, 10-3Notification of, 1-4, 7-6Positive, 1-4, 7-6, 10-3Reporting, 7-4, 7-6, 10-3Testing for, 7-2Temporary, 6-2

Sound pressure levels, 4-2, glossarySurvey equipment

Acoustical calibrator, 4-2A i r b o r n e h i g h - f r e q u e n c y a n d u l t r a s o n i c

noise, 3-3, 4-2, table 3-1Octave band analyzer, 4-2Sound level meter, 4-2, glossary

Technical assistance, 1-5, 4-2, 6-2Threshold shift, 6-2Time-intensity exchange rate, 4-2, glossaryTime-weighted average, 1-4, 3-3, 4-1, 4-2,

4-5, 6-2, glossary

ViolationsDisciplinary action, 1-4, 9-3, 9-4Reporting of, 1-4

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