Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia (2024)

SEVENTEEN Hampton, Phoebus and Old Point News and Advts. A DAILY P.RESS. NEWPORT NEWS. VIRGINIA. SUNDAY, JULY 25, 1926.

Factional quarrel disrupts Repub-icans In their first Texas primary. Orders From The War Department city of culture has had since Harry I Fraiee busted up a winning combination by peddling a lot of his stars to New Tiork. In Shaner. Flagstead and Jacob-son, Boston has the best outfield since that peerless combination of, Lewis, Speaker and Hooper helJ sway. Klagstead has developed Into one WHY YOUR DIET NEEDS SOME COARSE FOOD The Digestive Processes Cannot Function Properly 1 if Only Concentrated and Denatured Victuals 'Are the Bases of Your Meals.

Captain. Corps of Engineers Dwight Frederick Johns. William Arthur Snow, Notley Young Du Hamel, Robert Georga Guyer and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Cash or Credit THE FAIR STORE Mallory Street Pheebua Robert Allen Sharrer, to Major. Ordnance liepartment John Wes ley Orcutt to Captain. of the best center-fielders in the game.

He does everything well and is a hustler. He's a big favorite in Boston. (Special to The Daily Press.) WASHINGTON', D. July 24. Infantry Captain James H.

Lyons, to Fort Pes Moines: First Lieut. James N'. Stuart to Hot Springs for treatment; Second Lieut. Frank Irvin, detailed to Air Corps, with Station Brooks Field. Cavalry Capt.

Buckner Creel, to Fort Clark; Second Lieut. Frank G- Fraser to Presidio of Monterey; Second Lieut John W. Bowman, detailed to Air Corps, with station Brooks Field; Col. -Francis Le J. Parker, to Fort Mjer.

Resignation That of Second Lieut David Franklin Stone, Cavalry, accepted; that of Capt. Henry Brook3, Medical Corps, accepted. Leaves Capt. David Grove, Quar Jaeobson plays the difficult fun By ROYAL S. COPELAND, M.D.

United States Senator from New York Former Commissioner of Health, Xew York City field in rlcht after the manner or Chemical Warfare Service cnas. Edward tTerry Lull to Lleutenan Colonel. Cavalry Silas Warren Robertson, Woodbury Freeman Pride, and Vance Whiting Batchelor to Captain; Paul MacKeen Martin to First Lieutenant. Field Artillery Stanley Eric Rein-hart and Louis Emerson Hibbs to Maior. Harry Hooper while Shaner In left i The Last Act of Service that can be rendered to a loved one who has passed away Is accomplished through the funeral director.

Our long experience and up-to-date equipment enable us to render every possible help. Our personal attention Is given to the many details. Everything possible is done to relieve the family and friends of all worrisome details, R. H. SMITH FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phones: SPECIALS! One handsome Velour Overstuffed Living; Room Suite, in tan and blue.

One Hall Seat and Mir-row, attractive price. Two used Pianos. Come and look these specials over. Plenty of Records Player Rolls, Sheet Music Newell Furniture Company CASH or CREDIT 25 Court Street is a great prospect. Reduced Prices On gnu Boast Good Infield.

1 tvtin first saw Shaner In spring Infantry James Thornton Watson and Samuel Wheelan Noyes to training at New Orleans, he Impressed me most favorably. A few weks later he suffered a broken Ict Refrigerators Colonel; Bowers Davis, John Mc-Ewen Pruyn. Henry Wyatt Fleet, Water Coolers that kept him out of the game mo greater part of the first half of tne Vranr.l Henrv Burr and Charles I Porch Rockers Haynes Mason to Lieutenant Colonel; season. termaster Corps; Capt. Trevor W.

Swett, General Staff; Col. Jos. Wheeler, Adjutant General, ac VERY frequently I tell you about Sir Arbuthnot Lane of London. He is a famous surgeon, having a world-wide reputation. In the practice of his specialty this great man has done a jrreat deal of good, but I am sure that in his advanced years he has done far more good by his preaching about proper eating than he ever did with the fiCfllpsl Dr.

Lane believes that most of the ills of the human family come from the eating of concentrated and denatured foods. He points out that civilization has directed men along new ways. These paths lead away from natural eating in the direction of restaurants and cafe3 where the wrong dishes are ordered. Of course those of us who are interested in right living and right eating are laughed at a good deal Shaner still favors his legs ana is -r-Porch Swings count of sickness; Lieut Col. Walter not yet rlKht.

However, he has proved that he can field and throw in Window Screens K. Wilson, General Staff; Second and for a big fellow is iasi, at. mo Lieut Philip Schwartz, Ordnance; bat Is where he has neen mosi First Lieut. Langhorne, W. Motley, Thomas Dewees Finiey to Major, Harold Herbert Fisher, Donald Van Niman Bonnett, and William Henry Johnsten to Captain.

Air Corps James Thorburn Cum-berpatch to First Lieutenant Medical Corps Albert illatin Love, Mathew Aaron Keasoner, Henrv James Nichols and Louis Hedven Hanson to Lieutenant Colonel. Office 138-J Residence 138-W Air; Maj. John Crane, Field Ar tillerv. In addition. Boston has nnauy inp.ihp nh infield that Promotions Quartermaster Corps compares very favorably with most Ice Cream Freezers (An Opportunity for You) GEO.

W. ASKEW 29 North King Street Phone 9S0 Ernest Andrew Reynolds, Anton Zeman and Charles Stalsburg to of the major ieanue ciuos. t)R- COPELANIX President Bob cjuinn ana mannsw T.e Fnhl certainly seem well on the because oi tne aavice we volunteer, eyiws however, 1 want to say that you must eat a certain amount or bulky way to better days. loons li you arc uui lu hoib u.vowvi., in tne DeKinmnK, men uvru un All BISIITE the bulk renuired for the sake of the fields and forests. They ate anA mill V.

Hi bin roots and Premier Mussolini likens American government to Fascist state; admits Italy's "thirsting for power" but says world peace is not threatened. even the bark of trees were Included tr. ik.i. rftot An thv Brew more FOR SALE Nice Victoria Avenue Home Nice large house with 10 rooms. Furnace, bath, light and gas.

Large lot. 80 feet front. Nice lot of fruit and shrubbery. this particularly straightforward account, and Quicherat himself places Chartler's chronicle of Joan, next In importance, to that of Perceval de Cagny. It seems Incredible that this priceless trophy should have escaped entirely the efforts of various researchers to unearth It at various times In the course of five venturies.

It is not difficult to imagine how the suit of white armor should have MISSING 500 YEARS MRS. S. B. FIELDS IS. digestion.

Bread made of whola wheat or coarse flour has a peculiar virtue in that it gives substance as well as mineral nourishment. Please get no wrong impression by what I am saying to you. Crazy folks eat nails and wire and swallow links of chains. Of course the mere doing of these things shows they are. crazy, but you would be almost as much lacking in good sense if you were to overdo the matter In the taking of rough foods.

All the things you eat should be thoroughly chewed and not sent into the stomach in such form as to produce harm by their mere presence. W1a L-M VlAllt fftCAn. (Continued from page 16) cm, Immpfl la telv alter CHIROPODIST 124 Wine Street Beauty Shoppe Hampton, Virginia Phone 502-W aittrfulto i Joan of Arc laid It aside, or even if the Maid of France did actually be skillful in such things they caught fish and killed animals for food. But you see all the things they ate were coarse foods, rough foods, bulky foods. They were not the refined, soft, mushy kinds of foods.

They had real substance, material upon which the intestines could act. I have no objection to the modern foods and even to many of the exotic foods. I do insist, however, that In addition to these or accompanying their use, the bulky foods must be consumed. The reason we talk about spinach and lettuce and cabbage and celery la because these fibrous vegetables have substance enough to furnish queath It to tne ADoey oi oi. ten nis.

But that it should have eiudea Would be a fine proposition for to divide Into two apartments, or nice home for some one wanting plenty of roof for roomers or boarders. 1 Price Right for a Quick Gala The Phillips Lackey Co. Real Estate Rants Loans and Insurance her historians for BOO years constitutes a mystery which has no counterpart. It would seem that the French government at some time In 1 1 i 1 Accepted: life precepts of -HIV- the more likely you are to select a meal which combines the elements needed for your physical welfare. It Is a great mistake to sit down to a meal made up exclusively of hot bis "The Best Store Since '84' fftrofi6slotu.

ish King, "a pur and manifest sacrilege." It would be a great trophy for some English or Burgundian captain. Perhaps they threw dice for it or fought for it. At any rate, the inevitable conclusion is that some one of the leaders of the groups that sacked the church carried off the armor. It would then have been taken to some English or French manor house. And there It may be unrecognized and unsought to this daChartler, who' tells the story of Its spoliation, has been called by Qui-, cherat, compiler of the greatest of collections of Joan, a "bad writer, a man often careless In his details.

But there seems no reason to doubt 11 East Quean Street Hampton, Va. cuits, maple syrup, strawoerry unori- Advice to Girls By Annie cake ana a piece or pie. iuu mum include In your meal protein food such as you get out of meat or I Imposed. fe upon, us is vs cheese or milk. Vmt miiot hnv food containing aVOf the minerals needed to give strength the past or even now wuuiu named a competent commission to make a diligent search for this relic.

A systematized quest, a division of territory among competent researchers, and the shining white armor of Joan of Arc. dulled and rusted perhaps by BOO years of lying in a gloomy corner of some forgotten bearing the unmistakable signs which a student of her battles would know, might be given to France and the world, one of the greatest symbols in the annals of men. Mrs. Johnson, San Antonio, withdraws from Texas gubernatorial race on eve of primary in favor of Governor Ferguson. to the hones ana iingernmin ana inu hair, as well ss for the blood other tissues of the hody.

Then If vnti ariri crrAen vegetables and fruit. particularly if you take a salad of m.S. CUNN1NGHAM4' soma sort, you are giving jum ui- gestlve organs the combination or ffwia which win make for your 4 ') PC. BEES f'J health and vigor. 1 Congdon's Pharmacy Phone 58 Phoebus, Va.

pFUNERAL DIRECTOJi DEAR ANNIE LAURIE: When a girl is introduced to a young man, who should speak first and what should they say? LONESOME. LONESOME: In the first place, my dear, a girl is never introduced to a young man. It is he who is introduced to her. Bhe may say. after the Introduction, either "How do you do?" which Is preferred, or she may say "I am very happy to meet you." DEAR ANNIE LAURIE: I always thought It was proper for the man to walk on the right side of a girl until the other day, when I heard that the man should always walk on the side of the girl nearest the curb.

Will you please advise me which is correct? JAKE. TAKE: The man should always Answers to Health Queries Peggy Paige Sale of DRESSES mm. xvrv What can be done to correct a deformed pug nose7 A. Consult a plastic surgeon. SO Farms For Sale i A.

L. B. Q. What should a boy weigh who Is twenty-two years of age, five feet eight Inches tall? A. For his age and height he should weigh about 145 pounds.

I Copyrtxht. 192fc by Kwipimc Fwture Strtir. Int. GET THIS GOOD HAT BOX walk on the outside; that la on the side nearest the euro. A Lot That Formerly Sold at $39.50 5 Acres to 200 Acres 2 Farms For Rent -Prices Are Attractive E.

R. SHIELDS 100 N. King St. in Front of Courthouse Phone 141 HAMPTON To Beautify the Hair $2-55 "By Lucrezia Bori." VERT good friend of mine has for one week, when the hair should A Just proven that dandruff can be cured. She has been troubled with this malady for several years and has tried almost every remedy known In All Reduced to $18.50 jGOLDSTEIM ISVaQSJISU peat this treatment until all trace of the dandruff has disappeared.

Because dandruff is a germ disease and because flake will spread more dandruff. It is necessary to wash all brushes -and combs used tach day. A medicated soap should t8ch day. A meaicaiea soap snouia an effort to nave a neauny scaip effort to have a neauny scaip. P.

R. MOORE The Clothier Complete Line of Summer Clothes For Men and Boy Linen, Mohair, Palm Beach Suits In all size3 and all styles. Summer underwear, straw hats. Everything else for summer comfort. Look Them Over P.

R. MOORE The Clothier East Queen Street Hampton, Va. After trying many cures and living he used, or else these articles should through the disappointment that! be allowed to stand for a few mm-rame when they failed she finally utes in water that has a nkv.l.n anil Bllrnl r.f anrleont if In It. Rowe's, Hampton Weill. IV li" aiifiuiii o.

idvice. He tcolied her soundly, ay- Newr hat linings must be put In all liai iJllliipia muni hats at the beginning of this treat ment ana Kei iresn mini iiib mi is entirely well. If it proves too expensive, either wash the lining each time the hat is worn, rinsing it good in antiseptic water, or tack a strip of medicated gauze bandage Just Inside the band of the hat. This MAih Is imenRivA "If women would only bring such problems to doctors In the first place they'd save themselves much time ind money as well as disappoint- ifnt-" He wrote out a prescription for her, giving her the directions for Its use ss well as some other directions FREE MOVING PICTURES AMERICAN THEATER, PHOEBUS SUNDAY at 3 P. M.

Given by Modern Woodmen of America Everyone Cordially Invited laupi Hiring and also the easiest way of handling tne situation. J. IrtrJlfSSLJ to follow. The tonic 1b made up of tne lol-lowing: 20 grains of resorcln. 2 grains of bichloride.

B0 per cent alcohol. Made into four ounces liquid. To use this tonic the scalp should be massaged vigorously for ten minutes to stimulate circulation and loosen the dandruff. Then, using a small pad of cotton, cover the entire ecalp with the medicine, allowing it to dry In. This should be done dally Seen on Fifth Avenue ATWO PIKCE dress of pink flat crepe la worn with a rose taupe velveteen coat.

Many tiered dressee are seen. Skirts often have godets to form fulness, and some dresses achlevo It by shirring only. CREDIT mux It Pays to Buy at Cooper's in Phoebus Clothing for men, women and boys. Take advantage of easy payments, payable weekly or monthly. A call will convince you.

Morris A. Epstein's Installment House Upstairs of Tignor Moors' Grocery Store 21 W. Queen Street Phone 214 HAMPTON, VA. JUST RECEIVED i A i. TV.

I 1 Jaeobson and Miller, A change of scenery often works wonders for a bell player. I have In mind the experiences of Bill Jaeobson of the Bonton Red Sox and "Blng" Miller of the St. Louis Browns. Recently these two players figured In trades that won for themselves regular berths In the outfield. Before that they had been warming the bench at the result of batting slumps.

Connie Mack's desire to add Pitcher Howard Ehmke of the Los-ton Red Sox to his team, -a responsible for Jaeobson and, Millet; taking on a new lease of 1.1a as far Furniture Is A Part Of The Life Of The Home "Your home should come first" and the furniture you are using is reflected into the lives of the family. Surely you want the home to be the dearest place on earth to, every member of the household. Then be sure that the furniture speaks love, joy, pride, comfort, happiness and beauty to each one. las batting was concerned. NEW SHIPMENT Sandals Tennis Shoes White Shoes They are attractively Priced Bathing Suits and Accessories For these warm days Filmy Summer Dress Goods To keep you cool Cooper's Dry Goods and Shoe House 14-16 MUen St.

Phoebus Add Mueh Strength, Boston, willing to part with Ehmke, Insisted that Connie TacK It isn't the furniture we sell, it is the making of a home we prize most of Currier and Currier Palmer Craduxtes CHIROPRACTORS F. Alliion Currier. D.CPh.C.AM. Winnf of th Grind Priw in th World'i CotlMt on Niirocalorrat Problems. LADY CHIROPRACTOR Jninui 3.

turner, D.C.Ph.C. Specialist in dtteiiet of women and thilrlren. Membtrt of U. C. A.

tni V. C. A. Expert Neurorilometer Srvir Thit winderftjl mltrumeit will thow yoti Mrtly where yvir trouble it tni him m'jrh there i ftf it. Afrer rljti.Trn'nt.

yo'i can ee yoyriel! r-trinc brtier. There ii no fie'i work ibo'it th. OiiropMrric will arid yejrt to life nd life to yeart. Come and a-e thit instrument and talk your um! over with or. Cenmltation ree 611-X2 Office and Residence 31S Armittsad Hampton, Va.

Hours 0:30 to 11 A. M.i 1 te 5:30 Offices Closed Wed. Afternoon Evenings, and Sat. 7:30 to 9 Separate office for colored patients all. Real Home Bargains Wine street home, 6 rooms, In splendid shape, 92,250.

Terms. Chapel street. 6 rooms and bath, ready to move In, $2,500. One-thousand cash, balance like rent Columbia avenue, pair of lots, 80x124, 12,500. Bridge street lots.

40x106, $1,000. Insurance, fire, life aud accident that protects you tnd your property. MORGAN-MARROW Inc. Insurance and Bonds Phone 91 Hampton, Va. i make some deal for Jaeobson, ot St.

Louis, so that he could be Included 'in the deal. Manager Fotil of the ped Sox has always strong fo Jaeobson. sent "Blng" Mller to St. I Louis In exchange for Jacobtton and then turned over FMtchers Harriss and Helmach in addition Jacob-i son for Ehmke. I Since Joining their pw clubs.

The Brittingham Furniture Co. THE BIG STORE HAMPTON, VA. both Jaeobson and Miller have starred at the bat, ed'led mucn strength to their respective teams and sent their swat marks well over the prized .300 figure. Best In Year. Established 1886 The Boeton Red fiox.

by the way, now boast the best team th.t the.

Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia (2024)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.