DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (2024)

Examples of using Declares himself

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (1)

{-}DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (2)

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (3)

  • colloquial DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (4)
  • official DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (5)

Since Ben Sira declares himself a compiler from the Old Testament xxiv.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (6)Desde Ben Sira se declara un compilador del Antiguo Testamento xxiv.

Saint Paul, declares himself to be a Pharisee before the Sanhedrin.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (7)San Pablo se declara fariseo ante el sanedrín.

He even declares himself the chief of sinners!

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (8)¡Incluso se declara a sí mismo el primero de los pecadores!

Beware of the man who declares himself honest.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (9)Desconfía del hombre que se declara a sí mismo sincero.

In this book he declares himself to be"a bright", and defends the term.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (10)En este libro él se declara"bright" y defiende el término.

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People also translate


Palpatine declares himself Emperor before the Galactic Senate,

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (17)Palpatine se autoproclama Emperador, en presencia del Senado Galáctico.

To protect his father,Soemadi declares himself the culprit, and he is exiled.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (18)Para proteger a su padre,Soemadi se declara culpable y es exiliado.

September 8- Stefan Dusan declares himself king of Serbia.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (19)De septiembre: Esteban Uroš IV Dušan se autoproclama rey de Serbia.

While Jehovah thus declares Himself towards His Israel, how do they receive it?

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (20)Mientras tanto, Jehová declara a sí mismo hacia su Israel,¿cómo lo reciben?

He declares Himself to be three in one!

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (21)¡Él mismo declara ser tres personas en una!


Wu officially declares himself as candidate for IOC Presidency.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (26)Wu officially declares himself as candidate for IOC Presidency(en inglés) Inside the games.

Tim Atkin declares himself‘in love with' Rioja after his two-week visit to the region.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (27)Tim Atkin se declara‘un enamorado'de Rioja tras visitar durante dos semanas la región.

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When a leader declares himself above the law you're living in an official dictatorship.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (28)Cuando un líder se declara fuera de la ley, estas viviendo en una dictadura oficial.

Emperor Shōmu(retired since 749) takes part in the dedication ceremony of the Great Buddha,(15 metres) at Tōdai-ji in Nara(Japan), and declares himself a Buddhist.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (29)El Emperador Retirado Shōmu de Japón toma parte en la ceremonia de dedicación del Gran Buda en Tōdai-ji en Nara y se declara a sí mismo como budista Irene,

If a powerful personality declares himself against an official's promotion, then the majority will follow him, just to curry favour.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (30)Si una personalidad poderosa se declara en contra de la promoción de un oficial, la mayoría le seguirá, solo para ganarse su favor.

Viktor Yanukovych declares himself ready to assume the functions the people have just confided upon him.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (31)

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (32)Yanukovitch se declara listo para asumir las funciones que el pueblo acaba de confiarle.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (33)

I- Ilha Grande Tours, declares himself an intermediary between the client and other service providers involved, such as operators, air companies, shipping, hotels, receptive, Adventure schools,

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (34)

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (35)I- Ilha Grande Tours, se declara un intermediario entre el cliente y otros proveedores de servicios involucrados, tales como operadores, compañías aéreas, navieras, hoteles, escuelas receptoras, Aventura,etc.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (36)

Fernando Alarza declares himself"a lover of Japanese culture", so it is always"a joy to come to compete in a country like Japan.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (37)

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (38)Fernando Alarza se declara"un enamorado de la cultura japonesa", por lo que siempre"es una alegría venir a competir a un país como Japón.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (39)

While he frequently declares himself to be aesthetically attractive, he has displayed self-conscious behavior about his physical appearance on at least one occasion.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (40)Aunque él frecuentemente se declara estéticamente atractivo, ha mostrado comportamiento auto consciente acerca de su apariencia física en al menos una ocasión.

Dravot immediately declares himself"Grand Master of All Kafiristan" and also Co-King of Kafiristan along with Peachey.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (41)Dravot inmediatamente se declara"Gran maestro de todo Kafiristan" y también corregente Kafiristan junto con Peachey.

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Ares then uncharacteristically declares himself a horrid father, but only aims to raise Alex differently than he and his father were raised.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (42)Ares se declara inusualmente como un padre horrible, pero solo busca criar a Alex de forma diferente a como él y su padre fueron criados.

Afterwards, Grodd declares himself Gorilla City's new king, manipulating events from the beginning in order to exact revenge on human society.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (43)Después, Grodd se declara el nuevo Rey de Ciudad Gorila y revela que ha sido el, el manipulador de todos los acontecimientos desde el principio para vengarse de la sociedad humana.

But without any doubt the most popular scene of this movie is when Mark declares himself to Juliet writing messages on cards.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (44)

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (45)Pero sin duda la escena más popular de la película es cuando Mark se declara a Juliet escribiéndole mensajes en cartulinas.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (46)

While her husband is absent, Guinevere is seduced by Modredus and marries him, and Modredus declares himself king and takes Arthur's throne.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (47)En su ausencia, Mordred seduce a su tía Ginebra, se declara Rey y la toma como esposa.

On January 23,1815… Napoleon Bonaparte declares himself… reformed, remorseful… no, repentant, write repentant and that's that.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (48)El 23 de enero de 1815,Napoleón Bonaparte se declaró… arrepentido, afligido… no, escribe arrepentido y nada más.

But everything can break if the tour operator,for example, suddenly declares himself a bankrupt or.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (49)

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (50)Pero todo puede desprenderse, si el operador turístico,por ejemplo, se declarará de repente el quebrado o.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (51)

He then declares himself to be God and moves into the temple in Jerusalem.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (52)Él entonces declara que él es Dios y se traslada al templo en Jerusalén.

By submitting any file the user declares himself the rightful copyright material or to cite the source and owner of the same.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (53)

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (54)Al enviar cualquier archivo que el usuario declara a sí mismo el material de derechos de autor que le corresponde o citar la fuente y el titular de la misma.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (55)

In Sudan, Muhammad Ahmad declares himself to be the Mahdi, the messianic redeemer of Islam.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (56)En Sudán, Muhammad Ahmad declara que él es el Mahdi redentor mesiánico del islamismo.

He crushes the skull of the Butcher who attempts to shoot him and declares himself the new captain.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (57)

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (58)Slade le aplasta el cráneo al Carnicero que intenta dispararle y él mismo declara que es el nuevo capitán.

DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (59)

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DECLARES HIMSELF - Translation in Spanish - (2024)


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