Mailing Address: P.O. Box 30412, Phoenix AZ 85046 Physical ... - [PDF Document] (2024)

Phoenicia Lodge Trestleboard – Mar/Apr 2019 Issue 2 Page 1

Phoenicia Lodge No. 58 F&AM Mailing Address: P.O. Box 30412, Phoenix AZ 85046

Physical Address: 16027 N 25th St Phoenix, AZ 85032

The Trestleboard March – April 2019


This publication is an official communication of Phoenicia Lodge No. 58, Free and Accepted Masons, beholden to the Grand Lodge of Arizona. The information contained herein is intended for the benefit of the members of Phoenicia Lodge and persons interested in the activities of this Lodge. Any other use outside of the Masonic Fraternity is not authorized without written permission of the Worshipful Master of Phoenicia Lodge No. 58. Table of Contents Events ................................................................................................................... 1 Dress Code ............................................................................................................ 1 2019 Officers ........................................................................................................ 2 Trustees ................................................................................................................ 2 From the East ........................................................................................................ 2 From the South ..................................................................................................... 4 2019 Committees ................................................................................................. 4 From the Editor..................................................................................................... 4 Education Articles ................................................................................................. 5

From a Brother ................................................................................................. 5 Committee Reports .............................................................................................. 6

Audit and Trustees; .......................................................................................... 6 Awards; ............................................................................................................. 6 Beneficent Fund;............................................................................................... 6 Calling Committee; ........................................................................................... 6 Fundraising; ...................................................................................................... 6 Public School; .................................................................................................... 6 Sickness and Distress; ....................................................................................... 6 Social; ................................................................................................................ 6 2018-2019 ROJO SEASON ................................................................................. 6

Fundraiser 2018 .................................................................................................... 7 Advertisers ............................................................................................................ 8 Phoenicia Past Masters ........................................................................................ 9 Other Masonic Bodies Meeting in our Lodge Hall ............................................... 9 Masonic Youth Support ...................................................................................... 10

Valley of the Sun DeMolay Upcoming Activities and Events: ..................... 10 Bethel 19 Upcoming Activities and Events: ................................................ 10


Mar 5th at 6:00 pm: Degree Night 12th at 7 pm: Stated meeting. Dinner prior to the meeting at 6 pm. 19th at 6:00 pm: Officer’s meeting 26th at 6:00 pm: Candidate Progression

Apr 2nd at 6:00 pm: Degree Night 9th at 7 pm: Stated meeting. Dinner prior to the meeting at 6 pm. 16th at 6:00 pm: Officer’s meeting 23rd at 6:00 pm: Candidate Progression

May 7th at 6:00 pm: Degree Night 14th at 7 pm: Stated meeting. Dinner prior to the meeting at 6 pm. 21st at 6:00 pm: Officer’s meeting 28th at 6:00 pm: Candidate Progression

Dress Code

For the winter months, our dress code for stated meetings will be suit and tie for officers. Other members should use business casual. During degree meetings, tuxedoes or dark suit, white shirt and tie for degree team members and officers and business attire for sideliners

Phoenicia Lodge Trestleboard – Mar/Apr 2019 Issue 2 Page 2

From the East

Worshipful Christopher B. West, PM

2019 is off to a rip-roaring start. In January we held our 2nd Annual Blue Horseshow “Pig in a Pit” BBQ Fundraiser, smoking underground for 24hrs just under 400lbs of meat. While our first ever event Blue Horseshoe in 2018 was a social success, our 2nd Blue Horseshoe here in 2019 was both a social and financial success. All in all we cleared about $700 in profits from this great event. Fun was had by more than

70 Brothers and guests. The weather was beautiful, live entertainment was fantastic, and the meat was oh-so tender! If you’ve not made it to this event the previous two years, well, you’re in luck because it’s coming back a third time in 2020. Stay tuned for an announcement sometime this Fall. Our SW Mat Brassard lead a spectacular Masonic Education event hosted at Phoenicia on January 29th. He gave an in-depth review of Roberts Rules of Order to more than 20 Brothers and Guests. Not only informative, but a ton of fun, Brother Brassard went over the six (6) parts to any motion; 1.) Motion 2.) 2nd of the Motion 3.) Recognize the Motion (Chair restates the Motion) 4.) Discussion 5.) Resolution / Vote (Chair states outcome of Motion to Secretary) 6.) Appeal We have another Masonic Education event, open to the public, scheduled on March 26th. I’d like to end my article on a more solemn note. This past month we lost a Brother who was near and dear to us all, Worshipful Brother Chester Hinson, who was an outstanding member of Phoenicia for 56 years, a Past Master in 1980 and 1981, and the recipient of our Lodges first ever “Robert Taber Lifetime Dedication Award”, which has now been renamed to the “Taber-Hinson Lifetime Dedication Award.” While I only knew WB Chester for four years, he, and other current WB’s in our Lodge, had – and will continue to have, a profound impact on my own Masonic experience. At Phoenicia we are extremely lucky to have some ‘Senior’ WB’s like Chester, Phil Zeilinger, and Howard Ward. These Brothers offer us each a brief glimpse into what we can only hope is our own Masonic future(s). They’ve set a high standard and continue to show us what it truly means to be both men and a Freemason. Daily, I’m reminded of my own rude and imperfect state by nature. I joined Freemasonry because I’m a decent man who wants to become a better man. WB’s Hinson, Zeilinger and Ward – ARE great men. They’ve achieved that masonic goal. They’re proof that having that steadfast attachment to this institution works exactly as advertised. Their lives have been shaped by the masonic experience, they are true Freemasons, as close to that “state of perfection at which we one day hope to arrive by a virtuous

2019 Officers

Worshipful Master Christopher B. West 804.986.6011 Worshipfulmaster

Senior Warden Mathew A. Brassard 480.495.8038 [emailprotected]

Junior Warden Steve Dilda 901.830.8833 [emailprotected]

Lodge Treasurer Jeffery Hinson, PM 480.263.2274 [emailprotected]

Lodge Secretary

Raymond Brigandi, PM 602.430.7121 [emailprotected]

Senior Deacon

Steven Hooper 703.408.4470 [emailprotected]

Junior Deacon

Tom Burke, PM 203.559.9504 [emailprotected]

Chaplain Joseph Papas, Jr. 623.215.2272 [emailprotected]


Phil Zellinger, PM [emailprotected]

Senior Steward Joe Konen 602.628.8642 [emailprotected]

Junior Steward Shane Charles 406.531.2100 [emailprotected]


Emmett Middaugh, Jr. 602.751.4151 [emailprotected]


1 Yr Brother Joshua Anderson 2 Yr WB Tony Hernandez 3 Yr WB Robert Haines

Note: The Lodge Secretary is constantly trying to ensure that

we have the most accurate information for each member. But

if you move, or get a new phone # or email, please contact

him so we can update our database!

Phoenicia Lodge Trestleboard – Mar/Apr 2019 Issue 2 Page 3

education, our own endeavors, and the blessing of God” as any human being can come. The rest of us still have a lot of work to do – myself probably more than all of you combined! But Brothers like these have so enriched our Lodge and in turn each of our individual Masonic experiences. WB Chester will surely be missed, but knowing our revered Brother, he’d want us to keep our focus forward on making Phoenicia great for all those that will come after him – and after even us who are reading this Trestle board have long passed on to that unknown world. Fraternally, Christopher West Worshipful Master Phoenicia 58 F&AM – 2019 Worshipful Brother Chester Hinson. Born; 3/16/36 3/2/62 first reading of his petition. 4/6/62 Elected to Lodge 4/12/62 Initiated EA 5/18/62 Passed FC 6/15/62 Raised sublime MM Received 25 year pin May 22, 2007 Received 50 year pin July 10, 2012 Received Robert Taber Lifetime Dedication Award November 27th, 2018 Passed; 1/23/2019

Phoenicia Lodge Trestleboard – Mar/Apr 2019 Issue 2 Page 4

From the South

Brother Steve Dilda - Jr. Warden

I am SO proud of Phoenicia Lodge #58 for pulling together on such a great event: Blue Horseshoe 2019. Simply amazing!!!! We DID it with the true Phoenicia attitude: with style and class. Thank you all for such a great showing. And we made money. And, yes, we learned from our mistake and took the high-road to recovery, including a candidate who spent his own money at the last minute. We had a great post-mortum meeting with plans to make it bigger (slightly) and better next year. So many thing fell into place, usually at the last minute, making

me proud of everybody. To quote Eleanor Roosevelt “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” So Don’t do what that guy did. I, personally, learned a lot that weekend and the preceding week that taught me more about my attitude. I learned to see those stressful situations as challenges and opportunities and not as insoluble problems, especially when you seek the aide and assistance of a fellow brother. And, that happened more than a few times. I have so much to learn in the coming years with Phoenicia #58, and I’m excited to seek the counsel of my brethren. I’m enthusiastic about life and all that it brings, remembering that life is an adventure. Stay focused on your goals, and keep the motivation going. Thank you all for the opportunities to serve you in the South.

From the Editor

Brethren, in an effort to save lodge funds, postal printouts will be black and white. And on that note, brothers who are receiving the snail mail. If you have an email address, we can move you to electronic copies, just email to [emailprotected] and he will add you to the list. This will save enormous amounts of time, energy, and save the lodge expenses to put to more charity work. Sincerely and Fraternally, Bryon Howe, PM Worshipful Master Phoenicia 58 F&AM - 2018 Valley of the Sun DeMolay - Advisor

Riders of the 3rd Degree’ - Sergeant at Arms

2019 Committees

Awards: WM Chris West804.986.6011/ WB

Ray Brigandi

Beneficent Fund: Chris West804.986.6011/ Bro Mat Brassard / WB Jeff Hinson

Calling Committee: WM Jason Schneider(602) 7055793 / WB Glen Van Steeter / WB Ray Brigandi

Candidate Progression: Bro Steven Dilda 901.830.8833 / WB Ray Brigandi

Degree and Ritual Proficiency: WB Chester Hinson / WM Chris West / WB Ray Brigandi

Fraternal Relations: Co-Chairs: Bro Mat Brassard 480.495.8038/ PM Bryon Howe

Fundraising: WM Chris West 804.986.6011/ Bro Matt Brassard / Steve Dilda

Funeral Team: WM: WB Ray Brigandi 602.430.7121 / SW: WB Tony Hernandez / JW: Bro Chris West / Chaplain: Bro Joe Pappas / Extra: WB Bill Phelps

Hospitality: Bro Steve Dilda 901.830.8833 / Bro Joe Konen / Bro Shane Charles

Masonic Education: Bro Joe Pappas 623.215.2272 / Bro Chris West

Membership and Retention: Bro Mat Brassard480.495.8038 / Bro Steven Dilda

Public Schools Chair: WB Chris West 804.986.6011 / WB Ray Brigandi / WB Tony Hernandez

Reports of sickness or distress: WM Jason Schneider(602) 7055793 / WB Glen Van Steeter

ROJO Coordinator: Chris West 804.986.6011 / Vacant

Social: WM Chris West 804.986.6011 / Bro Mat Brassard / Bro Steve Hooper

Trestleboard: WM Bryon Howe(602) 350-1260 / Bro Mat Brassard / Bro Steven Dilda


Phoenicia Lodge Trestleboard – Mar/Apr 2019 Issue 2 Page 5

Education Articles

From a Brother

WB Thomas Burke

Why Should Phoenicia Lodge #58 Guard its West Gate?

Serving as the Junior Deacon this year and stationed in the West near the Senior Warden, I have often thought about what role this office serves the lodge. Attending alarms at the door usually refers to carrying out the will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master in whether to admit

a brother seeking entry to the lodge. “Seeking entry to the lodge”…well, is this entry to the lodge room, or entry to the fraternity?

Actually, it is both. Guarding the West Gate is not just the physical barrier of the door. It is also that immaterial barrier we must guard to prevent entry to our fraternity of those who do not meet our qualifications. From our ritual, we know certainly that we admit only men. Of these men, several groups are excluded. One group is atheists. How can someone take an oath if they do not believe in a Supreme Being? Think about it. There are others excluded, and for good reason. Imagine trying to conduct ritual with young men who are not able to provide the necessary concentration and attention that is due.

Freemasonry is something we cherish for several reasons. Our organization is rich with rules, regulations, standards, customs, rituals, and traditions. This is indeed part of our treasure. Why would we not guard our treasure? How can any of us justify taking a lax approach to guarding something so important, nay, sacred, to ourselves and our brothers?

Guarding the West Gate of Phoenicia Lodge #58 is not solely the job of the Tyler. No, this job falls to all of us in the fraternity. From the moment someone knocks on our door, we should all take due notice to guard our treasure. Who is this person? What happens if they submit a Petition to receive the degrees of Freemasonry? How can we know we can recommend them for entry into our honorable institution?

The Worshipful Master should appoint worthy brothers to an Investigation Committee who will meet with the petitioner. These brothers should look into as many aspects of the petitioner as they need in order to make an informed recommendation. Specific points for investigation may include:

• Reviewing the petitioner’s social media accounts to find clues to their character

• Searching public records that may be related to the petitioner, including basic web search

• Reviewing public records for any criminal activities

• Arranging a meeting with the petitioner in their home to see if it is in order

• Speaking with their spouse to ensure they are aware and supportive of the petitioner’s request

• Discussing obligations of Freemasonry including time, dues, commitments

• Contacting character and masonic references, and speaking at length about their recommendation of the petitioner

The Investigation Committee is a critical part of a lodge. The brothers serving on an Investigation Committee are often the first formal communication from the lodge to the petitioner. As such, those serving should consider it an honor to represent the Worshipful Master and their brothers in meeting with the petitioner. You are the face of Freemasonry, and Phoenicia Lodge #58 in particular, to this petitioner. Represent our institution well, my brother.

Phoenicia Lodge Trestleboard – Mar/Apr 2019 Issue 2 Page 6

Committee Reports

Audit and Trustees;

Lodge Audit was completed on 2/19. Thank you, our Lodge Trustees Brother Josh Anderson, WB Tony Hernandez, and WB Robert Haynes and our Treasurer and Secretary.


We are working on completing the final requirements for the 2018-2019 Master Architect Award.

Beneficent Fund;

No Report.

Calling Committee;

Next Calling Committee Report is due the end of March (Bro. Dilda/WB Van Steeter)


George Washington Whiskey Raffle Tickets are NOW on-sale. To purchase see a Lodge Brother

Go to our website

Public School;

Our next Bikes for Books Presentation will be May 1st, at 9:30AM at Campo Bello Elementary School.

Sickness and Distress;

Brother Phillip Hollifield, who joined our Lodge back in 1996 passed away this past Thursday February 21st at the age of 82. His widow, Mary Louise Hollifield survives him. At the age of 59, Brother Hollifield was elected by the Brethren of Phoenicia #58 on July 10th, 1996. He was Initiated on August 8th, 1996. Passed to a FC on October 22nd and Raised to the sublime degree of a MM on January 28th, 1997.


Mark your calendars; June 8th we will hold our Annual Cinco de Mason Summer BBQ. Details soon!

2018-2019 ROJO SEASON

6/19, Thursday, CONCACAF Soccer; Mexico vs. Manchester United (West / Hooper) 8/11, Saturday, Cardinals vs. Chargers (Brigandi / Burke) 8/30, Thursday, Cardinals vs. Broncos (West / Howe) 9/9, Sunday, Cardinals vs. Redskins (OPEN / Burke) 9/19, Wednesday, Jay-Z and Beyoncé in Concert (Brigandi / Dilda) 9/23, Sunday, Cardinals vs. Bears (Burke / Dilda) 9/30, Sunday, Cardinals vs. Seahawks (West / Stetson) 10/6, Saturday, Monster Jam (Konen / Howe)

Phoenicia Lodge Trestleboard – Mar/Apr 2019 Issue 2 Page 7

10/18, Thursday, Cardinals vs. Broncos (West / Hooper) 10/28, Sunday, Cardinals vs. 49ers (Burke / Konen) 11/18, Sunday, Cardinals vs. Raiders (Hernandez / Hooper) 12/9, Sunday, Cardinals vs. Lions (Howe / Hernandez) 12/23, Sunday, Cardinals vs. Rams (Hooper / Hernandez) 1/1/2019, Tuesday, Fiesta Bowl. (Burke / Brigandi)

1/12/2019, Saturday, Supercross (Charles, Konen)

1/19/2019, Saturday, Monster Jam (Open, Burke)

1/27/2019, Sunday, Soccer Game (West, Hooper)

03/23/209, Saturday, Garth Brooks (West, Brigandi)

Total income thus far - $4,689.79

Fundraiser 2018

Only a few of these decks are still available.

Now accepting PayPal!! Hurry and get yours today, before

they're all gone.

Thanks for your support! $150.00 per deck plus shipping

Contact your nearest Phoenicia 58 Brother for tickets for more

info: [emailprotected]


Phoenicia Lodge Trestleboard – Mar/Apr 2019 Issue 2 Page 8


CALL for TRESTLEBOARD and WEBSITE ADVERTISERS! We are looking for additional Trestleboard and Website advertisers! Advertising with Phoenicia 58 promotes your products and services to its members and anyone who visits its website.

Ad space is now available on the Trestleboard. You may purchase a business card size for $25 for one year and renew in January. Please support our Brothers and Friends of the Lodge who advertise in our Trestleboard. Send request to


Find us on Facebook!

Scan this with your QR reader

or type this into your web browser:

Phoenicia Lodge # 58 Trestleboard – Nov/Dec 2018 Issue 6 Page 9

Other Masonic Bodies Meeting

in our Lodge Hall

Paradise Valley Silver Trowel Lodge No. 29 Stated Meeting: 7:30 pm on the 1st Wednesday.

Special meetings are hold nearly every Wed. Contact secretary Jack Bender ([emailprotected])

Stars of Paradise #56 Order of the Eastern Star

2nd and 4th Thursday (dark in the summer)

Bethel #19, Job’s Daughters Meet on 2nd and 4th Mondays at 7 pm.

Contact the PVST #29 Lodge Secretary for latest contact information.

Happy Masonic Birthday to these brothers.

Masonic Birthday

FullName MM_Date Years

Eric Stethem P.M. 3/7/2006 12

Frank Vona 3/11/1980 38

Anthony Humpage P.M. 3/13/1990 28

Ronald W Foncannon 3/17/1967 51

Randall Smith P.M. 3/24/2001 17

Robert Haynes P.M. 3/31/1993 25

Emmett Middaugh 4/6/2010 8

Howard Ward P.M. 4/11/1970 48

Jeffrey Hinson P.M. 4/12/1986 32

Gregory Weisman P.M. 4/13/1991 27

Alan Chris Penner 4/15/1966 52

Keith Simpson P.M. 4/15/1999 19

Verne Bill Myers 4/22/1974 44

Francis William Rasen D.D.S. 4/25/1980 38

Eric Darnell Mobley 4/27/2010 8

James Thomason 4/30/1994 24

Joseph Frank Konen 5/2/2017 1

Ernesto Zamorano 5/6/2000 18

Randy Pelton 5/14/1998 20

Mathis Becker 5/16/1968 50

Kurt Eldridge 5/20/1999 19

Joseph Papas Jr. 5/26/2009 9

Terry Lee Stoner 5/27/2003 15

Alexander Paletsos 5/28/1965 53

Phoenicia Past Masters

William H. Peotter - 1960 Carl D. Lang – 1961

H. Curtis DeShong – 1962 Augustine G. DiPaola – 1963

Perry Wheat, Jr. – 1964 Robert A. Anglin – 1965

Marvin R. Strickland – 1966 Albert A. Hinchcliff – 1967

Garrett L. Hendershot – 1968 Raymond O. Marshall – 1969

Cecil P. Overstreet – 1970, 1986 Norman H. Pfieiffer – 1971, 1982

Benjamin H. Fisk – 1972 Donese B. Tackett – 1973 Gordon L. Meintell – 1974 Maurice E. Pebbles – 1975 Charles Q. Hartley – 1976 Robert L. Allision – 1977 Neil D. Shepard – 1978

Theodore E. Pearson – 1979 Chester R. Hinson – 1980, 1981 George E. Hinson – 1983, 1984

William E. Dillon - 1985 Howard E. Ward – 1987

Robert P. Taber – ‘88, ‘89, ‘96, ‘99, ’01 Philip T. Zeilinger – 1990, 1991 Joel R. Adams – 1992, 1993

Anthony Humpage – 1994 Ernie L. Waller Sr. – 1995

David Newman – 1997 James W. Brown – 1998

Robert Haynes - 2000 Keith A. Simpson – 2002, 2003

Don S. Methven – 2004, 2007 Randall G. Smith – 2005

Gregory S. Weisman – 2006, 2008 Eric Stethem – 2009

Ray Brigandi – 2010, 2012 Jeffrey Hinson – 2011

Jason Schneider – 2013 Glen H. Van Steeter – 2014

Jason Easterday – 2015 Tony Hernandez – 2016/2017

Bryon P. Howe – 2018 Chrisopher B. West - 2019

Affiliated Past Masters

Sidney Breger Chadwick Burks

William Franklin Lucius L. Green

Thomas Burke - Deceased

The officers of Phoenicia Lodge No. 58 express their gratitude to all the brethren who have served the Lodge as Masters and who

continue to serve as Past Masters. They who have gone before us have laid the foundation and the lower stories of the speculative

building that we call “Phoenicia Lodge” for which we are indebted. We especially thank those Past Masters who continue

to serve the Lodge that we may ever continue to build a magnificent edifice, in service to mankind and to the Great

Architect who has given us every good and great thing and whose forgiveness we all rely upon.

Phoenicia Lodge # 58 Trestleboard – Nov/Dec 2018 Issue 6 Page 10

Masonic Youth Support

Valley of the Sun DeMolay Upcoming Activities and Events:

Sat – 02 Mar – 8AM – 2PM – OES Fiesta Days +Sun City Masonic Center

Sun – 03 Mar – 4PM - Chapter Meeting +Presentation of Merit Bars??

Sat – 09 Mar – 1PM-5PM – State Event – Grand Master’s Class +Registration Deadline 04 Mach, $10 per person +345 W Monroe location +Lock-in follows

Sat – 16 Mar – 8AM - AAE Sun – 17 Mar–9:30AM – Chapter DEVOTIONAL DAY

+Peace Lutheran Church, 18265 N 89 th Ave, Peoria Sun – 17 Mar– 11AM- Chapter Roundtable, at Peter Piper Pizza.

+Prospective Member Event Sat – 23 Mar – 8AM - AAE Fri – 29 Mar –7PM - Advisor Council Sat – 30 Mar– 8AM -AAE Fri/Sat/Sun – 05Apr -07Apr– 8AM -AAE Sun – 07 Apr – 4PM - Chapter Meeting Sat – 13 Apr – 9AM- 5PM - YDX – Arizona State DeMolay – Youth Development Experience

+Congress activity and development seminars/workshops Sun – 21 Apr - EASTER Fri – 26 Apr –7PM - Advisor Council Sat/Sun – 27Apr/28Apr – Overnight Camping at Hinson’s

+Incorporates Monthly Chapter Roundtable

Bethel 19 Upcoming Activities and Events:

Mon. 03/11/19 7:00 p.m.

• Bethel 19 Regular Meeting

• PVST Lodge #29, 16027 N. 25th St., Phx

• We will be honoring Mother Mick Sat. 03/16/19

• Bethel 19 St. Patrick’s Parade Indian Steele Park We will be participating in the parade and promotional booth

Mon. 03/25/19 7:00 p.m.

• Bethel 19 Regular Meeting

• PVST Lodge #29, 16027 N. 25th St., Phx Mon. 04/08/19 7:00 p.m.

• Bethel 19 Regular Meeting

• PVST Lodge #29, 16027 N. 25th St., Phx Tues. 04/09/19 all day

• Job’s Daughters International

• To honor Mother Mick on each month’s 9th day, we want you to all to say #PrideJDI

• Wear your JDI gear with pride and post a photo of yourself on social media! #SistersLeadersFriends Mon. 04/22/19 7:00 p.m.

Phoenicia Lodge # 58 Trestleboard – Nov/Dec 2018 Issue 6 Page 11

• Bethel 19 Regular Meeting

• PVST Lodge #29, 16027 N. 25th St., Phx Mon. 05/13/19 7:00 p.m.

• Bethel 19 Regular Meeting

• PVST Lodge #29, 16027 N. 25th St., Phx Mon. 05/27/19 7:00 p.m.

• Bethel 19 Regular Meeting

• PVST Lodge #29, 16027 N. 25th St., Phx Mon. 06/10/19 7:00 p.m.

• Bethel 19 Regular Meeting

• PVST Lodge #29, 16027 N. 25th St., Phx

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 30412, Phoenix AZ 85046 Physical ... - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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