[Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 14 (2024)

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      Dirty Registered User regular

      October 2023

      manwiththemachinegun wrote: »

      If MGS1 got a true remaster l, can think of worse things.

      The game is so oooooooooold. It needs a full remake.

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      Jazz Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      Dirty wrote: »

      manwiththemachinegun wrote: »

      If MGS1 got a true remaster l, can think of worse things.

      The game is so oooooooooold. It needs a full remake.

      I do wonder if there's some sort of weird licensing issue in play preventing that, since it already got a remake in the form of The Twin Snakes.

      There's definitely an issue with the audio; that already needed re-recording for TTS because the original dialogue recordings weren't high enough quality for the Gamecube, and various background sounds like passing traffic (since it wasn't recorded in a proper recording studio) were apparently audible if the original recordings were played back at the GC's audio fidelity, that the PS1's lower quality output masked somewhat. The upshot is that they either take the TTS audio - which would be enough to deter some fans - or they re-record it yet again, with the cast now sounding 25 years older, or they recast it (which would be required in the case of Baker's actor who died in 2015 at the age of 91, per the Metal Gear Wiki), which I can see the fanbase objecting to.

      I wonder if this is one reason they jumped into remaking MGS3, since the OG voice recordings for that game could be reused.

      It is potentially possible that AI could be used to enhance the fidelity of the original MGS recordings and clean up the background noise, but that would probably be controversial in itself. Probably the best option though. If Konami wanted to go to that effort.

      I'd still be happy to see legalities with Nintendo figured out, and whatever was needed on the defunct Silicon Knights side, and The Twin Snakes remastered and re-released, HD Collection style. (As far as Nintendo goes, Goldeneye eventually resurfaced on both Switch and Xbox, so that's a good precedent - SK is the much bigger problem.)

      Jazz on

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      klemming Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Yeah, any kind of remake would need to be a full remake, voice cast included. And I can see the pushback on that being way too high for them to want to bother, especially without Kojima involved.

      Nobody remembers the singer. The song remains.

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      Jazz Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      Man... new generation, new technology, new console, etc etc, but the difference between MGS1 and MGS2 visually, for being just three years apart, is still absolutely startling. MGS2 still looks great, 22 years on (admittedly I'm looking at the HD version, but still, it always was a fine looking game).

      When generational leaps were absolutely slap-you-in-the-face obvious in every way.

      Jazz on


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      Prohass Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      MGS2s environments especially are a great example of taking the tech you have and working with it rather than against it. It’s all clean industrial lines which the ps2 could do well, but it takes restrictions and makes them strengths, using colour tones and simple shapes in really striking ways, it avoids the trap of trying to fill an environment with details and instead focusses on creating a compelling impression of an environment, rather than a 1:1 recreation

      It’s an approach that kind of filters out what isn’t important rather than trying to include details it can’t do justice. It almost feels cel shaded in many respects, or at least utilises similar techniques and principles to create a fantastic sense of place, tone and atmosphere

      Prohass on


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      Jazz Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Taking restrictions and making them strengths is how we got the first Metal Gear, and thus this whole series, in the first place. But yeah, MGS2 is an incredible example of that in practice.


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      Jazz Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Time to dust off this old classic. Irish comedian Dara O'Briain talking Metal Gear Solid in actual standup in an actual big venue.

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 14 (11)https://youtu.be/WWQXzGTzM1g?si=LsXmlD-O81zRdnbA


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      manwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      klemming wrote: »

      Yeah, any kind of remake would need to be a full remake, voice cast included. And I can see the pushback on that being way too high for them to want to bother, especially without Kojima involved.

      MGS4 already uses the Twin Snakes voice recordings for its Shadow Moses flashbacks, I doubt this is a rights issue.

      manwiththemachinegun on


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      Dirty Registered User regular

      October 2023

      I'm not confident Konami would care enough to hire the right people, but I do believe that Metal Gear could keep going without Kojima. I mean, I enjoyed Death Stranding for the most part, but Hideo is getting way up his own butt.

      I'd love a broad strokes remake of MGS1 with a new cast and everything. Then take the story in a completely different direction for its sequels. Just entirely new games.


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      Most of Kojima's ideas with a compatible editor would be like a 500% improvement to every Kojima story. Just somebody to hold his hand and go "dude, this 20% here connecting the other 80% of great/interesting moments is completely bugf*ck nonsense". Also, a consistent but gentle reminder that Kojima isn't half as clever as he thinks he is and his stuff isn't half as deep as he thinks it is. Not removing the weirdness of the stories, just working so they make some actual coherent sense the majority of the time.


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      Johnny Chopsocky Scootaloo! We have to cook! Grillin' HaysenburgersRegistered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      I think what makes Kojima Kojima is his ability to engage simultaneously with both the characters in the game as well as the player. His games contain a fourth wall that is already demolished, and few others handle negotiating a presentation like that as well as he can. This is mostly because usually a game dev breaking the fourth wall is for jokes or gags or something cynical like "Boy howdy, don't you hate having to collect things? Anyway, go collect some sh*t.", but when Kojima does it, it's utterly sincere.

      Remedy comes close, I feel. Toby Fox has done well with it too.

      Johnny Chopsocky on

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 14 (17)
      Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky

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      Morninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      I'm not interested in MGS without Kojima.

      20% more boring isn't my cup of tea.

      Morninglord on

      (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.


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      shoeboxjeddy Registered User regular

      October 2023

      I don't understand making more without him. If you don't like his work, make your own IP. (Note: I am conceptually okay with remakes of existing games or sequels to spinoffs like MGR).


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      Dirty Registered User regular

      October 2023

      I think it's kind of silly to think nobody can make a Metal Gear Solid without Kojima. Plenty of franchises have have had great entries even after the original creators moved on.


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      Dirty Registered User regular

      October 2023

      I will add that I don't have faith in Konami finding a successor. I think the only way we'd get a good new MGS is if Konami took it to PlayStation and just left it in their hands.


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      Prohass Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      yeah i mean you cant make a kojima metal gear, but you can make a metal gear game, a good one too, the characters and settings and themes can be taken by another creative team and worked with, even given their own spin. I just dont buy that Konami is capable of wrangling (and paying) that kind of creativity

      Prohass on

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      manwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Dirty wrote: »

      I think it's kind of silly to think nobody can make a Metal Gear Solid without Kojima. Plenty of franchises have have had great entries even after the original creators moved on.

      Look, just do remakes of the Kojima games. The originals are fine and aren't going anywhere. If a new team wants to take a crack at the series with a "spiritual" successor to Snake, well fine give it a shot. It can't be worse than Survive.

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      Paladin Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Metal Gear is just Military Opera, if not Military Soap Opera. Anyone with talent and dedication can continue the theme, but the story is over and so is the audience.

      For many people, Metal Gear Solid was the first action game that really made you feel like you were playing an action movie, being fully voiced with adaptive gameplay in a semi-realistic setting with an actual plot. There were other legendary games around that time, but just a few, and pretty much every good game from that era earned an enduring legacy that still continues today. Now, games providing that kind of experience are a dime a dozen. That sort of experience, especially with that story and setting, is not going to happen again because it has happened again, repeatedly and in great numbers over the years to the point that even if a more perfect Kojima comes along and develops a worthy successor, we probably won't even recognize it.

      Marty: The future, it's where you're going?
      Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.

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      manwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular

      October 2023

      I mean you say that but there's a level of weirdness and sense of "unreality" to the world of the Metal Gear games that isn't the same in say, Splinter Cell or Syphon Filter.

      In Metal Gear you did often feel as confused as the characters themselves did, tumbling down the rabbit hole into conspiracies, super weapons, insane killers and unstoppable Illuminati organizations.

      People argued for literal years over the if the ending to MGS2 was VR, or happened in the real world for example.


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      The Wolfman Registered User regular

      October 2023

      I think at this point I feel comfortable in saying that Kojima's strengths lie more in gameplay than actual writing. Maybe to be more exact the melding of gameplay into story elements. Like I cannot believe how much the gameplay of Death Stranding just f*cking clicked for me. But I was halfway through the game and I could not tell you what the story was. At all. The game is the digital version of verbal dysphasia. It's saying words but it's all just babble.

      "The sausage of Green Earth explodes with flavor like the cannon of culinary delight."


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      Ninja Snarl P My helmet is my burden. Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      I think at this point I feel comfortable in saying that Kojima's strengths lie more in gameplay than actual writing. Maybe to be more exact the melding of gameplay into story elements. Like I cannot believe how much the gameplay of Death Stranding just f*cking clicked for me. But I was halfway through the game and I could not tell you what the story was. At all. The game is the digital version of verbal dysphasia. It's saying words but it's all just babble.

      I've played the game twice and I think I've got the idea of what story they were trying to tell, which is a shame because the utter f*cking trainwreck of delivery is done with great performances and terrible writing and hideously undercuts what could be a really great and moving story. And they couldn't even let the ending end properly, they had to have more ending get in the way. "Convoluted" and "good" aren't even on the same scale as each other, much less have any kind of equivalency. Not to mention the pacing needed a loooot of work.

      But I definitely agree that Kojima's real strength is in highly detailed, high-fidelity gameplay and not even remotely in writing. If he'd handed off his notes on the Death Stranding story to some actual writers and let them make something coherent while he stuck with the gameplay, we could've had something that was really good instead of something with good bits stuck in a lot of needlessly incoherent story. The guy obsessively thinks he's some kinda movie director, though, so good luck getting him to hand off story control to anybody actually good at writing.

      Ninja Snarl P on

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      Morninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      Of course you can make a Metal Gear without Kojima.

      It'll just be a serious consistent military drama and blehhhhhhhhhhhh.

      All that crazy stuff is why they're good to me.

      Morninglord on

      (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.


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      Ninja Snarl P My helmet is my burden. Ninja Snarl: Gone, but not forgotten.Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      I think you could do a good MGS without Kojima in charge of the entire project. I don't think you could do a good MGS without Kojima involved in the project in a major way.

      The franchise just bears too much of the weirdness he baked into it. It's probably not impossible to find somebody who could get it at least mostly weird-right, but it's definitely impossible for modern Konami.

      Ninja Snarl P on


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      miscellaneousinsanity grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brother, i hurt peopleRegistered User regular

      October 2023

      i mean, shuyo murata and etsu tamari exist (not that i think they'd ever return to konami)

      i know there was the ongoing cycle of kojima leaving new games in the hands of the next generation and then coming back out of retirement but as far as i'm concerned revengeance already proved you can do a metal gear and still capture the metal gear atmosphere without him or the stealth formula (even if it didn't entirely sit right with me for story reasons)

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 14 (31)


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      Morninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      Miiiiiight wanna pick an example without a humongous conflating variable re who developed it.

      edit: Also they struggled to make a working Rising and it got cancelled in 2010 until Kojima stepped in and got Platinum on board, with Kojima as a supervisor.

      His fingers were in that pie too.

      Morninglord on

      (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.


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      miscellaneousinsanity grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brother, i hurt peopleRegistered User regular

      October 2023

      it was a metal gear not by kojima?
      ghost babel and the Ac!ds were also written and directed not by kojima

      i don't understand your assumption that no kojima automatically equals 100% no nonsense military simulator

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 14 (34)


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      Morninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      I am completely ok with other people getting a Kojima less mainline Metal Gear game I just wont buy it.

      Rising was fine to me because Platinum is literally, literally my favourite video game company. If they make a second one I would buy that too.

      I have negative interest in the card games. Good on ya if you like em, I'm happy for you. I hope you get a bunch of great MG games and have a bunch of fun.

      Morninglord on

      (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.

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      Dragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular

      October 2023

      The thing about Kojima was messiness aside you could tell he actually cared about the subjects he was talking about. To the point to do actual, heavy research. Not perfect by any means but it was there.

      Now could they get someone to make a competent military story, yes sure probably. Would it actually be an interesting one...I dunno cause I don't think the suits care enough about that one.


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      manwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Lemme tell you kids about MUFF.


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      Jazz Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      manwiththemachinegun wrote: »

      Lemme tell you kids about MUFF.

      That'll be from the p*rn parody version, right? [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 14 (39) MUFF and Snake sound like they'd go well together...

      (iirc the game refers to MUF - Material Unaccounted For.)

      Jazz on


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      manwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular

      October 2023

      I forgot there was one F for reasons I will not elaborate on.

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      Bursar Hee Noooo! PDX areaRegistered User regular

      October 2023

      I find myself not agreeing with Kojima's directorial decisions several times in every game, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy them. It's just that I'll be really into whatever's happening with the story, or a scene, when something will come along and throw me right out of the groove I was in. But he does get me into that groove to begin with, so clearly it's only the "bad" parts that stick out for me.

      I have to say, though, that for all the self-importance that occasionally shows up, I don't think there's any cynicism to the man. He puts into his art what he wants to say; it's just unfortunate (for me, anyway) that sometimes what he wants to say is "wouldn't it be cool if this woman was naked all the time for totally legitimate reasons, you guys." He takes a lot of chances and throws wacky beats into everything just for chuckles, like Big Boss unironically believing in Santa Claus and fighting dragons.

      (Actually, wait. I do think that the attention given to characters' fashion in DS and MGSV was because he wanted some free expensive glasses.)

      At some point I need to disengage my brain and go back to Death Stranding. I'll probably just restart it and allow myself to not care about completing everyone's chore list before moving on to the next areas.

      GNU Terry Pratchett
      PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | Battle.net: FallenIdle#1970
      Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1

      Spoilered until images are unborked. [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 14 (43)


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      Morninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Quiet is dumb for me too don't worry.

      (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.

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      Jazz Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      Bursar wrote: »

      (Actually, wait. I do think that the attention given to characters' fashion in DS and MGSV was because he wanted some free expensive glasses.)

      Speaking of which, I still think Ocelot's glasses in MGS4 are cool as sh*t:

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 14 (46)

      Jazz on


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      Bursar Hee Noooo! PDX areaRegistered User regular

      October 2023

      Jazz wrote: »

      Bursar wrote: »

      (Actually, wait. I do think that the attention given to characters' fashion in DS and MGSV was because he wanted some free expensive glasses.)

      Speaking of which, I still think Ocelot's glasses in MGS4 are cool as sh*t:

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 14 (49)


      GNU Terry Pratchett
      PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | Battle.net: FallenIdle#1970
      Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1

      Spoilered until images are unborked. [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 14 (50)

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      Dac Registered User regular

      October 2023

      Jazz wrote: »

      Man... new generation, new technology, new console, etc etc, but the difference between MGS1 and MGS2 visually, for being just three years apart, is still absolutely startling. MGS2 still looks great, 22 years on (admittedly I'm looking at the HD version, but still, it always was a fine looking game).

      When generational leaps were absolutely slap-you-in-the-face obvious in every way.

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 14 (52)

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 14 (53)

      Yeah we're not gonna see a generational jump like that ever again. Was a wild time to be gaming.

      Steam: catseye543
      PSN: ShogunGunshow
      Origin: ShogunGunshow


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      Morninglord I'm tired of being Batman, so today I'll be Owl.Registered User regular

      October 2023


      Interesting article with a bunch of developers reflecting on what MGS1 meant to them.

      (PSN: Morninglord) (Steam: Morninglord) (WiiU: Morninglord22) I like to record and toss up a lot of random gaming videos here.

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      cloudeagle Registered User regular

      October 2023 edited October 2023

      At some point I'm really going to have to get past my mental block and play Metal Gear Solid 5. My blocks in this case are how apparently it's obvious the game is unfinished, and Quiet. Just... Quiet. (It didn't help that I saw the video where Kojima insisted that once we knew Quiet's backstory, we'd feel feel bad for criticizing her design. And then I saw the video where Kojima very intensely fondles a Quiet action figure.)

      cloudeagle on

      Switch: 3947-4890-9293

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      cj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular

      October 2023

      cloudeagle wrote: »

      At some point I'm really going to have to get past my mental block and play Metal Gear Solid 5. My blocks in this case are how apparently it's obvious the game is unfinished, and Quiet. Just... Quiet. (It didn't help that I saw the video where Kojima insisted that once we knew Quiet's backstory, we'd feel feel bad for criticizing her design. And then I saw the video where Kojima very intensely fondles a Quiet action figure.)

      Quiet's an interesting character, poorly handled. Fortunately, she's not in the game too much. I think it's an excellent game, and I put it miles above 4(and 3), despite how clearly unfinished it was.

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 14 (57)


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      MechMantis Registered User regular

      October 2023

      cloudeagle wrote: »

      At some point I'm really going to have to get past my mental block and play Metal Gear Solid 5. My blocks in this case are how apparently it's obvious the game is unfinished, and Quiet. Just... Quiet. (It didn't help that I saw the video where Kojima insisted that once we knew Quiet's backstory, we'd feel feel bad for criticizing her design. And then I saw the video where Kojima very intensely fondles a Quiet action figure.)

      Simply get the model replacer and replace her model with Ocelot's.

      Problem solved.



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    [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 14 (2024)


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