1. The Game movie review & film summary (1997) - Roger Ebert
The opening scenes of “The Game” show Michael Douglas as a rich man in obsessive control of his life. The movie seems to be about how he is reduced to ...
The opening scenes of "The Game'' show Michael Douglas as a rich man in obsessive control of his life. The movie seems to be about how he is reduced to
2. The Game | Rotten Tomatoes
Synopsis Nicholas Van Orton (Michael Douglas) is a successful banker who keeps mostly to himself. When his estranged brother Conrad (Sean Penn) returns on his ...
Nicholas Van Orton (Michael Douglas) is a successful banker who keeps mostly to himself. When his estranged brother Conrad (Sean Penn) returns on his birthday with an odd gift -- participation in a personalized, real-life game -- Nicholas reluctantly accepts. Initially harmless, the game grows increasingly personal, and Orton begins to fear for his life as he eludes agents from the mysterious game's organizers. With no one left to trust and his money gone, Orton must find answers for himself.
3. The Game - cinema - VPRO Gids
Puissant rijke bankier Nicholas Van Orton (Douglas) krijgt op zijn verjaardag een spelcertificaat van zijn broer Conrad (Penn). Enigszins verveeld meldt hij ...
Puissant rijke bankier Nicholas Van Orton (Douglas) krijgt op zijn verjaardag een spelcertificaat van zijn broer Conrad (Penn). Enigszins verveeld meldt hij zich aan en belandt in een 'profound life experience' die ingrijpt op alle facetten van zijn dagelijks leven en uiteindelijk zelfs levensbedreigend wordt. Een persoonlijke hel waar niets of niemand is te vertrouwen. Fincher (Fight Club, The Social Network) weet het onwaarschijnlijke verhaal tergend spannend te brengen en Douglas schittert als de gevallen (zaken)man zoals alleen hij dat kan. Zeer onderhoudend.
4. The Game | Moviepedia | Fandom
Nicholas Van Orton (Michael Douglas) is a successful investment banker who is about to celebrate his 48th birthday which is the age at which his father ...
The Game is a 1997 American film directed by David Fincher, written by John Brancato and Michael Ferris, and produced by Ceán Chaffin and Steve Golin. It is distributed by Polygram Filmed Entertainment and released on September 12, 1997 in theaters. Nicholas Van Orton (Michael Douglas) is a successful investment banker who is about to celebrate his 48th birthday which is the age at which his father committed suicide. His brother, Conrad (Sean Penn), shows up unexpectedly with an unusual gift. He
5. The Game Ending Explained: What's Real In David Fincher's Thriller
30 apr 2024 · The purpose of the game is to shake Nicholas from his cynical complacency, forcing him to take action, to recognize all that he has and all that ...
The Game's many twists leave a lot to unpack.
6. Movie Review: The Game (1997)
6 nov 2018 · Starring: Michael Douglas, Deborah Kara Unger and Sean Penn Directed by: David Fincher A wealthy banker is given a mysterious gift by his ...
Starring: Michael Douglas, Deborah Kara Unger and Sean Penn Directed by: David Fincher A wealthy banker is given a mysterious gift by his brother for his birthday. The gift is to take part in a gam…
7. The Game (Movie, 1997) - MovieMeter.com
Nicholas Van Orton is a wealthy banker, who has everything his heart desires, except for a little excitement in his life.
Thriller movie.
8. “The Game” (1997) Movie Review. Warning: Spoilers Ahead - Medium
22 mei 2020 · The plot is centered around merchant banker Nicholas Van Orton getting a strange birthday present from his perverse brother Conrad for his ...
Warning: Spoilers Ahead
9. The Game (1997) | FilmTotaal
Nicholas Van Orton is een geslepen en succesvol zakenman die altijd alle touwtjes in handen heeft. Daar komt een einde aan als hij een wel zeer bijzonder ...
Actie uit Verenigde Staten. Regie David Fincher. Nicholas Van Orton is een geslepen en succesvol zakenman die altijd alle touwtjes in handen heeft. Daar komt een einde aan als hij een wel zeer bijzon...
10. A Review of a Classic: The Game (1997) - CMRU.CA
29 okt 2021 · Despite lacking explanations for some details that are teased, The Game is nevertheless a very satisfying film about a very rich man who has ...
Despite lacking explanations for some details that are teased, The Game is nevertheless a very satisfying film...