The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

I- ad 4: 4 Pa THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1942 27 Lots of Good Use in the Used Cars Advertised on This Page Today AUTOMOBILES Antomobiles for Sale 11 black CHRYSLER finish, '1937 4-Door Sedan, Immaculate original like new, tertor. lAs radio and heater, all good tires, $100. Slight consider a trade. Call 6-2825. FORDS FORDS FORDS 1937 convertible sed.

$375: (2) 1937 Phaetons, $350 apiece, 1936 Phaeton, $250; 1936 convertible coupe, $250: (5) 1931 sedans. $300 apiece: 1934 Victoria coupe, good tires, $100: '33 coach, good tire Others from $75 up. Cash oP terma. Open D. N.

ACKERMAN. 48 Willow Tel. 4-6857. DODGE PLYMOUTH Plym. dix.

2-dr. trg. sed. 6000 ml. $895 40 Mercury 4-door sedan $795 '39 Plymouth dix.

2-dr. trg. sedan '38 Dodge dix. 4-dr. trg.

sedan $565 Dodge de luze r. coupe $393 F. L. SANFORD CO. State Street Tel.

4-8251 DODGE TRUCKA PLYMOUTH DODGES-41 Del. Bus. Coupe, practically now: '10 Del. 4-Dr. '40 Del.

2-Dr. Red; '38 Del. 4-Dr. R. Del.

4-Dr. new motor job; Del. 4-Dr. R. '34 Del.

4-Dr. guaranteed. 35 others, all makes And prices. BYRNES. OUTH AGENCY, 34 Sumner near Long If St.

DODGE Sedan. '37. heater. good tires. Reas.

for cash. Tel. 3-9250. FORD 1910 Club Coupe, $500, perfect condition, 573 Belmont City. FORD 1941 Del.

4-Dr. Sedan, $825: Stude. 1941 Club Coupe, $795. Arthur Center. Springfeld's Ford Center, S00 Columbus Ave.

Tel. 3-1115. eves. FORD 1940-Going in Army, must sell. Excellent condition, heater.

Gull Gay Station, cor. Vernon. Columbus between 9 5. FORD 1941 4-Dr. Model 85, marnon finish, $775.

Ralph D. Jones, Chrysler- Plymouth Distributors, 721 Worthington. 6-6301. La gallo 1938 radio, heater $525 LaSalle 1938 Club Coupe DUNN MOTORS, 445 STAIN. 6-7100.

LINCOLN ZEPHYR -1939 sedan. very clean. radio, heater. 8:00. D.

N. Ackerman. 48 Willow Street. open evenings Tel. 4.6857.

NASHI 1938 Sedan, 6 1. almost new tires, A-1 mechanically, radio, heater, $425. Mr. Greenfeld, 178 Maple, a.m. to 2 p.m.

OLDS. '36-2-door trunk sedan, new battery, heater, good. $283. Tel. 4-1461.

PACKARD Sedan, 1937, good tires, R. Enlisting. Tel. 2-8327. PLYMOUTH 1942-Special de luxe 4-door radio, heater, defroster, slip covers.

$175 off list price. new, 5: new tirea. Tel. 6-2407. PLYMOUTH '36 Del.

Coach. 4 extra tires, Real Bargain. 18 Alderman St. PLYMOUTH 1941 5-Pass. Coupe, 11.000 miles, No trades.

Private owner. 6-4454, PONTIAC 1936 8 cyl. Coupe, new battery. plugs, Heater. Sake cash offer.

McDonald, Walnut 3.30 to 5.30 m. PLY YM. -Late '36 new tires battery, fine mechanically, finish like now. must well. death in family.

$300. 2-3097, 6 to p.m. PLYMOUTH COUPE-1938 (Convertible) $545. Sattler 683 Columbus Av. near York St.

Open evenings. 2-3154. OLDS. '36-2-door trunk sedan, now battery, heater. good, $295.

Tel. 4-1461. STATION WAGON, 1939 Chevrolet, $675. Warriner-Pontiac 883 Main St. Open till 9 p.

m. Tel. 2-6701. TO SETTLE ESTATE-1940 Chrysler Highlander Bus. Coupe, radio.

heater. Inq. City Ilall Garage, Chicopee. Tel. 960-W.

Ford Super Tudor, R. H. $845 5 Club Convertible, R. H. $895 Super Club 1.

$975 Deluxe Sedan, R. H. Sedan $450 Coupe Plymouth Sedan Delivery $195 Tudor $343 158 Stake $323 MANY OTHERS, AND UP DOWNTOWN DEALER SALES CO. 93 Liberty St. Next to R.

P. Station 1910 BUICK 51 Super Sedan, excel. original owner, new spare tire, drafted. Cash $900. Box 463, Union Office.

Trucks for Sale CHEVROLET PICKUP. 1931, FOR SALE. 89 LYMAN ST. CHEVROLET 1937 Dump Truck for sale. Tel.

6-3211, Auto Accessories 14 AC SPARK PLUGS, Exide batteries and fan Chas. halts, ample Broad Tire supply, enough 77 for Dwight St. everyone. WHO SAYS there's a shortage? Genden Bros. has the parts you want.

be it an old jalopy or a late model. New parts and shop. Corner Main and Morgan -Used parts, just around the corner. Tel 6-5481. Wanted -Automobiles 17 A PRIVATE party will pay cash for A '39 or '40 lato sedan, coupe or convertible.

Stato price, No dealers. Rox 468, Union. AT HALL'S prices paid for good clean late model cars. Hall Motor, 61 Shawnut Holyoke, 2-1407, Best cash prices for late J. C.

BYRNES, 34 Sumner Ave. 6-7233. CARS WANTED Immediate. Cash paid for late models, open evenings. Louis Cohen, 595 Main St.

Tel. 4-8894. Cash For Late Model Used Cars KELLEHER MIXER. INC. 464 ST.

JANES AVE. TEL. 3-3116. HIGHEST, PRICES for clean low mileage used cars. F.

L. Sanford 648 State. JUNK CARS WANTED TEL. 6-9131 CASII for good car. highest prices paid.

C. K. Beswick, 833 White St. TOP PRICES- -For late models. Pine Point Motor.

1566 State St. BUSINESS SERVICES Building- -Contracting ALL const. new. repaira, carpentry, IDE. calling, garage, screens.

estimates. 6-8943. Repairing CARPENTER Repair work, remodel karages kitchens, and specialty, rec. rooms. floors, ceilings, 5 Fradette, builder.

CHAIRS -Reseated by. the blind. Edw. Schuerer. 739 Sumner Ave.

6-1314. Piano Tuners PIANO tuning $3. Expert repairing, 20 years' exp. Tel. C.

L. Kubicek. A BETTER class painting, paperhanging. Call Dan 3-2331. A-1 PAINTING, papering and interior decorating.

A. Asian Co. 6-0970. GILL, 6-8100, for painting and paperhanging. 55 Daviston St.

b4 OUTSIDE inside painting. paperhg, 33 up. Also floor manding. Tel. PAINTING and pap rhanging.

Floor sanding finishing. Reasonable. John Regan, 4-0733. PAPERHANGING, painting plastering. reliable work.

Reasonable price. Plumb Moving ANDERSON BENSON 2-8166. Furniture piano moving. local long distant. Storage.

157-139 Lebanon st. REFRIGERATORS-RANGE MOVING Huck's Transfer. Inc. Since 1990, Dial 3-3147 STORAGE MOVING P'ACKING J. J.

SULLIVAN, "THE MOVERS. DIAL 2-2168. 385 LIBERTY P'rofesstonal Services I SUPERFLUOUS the piness of many a woman. Sadle F. HohJing.

1 1331 Main Room 603. 3-4070. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Female AN EXPERIENCED girl for gen. housework, 3 adults, live in, excollent salary, liberal time off. Tel.

4-7051. A MOTHER'S Helper. 46 Narragansett St. Tel. 2-3460.

BENNETT SERVICE--Stenographers (6) age 20 to 3 30. Hookkeepers (4) age 22 30. 168 Bridge St CHAMBERMAID wanted. Charty Hotel, 2000 Main. COMPETENT woman (married 'or single) for general housework In family of Immediately or February 1st.

$50 mo. Regular time off. Own attractive 2 rooms and bath. Tel. 3-2690.

DIGNIFIED and profitable maleswork for ladica who to create permanent weekly sales income. Marion White, Thursday Afternoon and Friday, 3-1121. EXPERIENCED All around laundresses wanted. Globe Laundry, 46 Howard Ft. XPERIENCED SHOE CLERK--Good pay, Carter's, 1680 Main St.

APERIENCED waitress. Duke's Dining Room, 31 W'estReld West Spud. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Female 32 EXPERIENCED girl for housework, cookIng. Stay In. 3-4458.

368 Long Hill St. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted Apply 319t Main St. GIRL to assist in Dentist's office. Room 402. 1537 Main St.

20, for general work in bake shop, Mrs. Storer's Food Shop, 151 Longmeadow Longmeadow. GIRL living In West to help with housework Re care of 3 children. Mittinegue Park Section. 4-4163.

GIRL- For housework. cooil pay. Come and atay. Call 4-4251 Longmeadow. GIRL (Polish) for housework.

Mra. Field, 68 Temple Street. HOSIERY MENDER wanted. exp. Chapin Hosiery Co.

311 T'AgA Boulevard. HOUSEKEEPER-Cooking. driver's 11- cense preferred. Apply Sat. 2-7137.

HOUSEWIFE-YOU can give your family and home pormal attention and also tarn fine income with us. Apply Room. .311, 145 State St. JOB PRESS FEEDER WANTED. EXPERIENCED.

CALL LADIES, we have a splendid opportunity for two. ambitious ladies. Apply Rm. 311, 145 state. U'KEEFE Employment Service, 31 Elm st Apulications accepted for office por.


CORP. 4 WANTED young lady to take charge of infants and children's dept. Answer stating age and experience. Write Box 436. U'nion Office.

WANTED Middle-aged woman, destrous of good hone As housekeeper panion to elderly woman. Box 463. U'nion Office. WANTED housekeeper, small family; livIng in, Write or phone Dr. J.

H. Fierma, Recket. Mass, Phone 2272. WANTED housekeeper for family of 3 adulta. Rox 401, Union Office.

WANTED experienced pay roll clerk with comptometer experience. Write Box 433 Union Office. Help Wanted- -Male 33 GAS STATION--For sale, Must sell. Apply 1169 State St. ATTENTION AUTOMORILE SALESMEN SERVICE MANAGER Desirable cuper servico station, fully equipped for lease.

Write stating financial condition and give phone number. In reply for immediate appointment. The Texaco Co. 496 BRIDGE ST. to A-1 TOOL gauge and fixture men.

Highest wages, plus bonus. No age limit. Industrial Manufacturing $96 Main Holyoke. Tel. 2-5306.

BARBER- -Position open now In private man who desires steady, permanent hospital in large New a England city for position. In reply, state age and names of former employers. Rox 2087, Union. BARBER WANTED. Must be first class.

Steady work. The Barber Shop, 411 Dickinson St. guitar player A wanted. Call GAUGE AND fixture men. pay.

Ex2-2825 A between 5.30 6.30. "Johnny." cellent working conditions, City Tool Die 44 Taylor St. CUTTER WANTED who knows how to handle round knife machine. Patricia Undergarment 125 Main St. COLLECTOR to work part time nings) experienced In collections.

bust have car. See Mr. Ilobbs, 369 Worthington St. EXPERIENCED rough machine presser wanted. Apply American Cleaners Dyers, 433 Eastern Ave.

7-4331. EXPER. CLERK for Jewish grocery store, must have driver's license, good pay and good hours. Rulnick's Market, 1123 Dwight St. EXPERT gauge grinders gauge finishers.

for 1st, 2d 3d shifts. Ideal workIng Precision Engineering North Feeding ITilla, ferred, good salary, steady employment. JEWELER WANTED- Repair man preWrite Box :091, Union Office. JOHNSON'S BOOKSTORE wants 16 or 17-years-old errand boy. Apply to Roger Johnson.

MECHANICS By A local concern for second shift, Arstclass milling machine and radial drill mechanics for national defense work. Must be men of experience, able to read blueprints and set up own jobs, Apply Box 978. Union Office MOTOR FREIGHT solicitor wanted by escarrier, only experlenced man considered, reply stating age. qualifi- cations. Rox 2090, Union Office.

MECHANICAL DRAFTSMEN TOOL DESIGNERS TOOL ONE man one automobile painter. Apply City Auto Metal Tel. 3-2418. Fetup men and operators for: Gridley Automatics WANTED BI LOCAL CONCERN Good working conditions--overtime MUST BE U. S.

CITIZENS WRITE COMPLETE INFORMATION ON PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE TO BOX 410, UNION OFFICE 1: ONE man one automobile Paper Boxes Experienced Man on Scoring Machine CUTLER 165 Front Chicopee, Industrial BuildIng Corp. REGISTERED or assistant pharmacist, full time or relief work. Box 449, Union Office. PHARMACIST registered. give Age, exnerience, references, Dox 367, Union Otrice.

SALESMEN for OUT hardware, paint and tool depart. Exp. preferred but not nec. C'arlisle Hardware 1548 Main St. SALESMAN for training course.

$28, age 21-40. Newell Service. 110 State St. I SHIPPING CLERK experienced, good position and salary. Apply in own handwriting, Immediate employment.

Box 545, City. TOOL AND GAUGE makers wanted. Only those who can finish grind on new Brown and Sharpe surface grinders. lighest wages. Overtime, A.

J. lloppe Tool Works, 36 Gaucher City. SHORT order rook and counter man. M.S. Restaurant, Center Chicopee.

TIRE vulcanizer or regroover. Apply Mac's Tire. 1189 Columbus Ave. MAKERS and gAUgO makers, 1st class, best of wages. Day.

shift. Bay State Tool Machine Co. TRUCK DRIVER for oll truck. Catt Chicopee 1234. WANTED good farm hand or handy man for year around job, should be able to drive truck during winter to deliver produce to cities, will furnish comfortable home and good salary to right man.

Box 104 Ellington, Conn. WANTED-A-1 designer, must know power: press, lathe, drill press broaching. profiling. tapping. riveting.

grindins And Assemble tools. fixtures and Permanent position with cellent future for the richt man. Must come fully qualified and highly recommended. Trite Rox 428 Union Office. WANTED janitor for wight apartments.

Box 164, Union Office, EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Male WANTED FOREMAN -For drill press must know drill. tapping. 'grinding And milling. Stunt nave had several years experience in this work and come highly recom. Write Hor 418.

U'nion Of. WANTED 3 tirat class all around machiniats for model room work. Steady work and fine opportunity for right inen. High government priority defense work. Must be U.

5. citizen. Reply Box 323, Union Office. 1 WANTED AT ONCE-2 driver salesmen for Retail Milk Routes. Vacancies caused by.

draft. Salary commission, References required. Box 454, Union. WANTED KELLY PRESS HELP'ER. WRITE BOX 460, UNION OFFICE.

WANTED beer salesman for lampden Hampshire County. Brockert Brewing Worcester, Mass. WANTED- Vegetable gardener with house experience, not over 53 years of Age. Apply in person at Connecticut School for Boys, Meriden, Conn. WEAVERS for narrow fabric looms.

Excellent pay. Arrow Elastic 48 Hampden Spild. YOUNG MAN wanted as driver in market. Apply Goldi Market, 384 Dickinson St. Help Wanted -Male Salesman 35-A EXPERIENCED confectionery and grocery salesman to work retail trade.

Young married man, draft exempt. preferred. State nge, qualification and employers for past five yrs. Rox 3086. U'nion Office.

FULL TIME preferred, but part time protested territories also available. Commission basis. Sixty-year manufacturer of Automotive and Industrial Lubricants: Institutional Soaps and Cleaners, etc. Baun'a, Rome, N. Y.

TOUNG MAN with selling experience. Car essential. Apply Singer. Sewing Machine 1237 Main St. Help-Malo.

or Female 31 BRAIDERS Experienced in operating 16 and 32 carrier silk braiders. Write Cortland Lite Cortland, N. Dept. SN. Specify experlence.

COUPLE--Man must be good farmer: wife available- part thine. No objection to children. Dwelling furnished. Meloney, Lyme, Conn. MANAGER wanted for curtain store.

Also good nay, steady position, good references. Not 2089. Union Office. WANTED Bilk presser. Capable of training giris.

Good pay. Stetson Dry Cleaner. 36 Federal Pittsfield, Mass, Situations Wanted- -bemate 36 REFINED aniddle-aged Protestant woman, excellent cook, would like position 88 housekeeper for an elderly couple or man. Box 461, Union Office, COMPETENT woman wishes work 3 days week. Box 459, Union Office.

FASHION, layout copywriting. Box 463 InUnion office. MIDDLE-AGED refined housekeeper desires position in home with 1 or 2 children. Honest and -reliable. Box 465.

Union Office, YOUNG lady desires position for general work or housekeeper with adult. 2-6794. Situations Wanted -Male 37. ACCOUNTANT with over 20 vears expert, ence In all phases of accounting and income. problems.

Would like several clienta desiring such service: on 8 parttime basis. Interested parties or concerns call or write to Box 412, Union Of. CARPENTER work of all kinds. 1st class, Insured men. Full financing.

3-9789. CAN YOU URO man 30 yrs. old. Worked in machine shop 10 have done P. O.

Box 166. East Hartford, Conn. both gas and electric welding. J. EXP.

Amer. couple wants position. cook. chauffeur, -butler in Ist class family. Excellent references furn.

V. Murphy, 528 Main Hamilton, Mass. time work. Can set up keep comEXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires partplete set, make out financial statements. file Social Security reports, etc.

:1 Box 448, Union Office. LIGHT WORK wanted by man, 40 years of age. salary secondary, Box 445, Unton office. FINANCIAL Business Opportnnitles 38 BARRER SHOP--Fully equipped, on acct death, 785 State. 3-4398 for app't.

COUNTRY sture does $700 week. 6-room apt. G. Collester. 1694 St.

CHANCE OF A Well paying 5c. to $1 Store. Must sell at once, Good location. Draft, for selling. Write Box 3001, Union Office.

TIT.K ROUTE- Russell. 130 qts. dally, Box 2085, Union Office. MODERN station for rent in a very good Incation. Apply 440 Worthington.

3 En WANTED AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN TIRE SALESMEN An opportunity to go Into business for yourself. Kindred line. WRITE BOX 383 UNION OFFICE 1 20 APT. Block, without heat. Write E.

care of Mayfair Tavern, So. Bridge, Holyoke. Personal Financing 39 ABANDON ALL BILLS. First Personal Rankers, Court Square." 21 Elm St. License 222.

Tel. 2-4158. AUTO LOANS- -New low rates. Owner's signature only. Springfeld Finance 1490 Main St.

License 77. 4-3193. 1362 Main st. License 80. Tel.

4-2127 Loans for Taxes, Fuel, Old Bills, Etc. NEW METIIOD A FINANCE CORP. LOANS UP TO $300. Signature only. Prompt service.

Guaranty Loan Plan. 1537 Main St. License 212. Tel. 2-7250.

VICTOR RADIO Electrola. Trade in. In good cond. Cost $100, sell $49.95. Collins.

Worthington. Open till D. Friday. Money to Loan 40 AUTO LOANS $300 to $1000 Immediate Service MOTOR ACCEPTANCE 510 Main St. 6-9294.

CASH PAID on watches, diamonds, jewelry. Court Square Jewlers. New address. FREEMAN'S, 170 Worthington St. MORTGAGE MONEY for refinancing homes of new home construction.

F. G. Scheufler Mortgage 115 State, 6-5467. MORTGAGE LOANS you. need money to buy, build or refinance your present home, see Lomas 23 Elm 6-3637.

INSTRUCTION Musical. Dancing. Dramatic BALLROOM DANCING, accordian, piano, voice guitars. Dime. Beauregard's School of Music, 1634 Maln St.

Private instruction STENOGRAPHIC, Secretarial, ing courses open now. Catalog free. Ray Path Institute, 100 Chestnut St. 6-2704. LIVESTOCK Dogs.

Cats. l'ets -co*cker spaniela, Poms, Spitz, police $3 up. 3210 Main. BLUE CROSS- Female tiger kitten, 2 months old, 4-3797. DONALD VETERINARIAN M.

SNOW Kenwood Park 2-8112 SWISS Mondaine Pigeons breeders for sale. A. 1. Ouellette, 85 Iall City. Horses.

Cattle, Vehicles 48 3-YEAR-OLD saddle horse well broken, Western English saddle bridles, harness, sleigh. See Olly Parking Jot, rear of City Ifall, Ilolyoke. Poultry and Supplies 49 A BARGAIN on day old cross co*ckerels in February; also cross Leghorn chicks, lillitop Farm, Huffield, Conn. ALWAYS best prices paid for poultry. Superman, 993 Memorial W.

8.. 3-2371. ALL LIVE POULTRY wanted, good prices. T. K.

Kaplan, 134 Knollwood St. CHICK to 14c. (State clean). Ped. used.

Cash or credit. Booklet. MA. Murdy's, Bernardston, 3431, Spfld. 2-6134.

HYBRID Vigor chicks. CUR. recently reported 85 -90 pc. PAg prod. from our reds.

You can gets the same stocks sired by pedigreed winghanded males for only 12c ca, with quan. Also fast growing red chi. chick: at 6c, State blood tested years with no. reactors. McKinstry Farms, 135 McKinstry Chic.

392. KERR'S LIVELY CHICKS- varieties. Advance, order: discount 5 Rerr Chickeries West Spfld. 2-7317. PILCH'S pullorum clean chicks.

Rest. for lavers A broilers, sexed co*ckerel. redr, rocks, CrOSSes linked. Order now. Calendar free.

4-0162 Poultry and Supplies 49 EGG PRODUCERS--Sell your eggs to Rood Woodbury. Market prices paid. See Mr. Swift, 1'24 Main Springfeld. Seasonal Iteins: Water Warmers, Fountain Heaters, Oli, Coal and Electric Brooders.

Order your Embryo fed chicks Early, METHE'S 368 Tavior St. 2-1194. WANTED chickens. fowls, broilers, turk. pay more.

V. J. Zelazo. 3-2310. MERCHANDISE Articies for Sale.

1942 PORTABLE record player $39.75 value, circ*mstances force sale at $25. Adolph Borger, 24 Coomes City. Cameras and rampment 51-A A CLEARANCE. of cameras, Recominar 18 F1.5 range finder, Voitlender Avus 1.5, Ikoflex I Abbey gun, Great savings. United Luggage Camera Shop, 16SS Main St.

FEDERAL 245 enlarger was $12.60. now $31., Ressa 14.5, Prontor shutter $16. FREEDMAN Radio Electric, 1235 Main 6-1861. FILM PROGRAMS ARRANGED for clubs, trav. relig.

subj. Larsen Theater Supply 334 Worthington St. 3-2932. SNAP-SHOTS from YOUR KODASLIDES .8 for $1. For details call John W.

Deely (with Cheney':) 301 Bridge St. 6-2739. Business ALL GAS combination range. Ivory. Call 2-9056 after 6 p.m.

DRUGSTORE Tixtures complete. Reasonable, Apply Maxwell Drug 1386 Albany llartford, for 1m- mediate information. Call Spfid, 3-7229. HELP DEFENSE, sell us your used office furniture, desks, chairs, tables, safes, or trade it for anything in our store. Ifolyoke Auction Co.

Tel. Iolyoke 2-5983. STORE FIXTURES for every business, new and used. Pava Store Equipment Co. Liberty and leywood Sts.

Boats and Accessories EVINLUDE MOTOR -Lawrence N. King, West Feeding IIills. Tel. 4-6236 eves. Fuel and Feed 56 A-1 SLAB and wood, mixed, stove and fireplace.

From $6 up. Tel. 8-1925. SAWED ITARDWOOD and heavy slabs, $6 to $10. 96 cu.

4-4880. SLAB wood $5 cord delivered, cut store and furnace length. Ludlow 9431. SLAB WOOD $6 A LOAD. PROMPT DELIVERY.

TEL. 3-0711. Household Goods 50 A-1 FURNITURE MART Just arrived! Load of elec. refrigerators, ranges (coal Re dual oven), washing machines, all late models, all reconditioned. Also large assortment table top gas ranges, truckloads of slightly used arriving daily.

Everything priced to sell. 14. FORT (Next to Union Off.) 7-1379 A BANNER BARGAIN 9x13 HEAVY FELT BASE Felt $5.95 FURNITURE OUTLET, 1049 Main. BARGAIN SALE GOOD USED FURNITURE oil heaters 4.00 Porcelain Breakfast Set 9.50 Walnut Bedroom Set $13.00 Walnut Dining Room $22.50 Grey Enamel Comb. Stove $14.95 Kitchen Tables 2.50 Kitchen Chairs .49 Beds, Springs, Mattresses 1.00 FURNITURE OUTLET, 1049 Main.

A NEW shipment of Crawford comb. ranges, prices right. Quantity Act now. Wholesale Furn. Warehouse, 15 Hampden St.

A SOLID MAPLE BEDROOM SET $69 TERMS' EDWARD'S FURN. Open 890 State. A-1 REMOVAL SALE BARGAINS Felt base linoleum, 5 yds. $1.00 9x13 felt base rug $2.95 Union 994 Main St. Open eves, A RECONDITIONED Norge elec.

refrig. Just like new, $69.50. Terms. PROCTORFLANAGAN. 1212 Main near State.

BEAT THE prire rise by refurnishing your home nOW. Budget terms. Open eves, Miller Furniture, 1935 Main St. BARGAINS AT OUR NEW LOCATION MAPLE BEDROOM SETS 4.. $59 $39.50 INNERSPRING MATTRESS $19.50 (Soiled During.

Moving) The few other mattresses also alightly soiled, drastically reduced. UNION FURNITURE, 1054 MAIN ST. (A Few Steps From Howard St.) BURTON'S FACTORY will your living room set like brand new on budget terms. Phone 3-4153. CRAWFORD KIT.

STOVE with oil burner. perfect, $12 delivered. Essex Furniture, 3073 Main St. ELECTROLUX SERVEL- gAR refrig. ex.

reasonable. FOR SALE--AirWAY vacuum cleaner; also Electrolux vacuum, Low price, guaranteed. Phone 7-0942. GAS range, perfect white porcelain sink, double drainer. Reas.

6-3182. JUST ARRIVED! The furnishings of a prominent residence In Westchester County, New York GORGEOUS Carved Mahog. Credenza with Leaded Crystal Glass Cabinets; Pair Beautiful Sevre Blue Vases; Needlepoint Bench: Pr. English Crystal Vases: Chaise in Longue; Ivory Ship Model encased glass; French Inlaid Orc. Table: FINE 5 piece "Flint and Horner" Bedroom Sulte In beautiful condition; Damask Down Cushion Divan: Unusual Bronze Bust by Calverly: Fine Porcelain urines: Lenox Vase: Lovely collection of brass pieces; Fireplace equipment; Hundreds of other choice objects.

BARNEY'S ANTIQUE SHOPPE, 1997 Main. NEW. BACK CHAIRS $29.50: new type chairs, new studiola sofas $49.50. Springfield Upholstery Awning 33-37 Dwight near State St. RECONDITIONED sewing machines $5 up.

Hingers, 484 Springfield Chicopee. Phone 1808-W. RUGS American Orientals, Wiltonn Axminsters, Broadlooms. White Rug 1123 State St, Open evenings. 2-8058.

RUGS- Big sAvingS, weekly payments. Wiltons, Axminsters, Broadlooms. Main Rug 929 Main Spild. 4-8086. Open eves.

Formerly Orchard Rug Co. RUGS. -Great savings. Wiltons, Axminaters, B'looms. Hunt Shea.

Weavers for 18 years. 810 Enfeld, 'I Ville 4371. Open until 9. RUGS- Roxbury And all good makes. Ifarold G.

Moore, Eulield Thompsonville 4396. Open eves. WINDOW SITADES- Make your order home and attractive. We make them to also do repairing. Springfield Window Shade MIg.

62 Vernon 6-3145. PIECE dining room set, green Ivory enamel stove with oil burner. Inq. any time. 63 Ashley West Spild.

NEW RUGS 9x12, 9x10.6. blue embossed broadloom, never used. No dealers, Call 2-6043 3 ROOMS or FURNITURE Everything Furnished Complete Easy Tering Free Delivery $48 HADLEY'S WAREHOUSE OUTLET 1095 Main Blocks Below State LIVESTOCK Jewelry and Watches CASI for: Diamonds. On Gold. Silver, 1354 Main St.

Tel. 6-0373. Platinum. M. J.

old watcher for new: cash for old CHANGE gold, Antique jen elry. GRIMES, Watches, 2d 11. Bookstore 2-0118. clocks. jewelry' rep.

G. Machinery and Tools SITAPERS, milling machine, turret lathes, lathes, drill Lincoln presses, millers. Metal equipment, portmetal planers, Able pipe threaders, fire extinguishers, chainfalla, motors. small tools. LOGAN Auction PRECISION 169 Dwight St.

Tel. 4-8895. LATITES. Springfield THREAD cutting lathes. renters having with com- jaw 2 chuck pound 4 rest.

tout 1 floor drill press, up to between or 1 Inch capacity nnd 1 Bench Miller, Must lowest be cash price and where can be inin first. class condition. State spected. Griffin Mquipment Y. Supply 881 11.

141at N. Radios Emer. table, con. rad. $3 up.

171 Chestnut, Rm. 11, Open 'til 9. Apparel MARKED DOWN. OUR ENTIRE STOCK LADIES' fur coats and jackets, $10 to $100. 200 Men's suits and coat.

Topcoats, tuxedos, reversibles, up. Open every evening. Cash here. Come down to SCHAFFER'S, 42 New Dwight. Near State St.

MEN'S SUITS. OVERCOATS AND LADIES WINTER COATS NOT LIsed men': and ladies' shoes. Sc. 75c. $1.

clothing. nork jackets. etc. 17 Sanford St. and 2212 Main St.

1 Wanted to Buy 66 A BEST bedroom, CASIL dining PRICE room, parlor All used furniture: heaters; stoves: rugs; antiques; sewing machines. Furniture Outlet 4-2766. A-1 TOP PRICES PAID FOR STOVES, FURNITURE, RUGS. ANTIQUES ECONOMY FURNITURE 2-0145. A BETTER PRICE FOR ALL KINDS USED FURNITURE.

STOVES. WE BUY EVERYTHING. ESSEX 3-7473. ANTIQUE And modern furniture, glass, china, objects of art. Tel.

2-6146. ENTIRE ESTATES ANTIQUES--FURNITURE GORDON N. REID, 2-3271 JOIINSON'S PAYS CASIT for Used Books, Antique Furniture and Antiques, 1379 Main St. Dial 2-6221. USED TOOLS machinery for cash.

Large and small lots, 4-5136. ROOMS AND BOARD MERCHANDISE Rooms With Board 67 BOWDOIN 103-Tel. 2-9257. Home for business and professional men and women. NEAR WATERSIOPS-In fine home, for! very reasonable.

Tel. 2-7808. I'LEASANT room, with care for elderly woman. Private family. Mill sec.

Rooms Without Board 1 68 A CLEAN central, 68 Temple St. Mrs. Meld. Tel. 2-0331.

A. DESIRABLE rooni, with priv. bath, A LARGE ROOM, twin beds, fireplace, parknear Park, gent. pref. 4-4010 a after 6.

ing, Park section. Tel. 3-0110. A NEW treat in comfort. Studio style Innerspring mattresses.

new maple furniture. The Westmor, 52 High St. A PLEASANT front room, very central. Mrs. Lucey, 426 Worthington 6-7159.

A-1 inner spring mattress, bath, shower: parking. 344 St James Ave. 3-0247. BARNES HOTEL. 837 Main water, shower: Tel.

6-9607. CHARTY HOTEL 2000 MAIN ST. $3.50 per week with running' water. $6 per week with private bath. $1.00 and $1.50 per night.

Guests' Personal Laundry CLINTON $1.50 up. weekly, $7 up. FOR COMFORT convenience take a furnished room at HOTEL COOLIDGE, 2787 Main St. Reasonable rates. GEORGE furnished room, private bath.

Gentleman, 3-6758. TO HOTEL HAWKINS. 1310 bath, Main $7. St. Others $3.

run. HOTEL J. yers warm, comfortable rooms, reas. Transients accommodated. Tel.

4-3430. LOCUST ST. 29-Large front roomn, near bath, for 1 or 2. Tel. -4-2554.

MASSASOIT 111-Furnished steamheated room. Tel. 2-6662. NICE front room suitable for couple. near bath, steam.

54 Plainfield 3-7024. SMALL FAMILY in has attractive room. Businessman or woman. 4-2928. STATE desirable location.

Reasonable. Call 7-0277. STEAM heated rm. Priv. family.

On bus line, Walking distance to Armory, 2-5643. Rooms for Honsekeeping 69 A CLEAN 68 Temple St. Drs. Field. Tel.

2-0331. MAPLE 176-Attrac. 1-room kitchenett every suitable 2. Pkg. MATTOON 45-Desirable light housekeeping rooms.

Reasonable. UNION 180-Near Maple, single light hskpg. Also sleeping rooms. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments and Flats ALL ELECTRIC BEAUMIER APTS. 5 Room Apartment Federal Heights Tel.

7-3481 ANGERS APARTMENTS Colonnade Apartments-4 rooms, Tel. 7-0781 or 7-0640 If. E. ANGERS INC. APARTMENTS D.

F. MORIN 1570 MAIN, 6-4591 CEDAR: 110-5-room 4th floor. Tel. 3-3137. Furnished Apts.

and Houses MIA ALL 2 large sunny furn. priv. hone, residential sec. Adults. 6-1372.

AUBURN 2142 Main St. Gas, linen furn. Absolute fire protec. 6-9744. MAIN 2132-Strand 2 and $6.30 to $8.50 wk.

Excellent service. SHERATON HOTEL--Modern and completely fireproof. Transient and permanent accommodations, 2 3-room furnished apartments." Attractive rates. Your inspection invited. E.

E. Boswell, manager. Tel. 4-3141. Business Places for Rent 75 R- CATIARINE STS.

Stores for rent at low rentals. Tel. 4-7388. BOOKSTORE Building, the city's leading bullding catering to shops appealing to women. Has one rm.


$20 1348 Dwight 12x35 919 Dwight 15x50 $20 465. Main 18x43 $28 Call 6-8381 INDUSTRIAL MERCANTILE SPACE From 1500 to 100,000 sq. located in and about Springfield. Particulars upon application. EDWARD J.

MURPITY CO. 1337 Main St. REALTORS Tel. 3-3147 REASONABLY PRICED STORES 67 Ferry 10x38 $13 20 Hanco*ck 12x24, heated $25 THE ELLIS CORPORATION. Tel.

6-8381 STATE 425-Near Armory H.S. of Commerce. Nice for small business. 6-1640 WILLOW 62-Garage to rent, 40x110. Tel.

4-1388. 153 Plainfield: sidetrack on H. Re brick building, mill construction 3 firs. basem*nt. elevator, 2 loading platforms, 11898 sq.

ft. land. J. J. Lester, 91 State St.

Tel. 4-1744; 2-0827. Houses for Rent ANNOWAN floor, 6 rooms. gar. Available 1.

$43. MARCUS C. MYERS, REALTOR, 12 Court House 7-0374. BELMONT modern new. ly, decorated, 1st fir.

Tel. 4-1025. BLAINE ST. -Upper 5 fireplace, adults, 343. Tel, BRADDOCK 4-Lower 6 nice up to date, garage.

3-2889 or 2-4821. CHIAPIN 211-Attractive 6-rm. lower sun steam heat, 4-7388. DWIGHT 1369--5 3d floor, $22 per month, 6-3950. HOME you a vacant flat or We guarantee Immediate, rental.

Fee $3. Jarvey Realty, 113 State St. 4-3279. PARK -Newly renovated, unDer. walking dis.

downtown. $50 Tel. 4-8925. SOUTH END-5-rm. modern newly no objection to colored people.

4-1025. SYLVAN bedrm. upper, fireplace atm, thermo, Gentile. Adults pref. 6-8760.

SYLVAN 7-room upper, 2 baths, Insulated, oil heat. modern arallable March Union Trust 2-1171 weekdays. upper. fireplave, garage. $30.

6-8125. WOODLAWN A rvoing and suuri Offices and Desk Room 18 ATTRAC OFFICES light, modern, ARIAN, 173 State 3-0815. elevator, fireproof, $12 to $20. NO MARKTOURAINE -182 State St. Mod.

ofice apace $13 up. Elevator and janitor service. Tel. Suburban for Rent 79 HAMPDEN 333 Chiropee. 5 garage, 2d floor, $40.

Allyn O'Donnell. Iolyoke 6409. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Real Fistate Agents 82B MURPHY EDWARD J. EST. 1892.

Sales. mortgages, property management, appraising, Insurance, In buying and selling. 1537 Main St. 3-3147 TEHAN John Realtor; sales. appraisals, A quarter rentury of experience.

9-10 Court House Pl. 3-0317. WEBSTER--J. A. G.

Large Assortment of Dwellings 33 ELM STREET, TEL. 4-4388 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Farms and Land for Sale 83 A CLOSE IN M-6-rom cottage, str. barn, gar. benroops, 28 acres $1500 realized on only acres of celery. $4200.

Buy this Not and heat high cost of living. Tel. 4.49:3.1 GRANBY state road. small farIn, might trade, G. L.

Collester, 1694 Main St. WILL exchange grocery and confectionery store for small farm. Box 466 Union Off. Real Estate for Sale 81 A BEAUTIFUL 2-fam. house, suitable for A doctor, near Springfield Hospital.

Price $7900. Call 6-3108. A BRAND NEW bungalow. E. S.

$5200. Cabinet kitchen. Oil burner. Unusually nice. J.

F. Quinn, 4-5922--4-4447. A BUNG. -Phoenix $1200. New oil burner, all brass plumb, firepl.

Quinn, 4-5922 (Sun. or p.m., AGAWAM Fine 5-room bungalow. oil, Venetian blinds and Bendix washer, ins King Real. Estate, 3-5488. A GOOD DEED OBEY THAT IMPULSE AND BUY WHILE THE BUYING IS GOOD 1 INVESTMENTS 188 College 10 inc.

$576 yr. $4000 270 White 14 inc. 516 yr. 4000 28 Woodmont ten. gar.

2500 Charles 16 inc. 480 yr. 3000 Donald 14 inc. 528 yr. 4000 14 Columbia 16 inc.

540 yr. 4500 MANY OTIIERS EDW. J. REALTORS 1337 MAIN -3-3147 A cottage, a year old, tile bath, F. Forset VACANT -Exceptionally fine 6-room Pk.

section. It's a real buy. Tel. 4-8925. A like new, 2-family, 11.

rooms, walking distance downtown, get set, buy this before you can't use your auto, $0500. Worth twice this low price. A SIX -room house, 2-car $3200. 49 Van Ness: Glenwood. Large lot, new roof.

and siding, a fine snug little in good neighborhood. 4-5922, Quinn Sun. or P. ATTRACTIVE SINGLES 390 El Paso 6 garage $3700 21. Kingsley 6 2-car gar.

$3900 12 Royal Agawam, 6 gar, $3300 ALL MODERN--TERMS ARRANGED CALL 6-S381 AMERICAN VILLAGE 5-6-7-rm. Sumner Ave. houses, Allen brand new All latest features, FIIA financed and approved. Small down payment. Shown days.

or. evenings. ATTRAC. one two-family homes, 6-8760. new A and used, -Must $2800 up.

sell Ellen before Selzam, Feb. 1. Lyndale BARGAIN cottage, garage. Ellen Selzam, BANK PROPERTIES AT BARGAIN 2 1111 and East Springfield. Small down families in Park Section, Glenwood.

payments. John J. Fish, Realtor, 3-4848. BRAND NEW 4-rm. and garage, Nathaniel all latest St.

Shown features, days or evenings. Tel. 4-2575. paved street. 7 CLARENDON ST.

3 A modernized 3 room single house, with steam heat, hardwood floors, large lot $4600 Small Down Payment Balance As Rent INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS TEL. 4-6411 OR YOUR BROKER FOUR WEST SPRINGFIELD SPECIALS SIRLEY AVE, W. (SECOND HOUSE ON RIGIIT) 8 room single house. Recently built. Lot 461 417.

Also 03 acres. $5500 313 MAIN W. S. A steam 2-family' boilers, house of hardwood: 16 rooms, floors, with slate 2 roof and large lot; $50 Income per month. $3000 149 NEW BRIDGE W.

S. The income from this 3-family house is $65 a month--whereas, $41 month will pay the taxes, interest and pay off the mortgage completely In 10 years. $3500 183-185 NEW BRIDGE W. 8. This 2-family house 'has 5 rooms to each Ant.

and 2 on the 3d floor, warmair heat, and A 2-car garage. Lot is 212 ft. deep. Income $44 per month. $3000 Small Down Payment Balance on Monthly Rental Basis SPRINGFIELD, SAVINGS INSTITUTION FOR Tel.

4-6411 OR YOUR BROKER CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Houses for Sale 7 ALHAMBRA CIR. 7 (AGAWAM) Single 6 large lot. gond condition. Exclusive neighborhood. $5000 TERMS ALL FINANCED Call, 6-8381 96 REED AGAWAD Single 6 rooms, sun room, modern, Terms All Financed Call 6-8381 EAST SPFLD.

SINGLES 183 St. James Are. Modern cottage, part brick; oil heat. 2-car garage. NOW VACANT.

$5000 24 Stuyresant St. Mod. 1 6 gar. $3900 Terms All Financed Tel. 163 FOREST PARK AVE.

9-room single. 2 complete baths plus an extra lavatory on first floor. Oil heat, slate roof, study on 2nd 2- car large corner lot. Just the place for a doctor. Maid's quarters with bath on 3rd floor.

OPEN TO OFFER Terms All Financed. Tel 6-8381 Longmeadow One Fare Zone 85 HAZELWOOD AVE. 7-room single, newly decorated, 2 2-Car garage baths, fireplace, oil heat, $8800 TERMS "TO SUIT PORCHASER CALL 6-8381 Automobiles for Sale BUICK '41 Buick 41-S Trg. '40 Buick 48 Trg. $845 '39 Buick 48 Trg.

$695 '37 Buick 48 Trg. Sedan. $445 '36 Buick 48 Trg. Sedan. $345 '41 Chevrolet Club Coupe.

$835 '36 Chevrolet Trg. $285 '39 Ford Fordor Trg. Sedan $565 '38 Ford Beach Wagon $565 '37 Ford Fordor Trg. Sedan $195 '38 Packard Conv. $525 '37 Packard Trg.

Sedan WANT CASH? Will Buy Your Car SPRINGFIELD BUICK CO. 630 Main St. Tel. 2-4126 Open Eves. Till 9 P.

M. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Houses tor Sale COLLEGE with $100 down and $10.68 per month added to the other rent pays interest, taxes and principal on this steam heated, two-family house. This won't last long. R. l.

FLAGG, REALTOR, 19 Elm St. 6-8394. COTTAGE-6 rooms in Forest Park Section, just redecorated, $35 a month will carry it, ready to move in. 4-S209. DUNMORELAND 75-77-2 family, 12 rooms, 2-car garage, large.

lot, $5800. Terms, All financed. Tel. 6-8381. HAMPSHIRE 81.

I. lot 100x120, $2050. Terrall Yerrall, 44 Vernon. 2-0714. HARMION 103-Off Plumtree 6 air-conditioned, all electric home, fireplace, modern kitchen, 31 large bed rooms, garage.

Shown by 6-6920 01. 2-2843. HILL SECTION Two-family house in fine only $6000. Marcus C. Dyers, Realtor, 12 Court House 7-0374.

INDIAN ready, 25 Verge 6-room cottage, large lot, gar. HARRY R. WIITTE, Tel. 7-0374. JUST OFF LIBERTY 3-fam.

house, steam heat, 2. real buy. Wm. H. Feltham 6-6461.

LONGMEADOW Beautiful English type residence, 10 3 baths, strictly mod. 1 acre land. Cost $10,000 to build. Owner will sacrifice for $19,500. A.

G. Taylor 3-9313. nice yard, garage, oil heat. OwnLONGMEADOW- Near Converse School, MIDDLESEX 207-Mod. single.

part brick. 6 oil heat, 2-car gar, Large lot, $6500. Terms. All financed. G-8381.

PARK SECTION 11 Continental 7 rooms, oil heat, garage; good cond. Terms. 6-8351 our BUSINESS IS SELLING REAL ESTATE--I we as members of the Real Estate Board can help you sell or rent your house please call today to 'Insure personal attention. R. H.

FLAGG, REALTOR, 19 Elm St. PENROSE ST. $3900. Easy terms. James T.

Sheehan, 1603 Main PINE POINT 7-rm. single. Renovated throughout. Reasonable. Shown by appointment.

FRED A. VOGEL, REALTOR, 2-3167. SELLING your house? Why not list with hustler? Harvey Realty, 115 State. 4-5279. SOUTIL END-8-apt.

brick block. Good in- come. A G. Taylor 3-9813. SUMNER 1017-1019-A two-family, 14, incl.

sun porch, 2-car gar. Good cond. Terms. All fin. 6-8381.

WAITE ST. 2-car gar. Good cond. $3200. Terms.

6-8381. WARNER 38 Ten -room single house, ideal for. doctor. Fireplace, steam heat, 2 baths and lavatory, Small Down Payment- Balance As Rent SPFLD. INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS.

TEL. 4-6411 ON YOUR BROKER Lots for Sale 8.1 ATWATER PARK Attractive desirable large lots. Strietly residential. 6-8381. FIVE BUILDING LOTS in Rosedale on Central Suffield, Conn.

John P. Norton, 140 Main Suffield, Conn. Suburban for Sale 81 E. LONGMEADOW-AN ACRE OF LAND Developed with 3 modern 5-room cottage only four years old with attached garage and breeze way on beautifully landscaped lot 125x333; fruit trees; garden; grape arbor. Insulated; brass plumbing: screened porch.

Annual taxes only $119. Shown by appointment only. HENRY M. CLARK CO, REALTORS 7-0231 100 Broadway 7-0232 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Money to Loan PERSONAL SIGNATURE LOANS 8-HOUR SERVICE SPRINGFIELD ACCEPTANCE CO. 1490 Main St.


A. Blondin, Mgr. 1562 Main St. Tel. 4-2127 License 60 DON'T FORGET MARCH 15th REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Suburban for.

Sale 87 VALUABLE -Bus. private Central W. S. Main Highway. Tel.

3-4604. Wanted -Real Estate 89 LIST YOUR home for sale or rent with THOMAS PETRICK. 1242. Main 4-8766 or 8-1023. Personal service assured.

3 AND 4-family houses, anywhere in city. will pay cash. Owners only. Box. 457 Union Office.

CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Antomobile Instruction Driving Course, Est. 1909. Auto Driving Instruction Course $10. Fairbanks Auto School, lie New Dwight Laporte Auto School, 86 Broadway. 3-1411 Driving Lessons.

We call for you. Course $10. Forest Park Auto School. 'Tel. 6-7490, Miscellaneous Cameras, Binoculars, Shotguns, Machinsts' Tools and Jewelry.

People's Jewelry, 4.1873 Maln: Flat and Gloss White Paint-98c Cal. FRANKLIN HARDWARE CORP. 1943 Main St. Near Franklin 3-1075 MATTRESSES OVER. MADE $3.00 Tel.

4-3313. SPRINGFIELD MATTRESS CO. 9x1? Tapestry Dust Cleaned and RUGS Steam Carpet sterilized 96 $1.50. State, Crescent 2-6029 LOANS OR WATCHES CASTI DIAMONDS JEWELRY SPRINGFIELD JEWELRY LOAN CO. Est.

1912-1618 Main Bowles PLAID Reg. $9.98 Yd. Spring Now Line $1.98 Yd. Hampden Woolen Harrison Are. For Old Gold Gold Filled CASH Sterling Silver OLD GOLD SHOPPE, 200 WORTHINGTON Popular Sizes USED TIRES Standard 161 Tire Chestnut Sales Automobiles for Sale '41 Packard 6 Trg.

Sedan Color Dark Green. Radio and Heater. Has excellent tires. Economical, dependable, smooth running. Can be purchased at a real saving.

'38 Buick 67 Sedan S525 '39 Packard 120 Trg. Sed. $695 '36 Chevrolet Coupe $235 '37 Olds Sedan, S425 50 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM TRADES TERMS WE WILL BUY YOUR CAR FOR CASH PACKARD Motor Car Co. of N. 721 STATE 4-5681 Money 10 Loan YOU CAN BORROW FOR 'LESS AT THE MORRIS PLAN CO.

50 Vernon St. Dial 4-5661 Complete Loan Services "HOW CAN GET A LOAN FOR LESS?" To apply for a $20 to $300 loan, tell 118 how much you need and how you want to repay. Loans are made on furniture, car, or note. No endorsers. No credit inquiries.

Quick, private service. CASH Choose a monthly payment plan LOAN 6 12 15 18 GET YOU paymis parmis paymts paymts 25 4.54 2.44 50 9.08 4.87 75 13.62 7.31 6.06 5.23 100 18.15 9.75 8.08 6.97 125 22.67 12.16 10.07 8.69 150 27.16 14.56 12.05 10.39 175 31.65 16.95 14.02 12.07 200 36.13 19.33 15.98 13.76 250 45.08 24.08 19.89 17.11 300 54.02 28.82 23.80 20.46 Payments include charges at Household's rate of per month on that part of a balance not exceeding balances above $100, and per month on $100, which is less than the maximum permitted by law. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Corporation R. HI. Fuss, Mgr.

License No. 139 9th Floor, 3rd National Bank Building 1387 Main a Street, a Telephone 6-0351 Loans Made in Nearby Towns On Your Name Only IN $25 TO $300 IM 1 DAY PHONE THEN COME IN FOR YOUR MONEY Room 304, 3rd Nat'l Bank 1387 Main Telephone 3-6607 License No. 163 DAY We Make Out-of-town Loans Public Loan Step Ahead LOANS PERSONAL Louns from: $100 to $1000' to meet nnexpected ponses, buy 8 car, insurance, taxes or other needs. per $100 per year, 12 to pAT. Cosigners generally not in, 7 write or phone: SPRINGFIELD NATIONAL BANK BRANCHES: 794 STATE 516 SUMNER AVE.

MAIN BRIDGE STREETS 144 MAIN ST, O. Member Federal Deposit Interence Corp Simple to apply, simple to LOANS ify. Large loans Outsiders made not as readily involved. a3 small ones. If you want to get to pay bills A a loan "on your phone or come in today.

$250 other Personal or more purposes. makes for the We loans make of above $25 loans and to Personal quickly, privately--on just your, FINANCE CO. signature, or on furniture loan plan to ft every 1618 Main Bowles Bldg. employed person's needs. Rea- Rm.

209-4-1191 sonable monthly payments. Personal License 73 4-4388 i 1.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.