VA to expand health care coverage to Veteran family members and caregivers through CHAMPVA - VA News (2025)

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VA to expand health care coverage to Veteran family members and caregivers through CHAMPVA - VA News (1)

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VA to expand health care coverage to Veteran family members and caregivers through CHAMPVA - VA News (2)

April 29, 2024

Veterans Health Administration

VA will soon expand coverage for medical services, including mental health care, for family members and primary family caregivers participating in the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA). Starting at the end of May, these beneficiaries will have new coverage for audio-only telehealth, extended mental health care and contraceptive services.

“Our mission is to provide world-class care to our nation’s heroes, which includes care provided through CHAMPVA to eligible family members and caregivers of Veterans,” said VA Under Secretary for Health Shereef Elnahal. “The extension of these additional services is part of VA’s continuing efforts to ensure CHAMPVA beneficiaries can access high value care where they need it, when they need it.”

Here’s what this means for CHAMPVA beneficiaries:

  • Access to audio-only telehealth. With audio-only telehealth coverage, beneficiaries will have expanded access to care, which is particularly important for rural beneficiaries. The coverage will also be retroactive; providers and beneficiaries who received audio-only telehealth services on or after May 12, 2020, will have until Nov. 26, 2024, to file claims for reimbursement of covered care.
  • Elimination of caps on visits for mental health and substance use visits. CHAMPVA beneficiaries will no longer be limited in the number of visits for mental health and substance abuse services. Additionally, beneficiaries and providers will no longer need pre-authorizations for outpatient mental health visits in excess of 23 visits per calendar year and/or for more than two sessions per week.
  • Eliminating deductibles and cost sharing for certain necessary contraceptive services. VA is also eliminating deductibles and cost sharing for contraceptive services or contraceptive products approved, cleared or granted by the Food and Drug Administration.

Currently, there are more than 737,500 CHAMPVA beneficiaries. CHAMPVA is a health care program for certain spouses, surviving spouses, children and primary family caregivers of eligible Veterans. Through CHAMPVA, VA shares the cost of medically necessary health care services and supplies with eligible beneficiaries.This includes mental health services, inpatient and outpatient services, prescription medications, transplants, ambulatory surgery, family planning and maternity care, and more.

To learn more and apply for CHAMPVA care today, visit our CHAMPVA website.

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  1. Duchac DeboraMay 3, 2024 at 09:02 - Reply

    What about dental coverage?

  2. PatrickMay 3, 2024 at 07:45 - Reply

    The VA doesn’t have enough healthcare and mental health staff now to take proper care of us the Veterans, and now this Under Sec of health just made the system even more complicated to get care. Why is he doing this?? He can’t even supply proper qualified care for us, the Veteran, appointment times are months off as it is now. This will only cause the phone lines more backlogging, of but wait, he does get to hire more people that have no clue what their job is. This under Sec needs FIRED!!!!!!

    • LucasMay 3, 2024 at 11:15 - Reply

      You could have dementia and forget where you put things, like the phone. Maybe you need to put some hearing device in your ears and wait for them to answer your call. You are no better than the people who called before you. You need to CHILL.
      There are many of us veterans waiting. Maybe you could text a message for your meds or order online, like I do. It’s there for you too! Chances are, your Mommy & Daddy aren’t around to help you so quit complaining and wait your turn.

    • Lj2May 3, 2024 at 14:41 - Reply

      Agreed. The VA is cutting healthcare to Veterans and increasing it for family members and caregivers doesn’t make sense. It’s admirable to provide for families and caregivers, but the VA mission is for veterans first and the VA can’t even handle that. I went to the ER Monday and have been at home since unable to walk. No followup from primary care after the ER visit as in times past. I had someone come and remove my livestock from my farm because I can’t take care of them now. I contacted my primary care and was told to expect a call to schedule an appointment. I’m still waiting and the weekend is about to begin. I don’t have a family member or caregiver to help, so I’m kind of stuck wondering what to do when the cereal runs out. In 2022 the VA started restricting community care to save money. That leaves many of us with no care by the 3rd quarter of the year and months to go before the VA renews our community care approval for the next year. And, the community care costs less than the alternative care the VA provides when community care appointments run out! On top of that, it is easy to see wasteful spending in the VA hospital which funds could have been used for healthcare. Hmm, makes one wonder if the VA knows it’s mission any more.

      [Editor: VA is not “cutting healthcare to Veterans.”]

  3. Yvonne PeckMay 3, 2024 at 06:45 - Reply

    I have been apart of the ChampVA system for many years. I really appreciate the medical help they have given me. I would like to see the coverage extended to cover vision, hearing and dental. For me these have been very expensive to cover.

  4. BryantMay 3, 2024 at 00:09 - Reply

    If I have Medicare A/B /humana PPO and the VA am I still able to apply for champva please let me know.

  5. Ernesto RamosMay 2, 2024 at 20:56 - Reply

    I am 100% disabled. In November 2022 I requested CHAMPVA for my wife (Meds by Mail)
    She was declared ineligible because she had “Other Health Insurance “
    She receives military compensation on my behalf .
    Will she be elegible under the New rules?

  6. Sherry E ArcanoMay 2, 2024 at 19:37 - Reply

    I am the care giver for my 100% disabled husband ! I have medical insurance now but with out “hearing or vision! Will this be something that would benefit me? Good to know about survivors benefits Thank you the VA has been taking exceptional care of my husband & we are truly thankful

  7. NealyMay 2, 2024 at 19:02 - Reply

    This is a Excellent addition to CHAMPVA,my Wife has these benefits & to all of my Brother Vets (If you are not familiar with benefits from CHAMPVA) get with a VSO(Veteran Service Officer) they have a wealth of knowledge about all of the benefits you or your spouse may be entitled to, or go to VA.GOV (read about these Benefits)..Thanks VA for all that you do (Disabled Veteran)

  8. Michael J. FischerMay 2, 2024 at 18:36 - Reply

    Very interesting. Does this mean that my wife and caregiver will be eligible to se a va doctor for medical care as I do?

  9. Marsha PowellMay 2, 2024 at 17:59 - Reply

    I am the daughter of a Korean War Veteran who had a service-connected disability and I never received health care benefits from the VA. What the VA should offer Veterans and their families is Medical Error Support Groups and Mental Health Services at every VA Medical Center.

    My father died from an overdose of Heparin that caused bleeding in his brain until he died four days later on July 21, 1998. The VA never told me what happened, and never compensated his family for my father’s death. Almost 26 years later, and I’m still looking for answers and closure. I’m sure other family members of Veterans feel the same way I do. This is why the VA should offer Support Groups to let family members know the VA does care about the medical care Veterans receive even when mistakes happen.

  10. James Joseph CiolekMay 2, 2024 at 07:42 - Reply

    This is all well and good, Has the VA dropped the monetary requirement for veterans to be see at the VA.
    currently my wife, (8 yrs Navy vet cannot been seen at a VA facility because she makes $600 in SSI benefits.

    • CathyMay 2, 2024 at 18:40 - Reply

      I have never in my 34 yrs being married to a vet and I have never heard that. I have other close family member vets. Care has nothing to do with income.

  11. Pius GrossMay 1, 2024 at 22:14 - Reply

    I am 100 per cent disabled. I have a daughter caring for me. Is there Champa available for her?

  12. Gary E ClarkMay 1, 2024 at 16:45 - Reply

    Bottom line is always saying: “and for Veteran families that qualify”.
    Nothing is ever said about how to get them qualified. What the family members to do to use the the benefit’s. Like what ID will the Family Members (that qualify) need?, to use the PX, exchange, Champ, pharmacy . . . where family members go to get the ID?, to use at the PX, Exchange, Champ, Medications etc . . .

  13. Francisco Rosado TorresApril 30, 2024 at 10:42 - Reply

    The info. about CHMPVA is of a great value, because many vet like me did not know this benefits for survival wifes.. Thanks.

    • AgustinMay 2, 2024 at 21:13 - Reply

      CHAMPVA is for spouses of Veterans with 100% rating and it’s not given automatically. You have to contact CHAMPVA and submit an application with copy of your compensation award. Nothing comes to us without us applying and or inquiring.

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VA to expand health care coverage to Veteran family members and caregivers through CHAMPVA - VA News (6)

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Last updated April 29, 2024

VA to expand health care coverage to Veteran family members and caregivers through CHAMPVA - VA News (7)

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VA to expand health care coverage to Veteran family members and caregivers through CHAMPVA - VA News (2025)


Can an eligible Champva sponsor may be entitled to receive medical care through the VA health care system based on their Veteran status? ›

An eligible CHAMPVA sponsor may be entitled to receive medical care through the VA health care system based on their own Veteran status. If the eligible CHAMPVA sponsor is the spouse of another eligible CHAMPVA sponsor, both may now be eligible for CHAMPVA benefits.

Will the VA expand health care coverage for veterans exposed to toxins? ›

This expansion also covers many Veterans who never deployed as a part of a conflict but were exposed to toxins or hazards while serving in the U.S. Specifically, under this expansion of care, any Veteran who participated in a toxic exposure risk activity (TERA) — at home or abroad – is eligible for VA health care.

What is the VA health care eligibility expansion? ›

The expansion of VA health care eliminates the “phased-in” approach called for by the PACT Act meaning that millions of veterans are now eligible for VA health care up to eight years earlier than written into law. It's one of the largest-ever expansions of veteran health care in the past 30 years.

Who is not eligible for Champva? ›

When a stepchild leaves the sponsor's household, the child is no longer eligible for CHAMPVA. Spouse eligibility ends: • When the marriage to a qualified sponsor is terminated by divorce or annulment. Widow(er) eligibility ends: • When the remarriage prior to the age of 55.

Why are some Veterans not eligible for VA health care? ›

You must have been called to active duty by a federal order and completed the full period for which you were called or ordered to active duty. If you had or have active-duty status for training purposes only, you don't qualify for VA health care.

How much is Champva per month? ›

Age of Spouse, Widow/erMonthlyQuarterly
Under 40$32.04$96.12
40 - 44$35.60$106.80
45 - 49$40.94$122.82
50 - 54$52.51$157.53
4 more rows

What is the VA 10 year rule? ›

VA's 10-year rule states that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs cannot terminate service connection for a disability that has been in place for at least 10 years unless there was evidence of fraud at the time of the grant.

What is the 5 year rule for VA? ›

The VA 5-year rule protects your disability claim by not allowing the VA to reduce your disability rating unless your condition has significantly improved over time. This rule pertains to a rating that has been in effect for five years or longer. After a five-year period, the rating is considered a stabilized rating.

What is the 20 year rule for the VA? ›

If you're a Veteran with a service-connected disability that has been rated the same or above a specific rating percentage for 20 years or longer, the VA cannot reduce the rating below that level.

What is the new VA 2024? ›

Beginning March 5, 2024, VA made three new groups of Veterans eligible for VA health care years earlier than called for by the PACT Act: Veterans who were exposed to toxins or other hazards during military service; Veterans who were assigned to certain duty stations in Southwest Asia or parts of Africa; and.

What is the new PACT Act for Veterans? ›

PACT Act Info for Veterans. As of March 5, 2024, all veterans who were exposed to toxins and other hazards while serving the country — at home or abroad — are eligible to enroll directly in VA health care without first applying for VA benefits.

What are the new VA benefits for 2024? ›

2024 VA Disability Rates
70% – 100% Without Children
Veteran Alone$1,716.28$3,737.85
Veteran with Spouse Only$1,861.28$3,946.25
Veteran with Spouse and One Parent$1,978.28$4,113.51
Veteran with Spouse and Two Parents$2,095.28$4,280.77
4 more rows

What does Champva not cover? ›

For example, CHAMPVA does not cover dental, chiropractic services, routine eye exams or corrective lenses. It is possible that Medicaid recipients could have less of a financial burden if covered by Medicaid than under CHAMPVA program.

At what age does Champva stop? ›

If you're the surviving spouse of a qualifying CHAMPVA sponsor and you remarry before age 55, you no longer qualify for CHAMPVA as of midnight on the date of your remarriage. If you remarry on or after your 55th birthday, you can keep your CHAMPVA benefits.

Can I be seen at the VA with Champva? ›

Under the CHAMPVA In-house Treatment Initiative (CITI), CHAMPVA beneficiaries may receive cost-free health care services at participating VA facilities.

Can Champva be used at VA hospital? ›

Are health care services at VA facilities available to CHAMPVA beneficiaries? Under the CHAMPVA In-house Treatment Initiative (CITI), CHAMPVA beneficiaries may receive cost-free health care services at participating VA facilities.

Can I go to the VA with Champva insurance? ›

If 2 spouses are both Veterans who qualify as CHAMPVA sponsors for their family, they both may now qualify for CHAMPVA benefits. Each time they need medical care, they may choose to get care through the VA health care program or using their CHAMPVA coverage.

Can Veterans use Champva? ›

If you don't qualify for TRICARE (the Department of Defense's health care program for active-duty and retired service members a​nd their families), you may be able to get health insurance through the Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA).

Is VA healthcare the same as Champva? ›

The Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) is a comprehensive health care program in which the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) shares the cost of covered health care services and supplies with eligible beneficiaries.


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Name: Patricia Veum II

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