Assimilated - Chapter 28 - Drakon475 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 28: we are the guilty

Izuku had to immediately go home and head to bed though he couldn’t fall asleep, every time he started to, the image of the meat and blood of the crossbow hero would come back to him, the screams of the man named ectoplasm ringing in his ear as he drifted close to sleep. Tuesday morning, he texted Mei and Himi to tell them he didn’t want to go to school today so he was going to fake staying home. But this was shut down when Mei told him she’d stay home too.

Between the mental exhaustion from last night and the physical exhaustion, he didn’t want to move.

An idea occurred; thanks to encyclopedia he recalled the specifications of a certain quirk.

He could hide at home with his real body and send a fake body to school. Though he hadn’t used the quirk yet, he could recall its description. He could feel it in his quirk shelf, he had panicked yesterday when he shot ectoplasm before taking his quirk but luckily, he could still hear the reverberating his quirk had which let him know he could still retrieve it from a dead body. He listened for it, focusing on pulling the quirk from his shelf. His stomach felt strange, and his throat felt looser than normal.

His stomach felt like he could burp at any time, and so feeling the urge, he did. But what came out wasn’t a burp, it was so much worse.

First was a burning sensation, stomach acid climbing his esophagus in great force, but it didn’t stop after getting to Izuku’s mouth. The light green fluid becoming more and more solid as he coughed and choked the stuff out. He was left with a pool of wispy green stuff on his floor with a vague idea that he could control it.

He knew how ectoplasm could make Clones but beyond that he didn’t know how technical the quirk was. He tried envisioning a bunch of clay to form a copy but that led to a really bad and sort of melty Izuku.

Instead, he decided to use a mirror and envision a copier. Which did wonders.

Izuku couldn’t describe the sensation in words, how could he describe having a second set of senses different from his first? He saw himself; he smelled the air; he heard his own quirks. Which was both beautiful and terrible, it wasn’t quite the white noise Mr. Shigaraki had but it wasn’t nice to hear.

Besides the grating sound of his quirks, there was another problem. He couldn’t hear any other quirks from his clone, he could feel the sense which some of his quirks gave like give and take’s quirk sense, radio waves’ sense for the electromagnetic spectrum, but he couldn’t hear the quirks themselves.

The clone tried to use rivet stab, but it only turned the ends of his fingers into the same texture as the quirk, it didn’t extend. He tried to use radio waves to generate a few waves, but they were sparse. Pliabody seemed to function fine which seemed strange.

Next was hydra flame, he felt it activate but nothing happened, so he tried to consume a flame, which went off fine, he found he could expel a flame after he had consumed one.

He tried remote command, but it seemed to petter out like radio waves without doing anything.

Lastly was give and take, he used a copier vial to make a copy of radio waves. The clone Izuku then tried to pull the quirk to him, but it didn’t work. He then tried physical contact which did work, the clone was able to use radio waves as well now that he had a copy of the quirk. A thought occurred to Izuku, what would happen to the quirk if the clone was destroyed?

So Izuku, having no real resistance to self-harm, promptly stabbed himself with a rivet stab in the arm. The clone winced slightly at the pain, then tried to regenerate, the hole closing swiftly. It seemed regenerate worked a bit as well.

Izuku was starting to come up with a theory on the quirk. It seemed that the amount of material in a clone wouldn’t change, emitter quirks also didn’t function fully as the clone didn’t have the proper functions for it. However, if an emitter quirk required material, it could be used with that material. Senses given by quirks also still function.

Izuku noted the shared senses he and the clone had, he also found it easier to think about two things at once. Perhaps the quirk improved multitasking capabilities as well. He raised his hand and a rivet stab shot through the clone’s head causing it to puff apart in a light green smoke of sorts. Izuku felt a quirk enter his body, it was strange as he now had two copies of radio waves.

Izuku’s experiments were cut short by the call of his mother, he quickly made another clone, the acidic feeling not present this time. He managed to make the clone wear his uniform as well, though perhaps it was due to him being familiar with it. The clone ran downstairs to eat and then went to school while the true Izuku hid in the closet until his father left.

At school, things were normal, Izuku went through the day as usual until lunch, where Himiko asked a question.

“Izuku, why’d you wanna skip today?”

Izuku poked at his lunch, leftovers from last night. “I was tired… last night was… a lot.” Izuku gave a slight frown.

“Mmm Mondays are with Tomura, right?” Mei asked, a Pb&J in hand. “what’d you do last night?”

Izuku bit his lip lightly, his hand stopping. “did you see that hospital on the news?”

Himiko covered her mouth and wore a shocked expression. Izuku frowned heavily and stared at his food hard. Mei reached up and began stroking Izuku’s hair to comfort him.

“it was for a particular quirk, which… I wanted…” Izuku let out a sigh. “that’s why I stayed home.”

Mei caught the phrasing. “stayed? As in you are home?”

Himiko co*cked her head to the side and poked Izuku. “nope, definitely here pink.”

Izuku couldn’t help but smirk slightly, clone was an amazing quirk after all. “I’m here, but I’m also home. It’s kinda neat.”

“A body double quirk?” Mei asked, a contemplative look on her face.

“his record was around thirty-six.” Izuku chimed in, taking a bite of his lunch.

“THIRTY-SIX?!” Himiko exclaimed slamming her hands down.

“how would that even work? Is it like a camera feed?” Mei asked, unbothered by the number.

“No, it’s definitely not that. I don’t know how to explain it. How do you explain the sensation of having two sets of hands to someone with one?” Izuku pointed his fork at Mei.

“you could explain it to Horima, she has four arms.” Himiko snidely remarked.

“You know what I mean!” Izuku pouted.

Himiko giggled a bit. “So… did you have to…” Mei looked like she was trying to defuse a bomb as she found the words.

“yeah. It was less cruel that way.” This was what Izuku told himself, but he still wasn’t sure if that was true. Ectoplasm had lost his legs, most of the use in his arms, and he would’ve been quirkless on top of that. Killing him was a mercy.

Izuku nodded to himself, trying to reassure himself. Himiko leaned forward more, joining Mei in petting Izuku.

“So, what’re you doing right now?” Mei tried to change the subject.

“I’m listening to music. It’s funny, I feel like I’m having background music to my school day.” Izuku let a small smirk form on his face, being pet did relax him a bit and the music was a nice distraction from his thoughts.

“that sounds nice.” Himiko remarked, “I bet you could get a lot done with two of you.”

Izuku nodded, the bell chimed which signaled the end of lunch. The trio went back to class where they spent the rest of the day. Izuku didn’t want to go outside for recess.

Earlier, the Izuku at home spent most of his time decompressing and recovering, the house being empty allowed him to do as he pleased for a while though he did get hungry, so he decided to eat some of the fruit snacks his mom put in his lunch. While home alone, he flicked on the television, it was left on the news channel from this morning.

“-ing where a hero recovery facility was attacked by an unknown group of villains. Sadly, there were one hundred and nineteen causalities caused by the explosion these villains unleashed. Many more were injured or trapped by the rubble, rescue heroes did their best to sift through the wreckage, but a number of individuals are still missing including the top one hundred heroes’ ectoplasm, downforce, Gurren, Lagan, and firstkind. These five were still recovering from an attack by the villain known as the chainsaw man.”

The news showed the aftermath of his choice, his greed, this wasn’t helping him forget but maybe he shouldn’t. He wanted the quirk; this was the best way for him to get it and make sure he could keep from this leading back to him.

He wasn’t stealthy enough to avoid cameras and the large amount of people in the hospital, so infiltrating wouldn’t have been possible. Ectoplasm wasn’t going to be a hero anymore, right? He had no legs, even if his quirk could let him, no no, he couldn’t have.

Izuku couldn’t tell anymore, was it the right thing? Was it not?

[What does it matter? It’s already done.]

Izuku inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to keep himself calm. There wasn’t any point in beating himself up about it, it’s already done, those people were dead, and he’d have to either live with that or not. And he wanted to live.

Izuku decided to take his mind off of the matter by playing some tunes on the instruments Mei had made him, but he thought better of it in case someone heard him. Instead, he decided to start listening to music, he had found that he enjoyed the melodies from quirks, so he figured it might be a good way to relax, which it was. He started with music with no lyrics, classical types, then to electronic types, then he even tried something called Asmr which he didn’t dislike but it wasn’t as relaxing as the music.

This significantly improved his mood, until he heard someone come in downstairs. He quickly put his music away and hid in his closet, trying not to make much noise. The person walked upstairs, based on the heavier foot falls it was his dad. He didn’t think he’d be back so soon; he’d need to sneak out to avoid him. Having heard his dad go into the master bedroom, he opened the closet door and ever so carefully peaked out to see the bedroom door closed. Izuku decided he’d make a break for it, using rivet stab, he pulled himself across the hall to the stairs, using the tendrils to make as little noise as possible as he went downstairs. He then moved to the front door; however, he was stopped by the sound of the lock unlocking.


Izuku looked around for a place to hide but decided to pull himself up to the ceiling and flatten himself against the ceiling. He had to use more than just his hand rivets to keep himself up, he used the rivets on his back to force his legs to the ceiling as well waiting for his mom to pass.

“Hisashi?! Are you home?!” Inko called as she entered the house. She was carrying a few bags which were likely for dinner tonight. She waited a moment and got a yell from upstairs in response, through it sounded more like a growl. Inko continued into the house, leaving the door open for a bit due to the number of bags.

Izuku did his best to think up a plan, he’d need to use remote command to keep his mom distracted for a bit so he could sneak out of the door and to the park. The only issue was that remote command required a vocal command, right? Well, based on how the quirk seemed to work, it didn’t outright require it so Izuku put the theory to the test.

“drop them” Izuku commanded his mom in his mind. He hadn’t expected it to work, he assumed that a vocal command was necessary, but it wasn’t. His mom suddenly dropped the groceries, she looked down in surprise and confusion, staring at her hands as though inspecting something fake.

Izuku used a combination of pliabody and rivet stab to swing down and out of the door. The sound did scare Inko who looked back to see nothing, Izuku having very quickly grabbed the inside of the awning of the porch to pull himself up out of view.

Inko warily looked around outside as Izuku held his breath. He’d have to answer many more questions than just how he was home if he were spotted now. Luckily Inko was satisfied after a second and quickly closed the door half in fright.

Izuku thought he heard his mother say a very bad word after the door was shut but he decided that he must be imagining it from the blood rushing through his body. He slowly let himself down by extending the rivets slowly.

Then he ran, he ran off the property, ran past the neighbors’ houses and all the way to the park. After getting a few blocks away, Izuku let out a panting sigh with a smile on his face.

He couldn’t resist giggling to himself, he was nervous, he could’ve gotten caught, he had taken a huge risk. But… he’d gotten away with it, and it was so… satisfying. It was a rush; he had gotten out of a potentially dire situation by a hair, but he couldn’t help but smile.

Izuku continued walking to the park where he killed time by playing on the jungle gym and drawing in the dirt. Though, they were less drawings and more math problems from his schoolwork. This could only keep him entertained for so long of course, he contemplated what he could do while he waited. Listing off all the things he could do, then landed on listening to the radio using radio waves. It was a bit difficult at first due to having to fine tune frequencies and the sheer about of radio signals that modern cities produce, but he managed to tune into a radio show.

“hello listeners, today we are proud to present, pun intended, present Mic's new show, loudmouth heroics! We are here with present mic, an experienced hero with quite the personality. Now mic, tell me why a radio show?”

“Well Yuta, if I didn’t go into hero work, I always thought I’d be a radio host. Then an old classmate of mine, recommended I do both, given my quirk's pension for collateral, I’m asked not to do normal patrols by the commission.”

“makes sense, I figure that’s how loudmouth came to be as well eh?”

“ahaha” the hero chuckles nervously. “actually, that’s from a friend, you may know her as midnight the r rated hero. She uhh, has called me that since I accidentally broke her glasses back when we first started working together.”

“pfft” the radio show host does his best to hold in some laughter, but some does escape him. “you two sound close, now, tell me about your show! What sort of things will the listeners have to look forward to?”

“sure! I plan to do interviews, discussions on recent events, hero news, villain alerts, some music segments, and some listener interactions! My first guest is already lined up, matter of fact it’s midnight herself!”

“Wow! I’ll have to find time to listen in then!”

“don’t you worry, it’ll also be recorded, posted online wherever you listen to podcasts, and replayed a few hours later in early morning!”

“so does this mean it’ll be a late-night show?”

“sadly yes, I do still have a day job, my agency is assigned to cases by the commission and my side kicks do patrols. I usually do the paperwork…”

“sounds rough buddy, anything you’d like to say before we move on to the interview?”

“Oh! It’ll start at seven pm, airing will begin this Friday night!”

“You heard it here listeners, that’s seven pm on Friday, right here on ninety-three point one, WPOC!”

Izuku would definitely listen in, though he’d need to be careful since it’d be distracting during dinner. Maybe a clone could listen in? That reminded him that he’d need to test more with his quirk.

School ended, Izuku went home, and immediately asked to go to the park with Himiko and Mei, his parents agreed of course but warned him not to stay too long as he had to be home for dinner. Mei had to haggle with her mom to get permission, she’d have less tinkering time than she wanted but it was a sacrifice she had to make. While Himiko didn’t ask her parents at all, she told them, but her dad waved her off.

Having convened on the playground Mei was the first to see a familiar green haired kid laying in the mulch, she did a double take just to be sure, but it did look like another Izuku. She would’ve thought that Himiko had turned into Izuku again had she not been told about his new quirk beforehand. It wasn’t too much longer until Himiko and Izuku noticed the clone as well. Though Izuku was the clone, plus Izuku had the connection which the quirk gave him. Himiko ran forward and looked down at the bored Izuku laying in the mulch who merely looked up at Himiko with a bored smile.

“Woah! It really is you! That’s so cool!” Himiko let out a small giggle as she bent down to poke Izuku. “So have you been here all day?”

Whilst being poked Izuku replied, “no, most of the day, I had to sneak out when mom and dad got home.”

“Oh, well at least you snuck out okay.” Himiko continued poking Izuku as the other Izuku and Mei approached.

“I’m jealous, I could get so much done with a quirk like this…” Mei pouted a bit which earned her a slight frown from the Izuku next to her. The lack of sleep, the terrors, all added up to a very bad response to her innocent envy.

“Yes, be jealous of the murderer.” His scathing remark caused Mei to look a bit remorseful.

“You know what I mean….” Mei muttered looking down in slight shame.

Izuku regretted saying it as soon as the sentence was done. Even with all his relaxing and decompressing, he wasn’t over it, it had only just happened, but he hadn’t meant to have his inner turmoil affect his friends. He had lashed out a bit, it was self-detrimental, but it still made Mei feel bad.

“I’m sorry… it’s a cool quirk, I just don’t know how to feel about what I had to do to get it.” Izuku hung his head, but Himiko came over and grasped him by the cheeks.

“you are a good person Izuku.”

Izuku blinked in surprise and slight confusion, it was so out of nowhere.

“You are a good friend. And are really really nice.” Himiko squished Izuku’s cheeks slightly as she continued.

Mei decided to add to the confusion by nodding and adding her own opinion.

“Yeah! You always listen to us, and you help me with my babies! And you always check to make sure we’re okay.”

Izuku’s confusion slowly waned as he stared at his friends.

[They’re too good for you.]

They’re great…

[You don’t deserve them.]

I shouldn’t drag them into my world.

[Maybe you should just leave.]

Maybe I-

{But… They’d be sad.}

Izuku looked down, he felt ashamed for thinking such things.

[They’d be safe.]

{You’d be betraying them.}

[Don’t be selfish!]

{Bear it for them.}

Izuku felt a tenseness in his chest. It hurt; he didn’t know what to do. He was torn between the idea of leaving his friends and family to keep them away from him or staying with them so they wouldn’t be saddened by him leaving. He could hear sniffling and feel a set of arms wrap around him.

He felt another set of arms around him, his face felt hot and cold. His gaze locked on the ground and the other locked on the sky.

Izuku could see Mei hunched over something out of the corner of his eye. And out of the corner of his eye he could see Himiko hugging him. The two Izuku’s made eye contact briefly, one crying while the other was leaking this light green fluid from its eyes. It was strange, he felt like he didn’t recognize the eyes of the other, neither seemed like his own at that moment.

Izuku wiped his face at the same time, his thoughts were a mess, he wasn’t sure what to feel guilty about anymore.

After a bit Mei and Himiko let him go, the two satisfied after letting Izuku cry for a bit.

“You know, I think you let things get to you easily Zuzu.” Himiko commented, it sounded insensitive, but Izuku knew what she meant by it. “you were feeling guilty about stuff, right?”

Izuku both nodded, Mei pulled the real Izuku up and propped him up against her shoulder so he wouldn’t be on the ground. She began rubbing his back something the two would do for each other whenever they were upset.

“Alright, well, why did you want this quirk? You said you wanted the quirk this morning, right? So why?” Mei asked in a gentle tone.

“I… I didn’t want to lose anything… I like learning from the doctor… I like getting new quirks… but I know that I’m Mr. Shigaraki’s successor, so I’ll need to leave everyone someday.” Izuku went silent and after a few moments the other Izuku picked up where he left off “B-But if I could be at two places at once then I could have both my friends, family and be a villain. I was being greedy.”

Mei nodded, she didn’t fully understand Izuku’s worries, but just because she didn’t understand completely didn’t mean she couldn’t guess. “I wouldn’t want to choose either. That sounds tough.”

“recently, I think I’d choose villains and friends. Mom and dad locked me in my room for days…” Himiko complained “plus, we’d all be villains, right? I think we’d be great villains.”

Himiko tried to joke about it, but she did half believe they would, though she also thought they’d all be good heroes too.

“I don’t plan on being either, I mean, technically villains can use my inventions too.” Mei paused in her circular motion to get Izuku to look at her. “How’re you feeling?”

“a bit better…” he sniffled, wiping his face as he tried to pull away from Mei who did not let him go. The other Izuku being held my Himiko also tried to pull way but was again denied.

Himiko spoke softly. “good…” Himiko slowly let go, still holding the other Izuku by his hands. “don’t hold it against yourself, ok?”

“you can’t undo it right? You uhm… killed the person you took it from?” Mei asked, trying to broach the subject lightly which Izuku nodded slowly. “So, you can’t do anything about it. Meaning! Yellow is right.”

Himiko giggles a bit at Mei’s antics. “I’m always right!”

The presence of the two was doing an excellent job at calming Izuku down, his contradicting thoughts no longer causing his mind to spiral. He couldn’t tell that this only started after he used the new quirk, but he would learn eventually.

After finally calming down properly, the three began to enjoy themselves at the park, it was a distraction but a welcome one.

Mei and Himiko shared a look, they both felt like they could do more for their friend than they were already doing. Confident in their silent communication, Himiko asked. “So, have you asked if we can get multiple quirks like you?”

The Izukus shook their heads, “no, but since we’re done with the hospital Mr. Shigaraki shouldn’t be as busy.”

“cool! It’d be neat to do what you do too, like learn and train. I don’t wanna fall behind you too far if we’re going to be partners!” Himiko gave a smirk to Izuku, who only managed to smile slightly in response.

Mei pouted slightly, “you two are getting all this cool stuff. And my folks aren’t even letting me make anything fun.”

“well… Maybe Mr. Shigaraki could find something for you too? He’s got some “connections” he says.” Izuku does his best to not let his friend feel left out.

Mei shakes her head, “it’s okay, I’ll be able to catch up when I’m older. My grandmother said she’s been planning on getting me a space for tinkering.”

“Oh. That’s cool.” Izuku smiles a bit wider.

“you have a good family, Mei.” Himiko adds, swinging on the swing set, a bit melancholic.

“Yeah, my grandma is the best. Mom just wants me to be more girly and ladylike. She even tried to take out my dreads!” Mei was indignant at the notion. “luckily dad stopped her.”

“Hmm, Mei without dreads. I think you’d be cute!” Himiko snickered though this got Mei to blush very slightly.

“no! My hair is too frizzy without them! I’d look like a clown!” Mei protests.

“it can’t be that bad.” One of the Izuku’s said while the other swung on the other swing besides Himiko.

Himiko continued snickering imagining Mei with a small afro and a clown nose. The conversation went back and forth, Izuku chiming in every once in a while, while the main body started to nod off. “nuh uh! It’s bad! Like really bad! Really really bad!” Mei began swinging her arms frantically trying to get her point across, almost hitting the Izuku who was now napping on her lap. Having fallen asleep due to the emotional exhaustion.

“You’ll hit me if you keep flailing…” the swing Izuku pointed out.

“How does that even work? Using a quirk in your sleep?” Himiko asked, leaning back to increase her swing.

“Well. I think it’s more that I’ve already used the quirk? The quirk produces Clones, so I don’t think I’m using it like you think.” The Izuku offers, working through his own hypothesis.

“no, I mean you being asleep and awake.” Himiko counters with a slightly befuddled look on her face.

“can you even count it as resting?” Mei chimed in.

“I mean, yeah? It feels like the link to that body is just weaker. I can’t tell if I’m dreaming either.” Izuku wasn’t quite sure himself, he felt for his thoughts, but he felt a dullness back, it was relaxing, like pressing against something soft though it also felt like something hard was below it. Izuku continued looking at his main body, it clicked after another moment. “ah, I guess I can feel sensation from it. I can feel myself laying on Mei.”

Mei and Himiko both had their own reactions to this. Himiko had a slight mischievous glint in her eye while Mei began experimentally messing with Izuku’s hair. “can you feel this?”

“Mmm a bit, it’s kinda faint.” Izuku replied, as Himiko hopped off the swing, going straight for Izuku’s shoe. Himiko promptly began to tickle Izuku lightly. The sensation of someone tickling him without touching him was strange because he could feel it like she was. Izuku began to giggle uncontrollably, while the Izuku asleep smiled in his sleep.

“Hi-Himi stop! Hahaha! I-I can’t hahaha” Izuku kept laughing.

Mei watched fondly as her friends messed around, the mood that had settled over them all but gone now.

The trio spent a decent time alone in the park until Mei’s mom came to pick her up. Himiko had to walk home alone, leaving Izuku alone with himself. However, before he could wonder what to do, he felt the urge to vomit, something slimy was climbing up his throat. He choked and coughed, his clone could see gray slime burst out of his mouth, it quickly expanded and enveloped him, covering his body as it wildly pulsated and thrashed like a raging current. Izuku couldn’t do anything but struggle as his breath was taken from him as well.

Suddenly the slime covering Izuku shrank and disappeared leaving the clone alone. The Izuku in the park was stunned, processing what just happened as the information from his main body continued to flow to him.

Izuku continued to cough as he could sending see again, it was a dark metal room, a number of pipes above him, however the most imposing thing in the room was Shigaraki, his dull red eyes looking down in Izuku from only a foot away, an expression of disappointment on his face.

“How nice of you to join us, Midoriya.” The man gave a smile grin, still watching the boy.

“Mr. Shi- ““SILENCE.” Izuku was cut off by Mr. Shigaraki grabbing him by the shirt and holding him aloft. “I never painted you as a fool, but it seems I was wrong. What, pray tell, were you thinking bringing a drone, which possessed a video recorder on it?”

The man’s grip on Izuku’s shirt fell away, dropping the greenette on the hard metal with an audible clang.

“when we last spoke, I said I’d save the lecture for later, but after some careful consideration. I think punishment is in order.” The man walked by Izuku, who was clutching his side in pain. “But I also I believe that mistakes can be rectified, and one must learn from their mistakes. However, your drone is now in the hands of the hero commission, from what I can tell due to the damage it sustained from getting crushed by rubble it may take some time to repair it. If you manage to get it back, or manage to destroy it before it is repaired, then I will forgive this blunder of yours.”

Izuku turned on his side, now seeing the other side of the room. There, bound to the table, was a man no older than thirty. This man was strapped to a metal table, he was furry and had blue hairs all along his arms. He was gagged and made whimpers with fear in his eyes. All for one was standing to his side, a tweezer in hand holding a termite or wasp or some kind.

“I hope you won’t disappoint me again Izuku, you are my successor, and I would hate to doubt you.” All for one lowered the insect to the man’s eye, it wriggled its swollen abdomen into the socket with a sickening squelch and a gagged scream from the man. The man struggled against his restraints, shaking the table back and forth and up and down. All for one stared, a dull uninterested look on his face. Izuku said nothing, he only watched as the man seemed to fall limp after a minute of this thrashing. “Hmm, another failure. Though it was smoother this time.”

He reached down and pulled to small insect out of the hollow socket, its abdomen now covered in eye jelly and blood. The thing struggled in the tweezers for a time before giving up.

Through his shock, Izuku noticed a familiar sound, it was a buzzing of sorts from the bee or termite. This small and disgusting thing had a quirk, it was the quirked wasp that they had gotten the other day. He was made to stand but his legs were weak, causing him to fall again. All for one looked at him once more and spoke. “ah, right. Kurogiri send him to his new room. He needs to get accustomed to it before we discuss the next steps.”

Izuku hadn’t noticed because of the dark of the room but Kurogiri had been there the entire time, the man sent out a trail of smoke which made a portal below Izuku which the boy fell through.

“master, might I ask a question?” the misty man asked, having finished his task.

“of course, ask away.” The villain replied, putting the insect into a case.

“Why did we not collect the drone before we left? You told me to pay it no mind, and yet you are making the young master go after it. Why?” the bartender asked.

“Ah. Yes. Izuku is still quite reluctant to do what is necessary, I aim to push him to the limit of his mercy so he might learn what mercy can end up causing. This also teaches him to consider the after effect of using equipment during missions, all in all it will be good for him in the long run.”

Kurogiri nodded, having gotten his answer.

“Now, take care of this. Bring me the next one when you’re done.” The man commanded, leaving Kurogiri to do as he was ordered to work on some of his other projects.

Assimilation rate: 8% and 3%

Assimilated - Chapter 28 - Drakon475 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.