History for Characters/TheFlash - TV Tropes (2024)

[[folder:Other Speedsters]]

[[folder:Supporting Characters]]
[[WMG:Ashley Zolomon]]

The estranged wife of Hunter Zolomon. They met in college and got married shortly before graduation, and both entered the FBI where Ashley's father was an instructor for new recruits. However, after a misjudgment on Hunter's part cost Ashley's father his life during a case, Ashley left Hunter (just one of the many unfortunate repercussions). She would later come to Keystone City and take over his former spot as the local meta-human profiler following his FaceHeelTurn and transformation into [[EvilCounterpart Zoom]].

* AmicablyDivorced: Not at first, [[DarkAndTroubledPast due to the circ*mstances]], but they do still have some lingering feelings for each other.
* FriendOnTheForce: Eventually becomes this for Wally, once they work past their differences.
* ItsAllMyFault: She believes that if she hadn't left Hunter, he would never have become Zoom.
* LoveWillLeadYouBack: She wants to invoke this for Hunter.
* NewOldFlame: For Zoom.
* ThePowerOfLove: Her being in a car accident [[spoiler:caused by Wally's subconscious tampering due to his initial dislike of her for her association with Zoom]] is enough to snap Zoom out of his time-displaced coma that he was forced into at the climax of the "Blitz" storyline.
* TheProfiler: Takes over this role after her ex-husband's FaceHeelTurn.
* SecretSecretKeeper: [[spoiler:For Wally, at the end of the "Rogue War" storyline]].

->'''AKA:''' Chester Runk

A metahuman and close friend of Wally's with the power to eat anything and place it in an alternate dimension. After an extremely brief career as a thief, Chunk quit the business and became a firm ally of the Flash, when not working with Wally's mother Mary West with community-work.

* BlackAndNerdy
* BlackBestFriend: For Wally.
* HugeGuyTinyGirl: He dwarfs his fiance.
* NerdGlasses
* NiceGuy
* NonActionGuy: Though his abilities are incredibly powerful.
* PowerIncontinence: When he was injured by Plunder in the leadup to ''Crossfire'', his singularity almost consumed Central City.

[[WMG:Chyre and Morillo]]
->'''AKA:''' Fred Chyre and Jared Morillo

The founding (and only) members of Keystone City's Metahuman Hostilities Department, officers Chyre and Morillo quickly became vital allies and friends of Wally West. Chyre was an aging beat cop who lived in Keystone his whole life, while Morillo was a young hotshot who relocated from Los Angeles. Though hostile to each other at first, they quickly became good friends who always have each other's back.

* BashBrothers
* BrainsAndBrawn: Morillo is the brains, Chyre is the brawn.
* HealingFactor: Morillo, due to a close encounter with Cicada's energy dagger.
* OldFashionedCopper: Chyre isn't British, but he's still close to this trope.
* SaltAndPepper
* ThoseTwoGuys

[[WMG:Dr. Elias]]

A scientist who appears in the New 52 ''Flash'' Series. He secretly helps the Flash, and isn't really an important character. [[spoiler:It turns out he's a complete an utter asshole who claims the Speed Force energy he siphoned off Barry as a renewable energy source without giving credit to the Flash at all, and pits the public against the Flash as a social experiment.]]

* AssholeVictim
* BitchInSheepsClothing
* RedHerring: [[spoiler:Despite what the plot wants you to believe at first, he's not Reverse-Flash.]]
* TheSociopath
* WalkingSpoiler

[[WMG:Gregory Wolfe]]

The draconian warden of Iron Heights Penitentiary. Wolfe turned the prison into a true dungeon where inmates are stripped of their rights, their dignity, and any hope of escape. Although he keeps the Twin Cities safe by keeping dangerous super-criminals locked up in "the Pipeline", his zeal for brutal justice often leads him to bend the very laws he has sworn to uphold, and has made him a thorn in Wally's side. He has the metahuman ability to induce violent muscle spasms, which helps him keep prisoners under control. [[spoiler:He also once used them on Wally to stop him from asking uncomfortable questions about what he was doing to Fallout]].

* AmoralAttorney: Prior to becoming Iron Heights' warden.
* BerserkButton: When a bunch of Joker crazed super-villains attack the prison, one of them, Deadline, flies up and holds a gun to Wolfe's head saying that they're taking over. Wolfe's response?
-->'''Wolfe''': This is ''MY'' Prison!
** At which point he makes Deadline's arm spasm, dropping the gun and Wolfe shoots him in the head with it.
* HellishPupils: His eyes often glow red and/or yellow.
* KnightTemplar
* ScaryBlackMan

[[WMG:Iris West Allen]]
->'''First appearance:''' ''Showcase'' #4 (October 1956)
->'''Hair color:''' Brown
->'''Eye color:''' Brown

Barry Allen's wife and an IntrepidReporter who frequently reports on the Flash's adventures.

* BackFromTheDead: She predeceased Barry by about six years... but she got better!
* IntrepidReporter
* MustHaveCaffeine: ''The Flash Secret Files and Origins 2010'' says she is "seemingly immune to the effects of caffeine".
* PluckyGirl
* TimeTravel: Iris was born in the 30th century, and sent to our time to save her life.

[[WMG:Jai West]]
->'''First appearance:''' ''The Flash'' vol. 2 #225 (October 2005)
->'''Hair color:''' Black
->'''Eye color:''' Brown

Wally and Linda's son, one of their twin children. While his sister Iris inherited their father's speed, Jai's connection to the Speed Force manifested as an ability to accelerate the growth of his muscle tissue, granting him temporary super-strength. He recently lost his powers, and Eobard Thwane has indicated that he has dire plans for the boy.

* HourOfPower: He could only use super-strength in limited bursts and required rest and food to avoid passing out.
* KidHero
* PintSizedPowerhouse

[[WMG:Joan Williams Garrick]]
Jay Garrick's steady girlfriend all through the 40s, who was a fellow college student and in on his secret identity right from the beginning. The two of them got married when Jay retired from super-heroics in the early 50s, and had a long happy life together. Sixty years and counting before the New 52 put an end to that.
* OlderThanTheyLook: In the modern day, both she and Jay look like they're in their 50s, even though both were pushing 100 by 2011. At first, it was because of energy absorbed from villain Ian Karkull that kept them younger, and later due to the Speed Force and its effects on Jay, which Joan benefitted from.
* SecretKeeper: Joan knew about Jay's secret identity as the Flash from day one, and sometimes accompanied him on his adventures.

[[WMG:Linda Park-West]]
->'''First appearance:''' ''The Flash'' vol. 2 #28 (July 1989)
->'''Hair color:''' Black
->'''Eye color:''' Brown

Wally's reporter girlfriend and eventual wife, who is the world's leading scientist on velocibiology. Used to be a reporter, similar to Iris.
* BelligerentSexualTension: With Wally before they hooked up.
* CloserToEarth: She's generally played as more responsible and pragmatic than Wally... unless there's a story at stake.
* DidYouJustHaveTeaWithCthulhu: Happens the first time she meets [[PsychoExGirlfriend Magenta]], who at the time is staying at Wally's house. She confronts Frances about whether she still has feelings for Wally (who meanwhile is reacting with alarm at what might happen if the two women should meet, given his ex's AxCrazy tendencies), and Frances' magnetic abilities appear to start activating in response...but when the panicked Wally rushes through the front door, he's dumbfounded to find the two in the kitchen, laughing and joking together about some of his weirder personality quirks.
* ExpressDelivery: How she gave birth to the twins. Thanks to the TimeyWimeyBall and Barry undoing the beating-induced miscarriage she suffered in the past at Zolomon's hands, she basically went from "not pregnant" to "fully gestated and going into labor" within the span of a few minutes, with the actual "flat belly to bulging belly" taking place in a single panel span.
* HappilyMarried
* HotScientist: After the twins were born, she became "by default, the world's leading authority on velocibiology", the science of how super-speed affects the human body.
* IntrepidReporter
* TheMissusAndTheEx: She's the Missus in the DidYouJustHaveTeaWithCthulhu situation above.
* ThePowerOfLove
* RoaringRampageOfRevenge: In ''Terminal Velocity'', there's a point when Wally is apparently killed right in front of her by Kobra. Linda- who had no superpowers whatsoever- immediately told Piper to start making weapons, saying that the last thing Kobra was going to see before he died was "the look in my eyes when I send him straight to hell". [[spoiler: She doesn't ''win''- and it's her peril that ultimately brings Wally back from the Speed Force- but she's the last one from her group left standing, despite the fact that several of them had superpowers and/or superhero experience and she didn't.]]

[[WMG:Meloni Thawne]]
->'''First appearance:''' ''Impulse'' #23 (March 1997)
->'''Hair color:''' Brown
->'''Eye color:''' Amber

Bart's energetic and protective mother, and the wife of Don Allen. One of the only Thawne family members to reject a life of crime, Meloni readily encourages her son's superheroics.

She also had a relationship with the first Captain Boomerang when he ended up in the future. Their son Owen Mercer was somehow sent back in time.

* MamaBear
* StarCrossedLovers
* StrongFamilyResemblance: If you wanted to know where Bart got his mannerisms and crazy hairstyle from, now you do... basically, she's best described as "female Impulse without superspeed".
* WhiteSheep: Yeah, the rest of her family is...quite psychotic.


The son of Solovar and current ruler of Gorilla City. Under his reign, he encouraged the apes of Gorilla City to blend their advanced technology with the trees of the rainforest, bringing a more spiritual approach to rulership than his father. He has pursued a strict isolationist policy to the point of refusing to extradite Grodd for his crimes outside Gorilla City.

* EverythingsBetterWithMonkeys
* HeroicNeutral
* HiddenElfVillage: After his father's death, Nnamdi cuts off Gorilla City from the rest of the world, barring even the Flash entrance.
* ObstructiveBureaucrat

[[WMG:Pied Piper]]
->'''AKA:''' Hartley Rathaway

The son of rich parents, Hartley Rathaway was born deaf. His parents spent millions on cybernetic implants that granted him incredible hearing, but to their dismay, he was entranced by all forms of music and forsook their expectations for him. Bored with this life, Hartley delved into sonic technology to create a flute with mind-control properties and used it to commit petty crimes and fight the Flash as the Pied Piper, one of the Rogues. Hartley never really liked crime, however, and after Barry Allen's death he reformed, becoming a superhero and one of Wally West's best friends. He also came out of the closet as one of the first gay superheroes.

Years later, Piper was framed for the murder of his parents by the second Mirror Master. This sent him unwillingly back into the criminal underworld as he tried to escape both the Rogues and the authorities. He appeared to join up with the Rogues again, but was working undercover to infiltrate them. Nonetheless, he was present when against his protests, they killed Bart Allen. He has been on the run ever since[[note]][[ComicBook/CountdownToFinalCrisis and kinda blew up a planet along the way]][[/note]].

* BadassGay: Several times. ComicBook/CountdownToFinalCrisis just cements him as a bona fide {{Badass}}
* BreakTheCutie: ComicBook/CountdownToFinalCrisis
** And before that getting framed for his parents' murder and having his head screwed with, being sent to Iron Heights, and oodles of other unpleasantness.
* ChainedHeat: With Trickster.
* ComingOutStory: Considered one of the best outings in comics.
* DisabilitySuperpower: He was born deaf and got implants that gave him enhanced hearing.
* FakeDefector
* GadgeteerGenius: While some writers have him using apparently normal instruments, others have him inventing weapons and force-field gadgets- anything that can be handwaved as "sonics".
* HeelFaceTurn
* HeroicBSOD: When Mirror Master II tricked him into believing that he killed his own parents.
* LonelyRichKid
* MagicMusic
* MakeMeWannaShout
* MeaningfulName : His surname is Rathaway, and, in the classic story, what does ThePiedPiperOfHamelin do? Yep; sends the 'rats-away'.
* MindControl: He can control people with his music.
* ParentalAbandonment: They didn't even notice that he was deaf until he was two or so. [[spoiler: And now they're dead.]]
* ThePowerOfRock
* TokenGoodTeammate: To the Rogues. Even before his HeelFaceTurn he gave away a large percentage of his loot to the poor.
* StraightGay


Like all the apes of Gorilla City, Solovar was granted intelligence from contact with a mysterious meteor, but alone with the evil Grodd, he was granted psychic powers as well. Chosen as the city's king, Solovar protected his people from Grodd's depredations and became a good friend of Barry Allen. Just when Solovar opened up Gorilla City to petition for United Nations membership, however, he was assassinated by Grodd's agents. His nephew Ulgo took up the reigns of command, but soon afterwards passed kingship to his cousin Nnamdi, Solovar's son.

* EverythingsBetterWithMonkeys
* KilledOffForReal

* ReasonableAuthorityFigure
* SupportingLeader

[[WMG:The Three Dimwits]]
->'''AKA:''' Winky Moylan, Blinky Boylan, and Noddy Toylan

Alternately known as "the Three Numbskulls", "the Three Idiots", or "the Three Dopes"; a trio with a penchant for getting into trouble, forcing their friend, Jay Garrick, to bail them out. The three were originally petty criminals but turned over a new leaf thanks to the Flash's influence. Sometime after World War II, the three found a buried treasure and retired to the Caribbean; years later, they became security guards at the Flash Museum, where they were killed by the supervillain Prometheus.

* {{Breakout Character}}s: They graduated to their own feature in ''All-American Comics'' in the GoldenAge.
* BusCrash
* NoCelebritiesWereHarmed: They were [[{{Expy}} Expies]] of Film/TheThreeStooges.

[[WMG:Tina and Jerry [=McGee=]]]

A pair of scientists working for STAR Labs in Keystone City, Tina and Jerry specialize in metahuman medicine and have helped the Flash Family for years.

* FaceHeelTurn: When Tina began having an affair with Wally (early into Wally's career as the Flash) while being estranged from her husband, Jerry used his super-speed research to turn himself into a hulking monstrosity, Speed Demon.
* HappilyMarried: Though they were estranged at the time they were first introduced. They reconciled.
* TheProfessor

[[folder:Evil Speedsters]]


[[folder:The Rogues]]
[[WMG:Abra Kadabra]]
->'''AKA:''' Abhararakadhararbarakh / Citizen Abra

A magician/criminal from the 64th century who came back in time because technology in the future has rendered his craft and skills obsolete (and also because the 64th century is a ''very'' [[CrapsackWorld unhappy place]]). Obsessed with being in the spotlight, Abra is determined to gain attention. He decided to do so by becoming a supervillain and regular member of the Rogues.

* Attentionwhor*: You know someone has ego problems when they travel through time and become a supervillain just for the sake of getting acknowledged.
* BerserkButton: ''Never'' mention the name of Houdini around him. Just don't. Also, he loathes not being the center of attention, and if someone else takes away applause from him.
* BornInTheWrongCentury
* MagicFromTechnology
* PuppetPermutation: One of his most memorable stunts.
* StageMagician
* TimeTravel: Either an escapee or an exile from the 64th century, depending on what story you're reading.
* WhyDontYouJustShootHim: Despite being more insane than most of the Rogues normally feel comfortable with, his malevolence is kept in check by his showmanship -- everything must be a spectacle, and his imagination is so limited that he's usually beaten by GenreSavvy.

[[WMG:Captain Boomerang I]]
->'''AKA:''' George "Digger" Harkness

A cowardly and pragmatic mercenary/regular Suicide Squad member who wields razor-sharp, cybernetic boomerangs. Hated by his fellow Rogues due to being a DirtyCoward and {{Jerkass}} of the up-most extreme. Digger eventually died during a shoot-out with Jack Drake, father of [[{{Franchise/Batman}} Tim Drake]].

* BackFromTheDead: Resurrected in ''BlackestNight'' after exposure to the White Light after being a member of the [[ZombieApocalypse Black Lanterns Corps]].
* BattleBoomerang
** PrecisionGuidedBoomerang
* BoxedCrook: His lengthy run with the SuicideSquad.
* CaptainEthnic: Of the Australian variety.
* ChronicBackstabbingDisorder: In SuicideSquad. Highlights include letting a teammate get shot because he didn't like her, dressing up as another super-villain so he could continue committing crimes while serving with the squad and convincing another squad member to make a run for it to see if their [[ExplosiveLeash exploding bracelets]] really work. [[note]][[AnArmAndALeg They do.]][[/note]]
* DirtyCoward: In SuicideSquad
* CombatPragmatist
* GoneHorriblyWrong: In a neat twist, Captain Boomerang is a ''marketing plan'' gone horribly wrong. He was originally given the name and costume by the Wiggins Toy Company to sell boomerangs to kids, and immediately thought of ways to use this identity to commit robberies.
** Not quite. In Ostrander's Suicide Squad, it turns out that he stuck around in the job for a few weeks before steadily getting fed up with it. Eventually, he decided enough was enough, and decided to make what he thought was a better use of his situation; AKA, stealing some jewelry. And it just so happened that the Flash was nearby, signing autographs. He noticed the theft, though wasn't able to stop Boomerang from getting a cheap shot in, due to Flash's lack of experience with him. The two have been going at it ever since.
* {{Jerkass}}: Even the other Rogues don't like him much -- not because he's evil, just because he's a colossal dick.
* LukeYouAreMyFather
* SurprisinglyEliteCannonFodder: While Trickster and the Top are also toy-based villains, the former's a genius inventor and the latter has superpowers. Boomerang has neither -- and, oh yeah, he's got a higher body count than any Rogue who isn't a straightforward killer.

[[WMG:Captain Boomerang II]]

->'''AKA:''' Owen Mercer
->'''First appearance:''' ''ComicBook/IdentityCrisis'' #3 (October 2004)
->'''Hair color:''' Red
->'''Eye color:''' Blue

The son of the first Captain Boomerang who inherited the title after his father's death. Significantly more likable than his father.

* DroppedABridgeOnHim: Killed during the Blackest Night.
* FaceHeelRevolvingDoor
* JerkWithAHeartOfGold
* KidFromTheFuture
* KilledOffForReal: [[spoiler:Was killed in ''ComicBook/BlackestNight'' by his [[ZombieApocalypse Black Lantern power Ring]]-possessed father after being pushed into a pit by Captain Cold for feeding women and children to his dad.]]
* LamarckWasRight
* LegacyCharacter
* LongLostSibling: To Bart Allen, though neither ever found out.
* LukeYouAreMyFather
* PrecisionGuidedBoomerang
* SuperSpeed: Earlier on they were {{Flash Step}}s, but he later started to develop the full version.

[[WMG:Captain Cold]]
[[caption-width-right:180:Click [[labelnote:here]]http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/250px-Flash182_6420.jpg[[/labelnote]] to see Captain Cold as he appeared pre-Flashpoint]]
->'''AKA:''' Leonard "Len" Snart

Leader of the Rogues and the Flash's long-time archenemy, Leonard Snart is a skilled career criminal and mechanic who took up supervillainy after he accidentally invented a "cold gun", which freezes things by slowing molecules to absolute zero. Strict, professional, and blunt, Cold runs the Rogues tightly and efficiently, enforcing his strong code of honor on them while using their combined skills to pull off countless heists.

* AbusiveParents: His father was a violent drunk who regularly beat him in addition to his mother and his sister.
* AFatherToHisMen: Above all, Cold runs a tight ship and goes out of his way to ensure that the Rogues are focused on the job at hand. Not that he's above tough love to do so, nor is he above encouraging their darker behaviours.
* AndIMustScream: What he does to Chillblaine.
* AnIcePerson:
** Pre-{{New 52}}, he achieved this using his weaponry.
** Post-{{New 52}}, he has direct cryokinesis without having to use his freezing guns. It was later revealed that he used to use freezing guns, but used a machine to integrate his cold gun's powers into himself.
*** Though, after the events of ComicBook/ForeverEvil, he seems to have gone back to the cold gun.
* AntiVillain
* ArchEnemy: To both Flash II and Flash III.
* BigBad: He was the leader of the Rogues, so he automatically fits this whenever they are involved.
* BigBadDuumvirate: With his sister, Glider, after she becomes the leader of the Rogues.
* BigBrotherInstinct: He's very protective of his sister and fellow Rogues.
* BlessedWithSuck: Downplayed: His Integrated Freezing abilities make him more powerful than ever but liquid tends to freeze around him, so he can't get drunk, and when he get's tossed into the water it freezes on him, and he has difficulty moving.
* BrotherSisterTeam: With Golden Glider.
* BountyHunter: In a reformed period, teaming up with his sister as "Golden Snowball."
* CasanovaWannabe[=/=]LookingForLoveInAllTheWrongPlaces: In the Silver Age, he seemed to develop a crush on a different woman every week.
* CutLexLuthorACheck[=/=]ReedRichardsIsUseless: Played straight. When called on the fact that each of the Rogues have access to technology and abilities that could make them rich legitimately, Cold freely cops to the notion that their life of crime is largely due to bad habits.
* DeadpanSnarker: Commonly.
* EvenEvilHasStandards: He's practically the posterchild for this trope.
* FailOSuckyname: His real name.
-->'''Paul Gambi, running backstories past an amnesiac villain''': Your name's Leonard Snart, which is two strikes against you right there...
-->'''Captain Cold himself, narrating''': My name's... man, I hate it. My name's Leonard Snart. It's a bad name, I know, but my parents were bad people.
* FreezeRay: Technically. It's really supposed to slow down molecules, the ice is a side effect. In his words, it's a cold gun, not an ice gun; his gun slows molecules to absolute zero, while [[Characters/{{Batman}} Mister Freeze's]] just shoots ice. He explains in ''ComicBook/ForeverEvil'' issue 6.
-->'''Captain Cold:''' A lot of guys shoot ice. But I don't ''freeze'' things. I ''eliminate'' movement altogether. I ''stop'' atoms ''cold''.
* HarmlessFreezing: His cold gun has been designed to just put people frozen into suspended animation without doing long-term damage. That said, it ''can'' kill if he wants it to, which makes it a good idea not to push the guy.
* PowerFist: With his Cryokinesis he could freeze his fists into thick powerful weapons.
* PungeonMaster: Averted. Cold may dress like an eskimo and have a silly name, but he outgrew puns years ago. This is notable when he fights [[LegacyCharacter the fourth]] Chillblaine.
-->'''Chillblaine''': You're an absolute Zero!!\\
'''Captain Cold''': Kid, I outgrew that [[SymbolSwearing $#!^]] years ago.
* HypocriticalHumor: In "Flash and Substance".
* IHaveYourWife: Subverted.
* INeedAFreakingDrink: Except in the New 52, where he complains that he can't drink anymore because his powers freeze the beer. Barry, in disguise, befriends him by giving him a recipe for beer that freezes at a much lower temperature.
* LiterallyShatteredLives
* LowerClassLout: He grew up poor white trash and fully acknowledges it, but woe betide anyone who brings it up around him.
* NeverHurtAnInnocent: Refuses to kill.
* NobleDemon: When he lead the Rogues, he instituted rules against killing and petty revenge schemes.
* PunchClockVillain
* RoaringRampageOfRevenge: Against Chillblaine, the man who killed his sister; and, later, against Inertia, for tricking the Rogues into killing Bart Allen and making them the top public enemies.
* SelfMadeOrphan: He confronted his abusive father but couldn't bring himself to kill the man... so [[KillItWithFire he had Heat Wave do it]].
* TheStoic
* StraightEdgeEvil: Forbids the Rogues from using drugs.
* TookALevelInBadass: While he was certainly dangerous Pre-New 52, in the reboot he takes an offer by Dr. Elias to merge his cold gun's powers to himself. Doing so makes him a metahuman who can slow down the Flash just by being near him; making their fights even more equally matched. Many of the other Rogues also became metahumans with powers based off of their tech.
* TookALevelInJerkass: In the world of ''Comicbook/{{Flashpoint}}'', Snart is Citizen Cold, Central City's star hero. He's adored by the public, but the police, the villain community, and hero community all know he's nothing but a complete asshole who uses the hero facade as an excuse to do whatever he wants. But this all depends on how much the citizens actually love him, because without their support he couldn't get away with half the crap he openly pulls. He's even willing to secretly set up his battles with supervillains by baiting them with misinformation.
* WorthyOpponent: To Wally.

[[WMG:Doctor Alchemy / Mister Element]]
->'''AKA:''' Albert Desmond

A man suffering from a split personality, only said split personality happens to be a mad supervillain who's discovered the power to transmutate any element into any other. Alchemy is obsessed with expanding his scientific work ([[ForScience for given value of science]]) and works with the Rogues to achieve those goals.

* AlchemyIsMagic: He has the power to transmute any element into another.
* CasanovaWannabe: His "psychic twin"/split personality Alvin, who among other things had a habit of transmuting Golden Glider's underwear.
* ChestInsignia: The "A" on his hood.
* ChronicVillainy: In the Silver Age, he was frequently portrayed as a good man subject to strange criminal compulsions.
* TheCollector: He collects books, from [[TomeOfEldritchLore tomes of alchemy]] to modern novels.
* CutLexLuthorACheck: Justified. His evil personality is the only one who knows how to use his transmutation and that personality deliberately kept it from other scientists because he believes other humans are too insignificant to deserve it.
* EnemyWithout: During a period when he was reformed, the Philosopher's Stone created an EvilTwin named Alvin so that his repressed villainous side could act out.
* EvilRedhead: The aforementioned "Alvin."
* ForScience: Though originally a thug like most of the other Rogues, Alchemy's main motivation is to expand his knowledge and abilities, to the point where he refused to leave his cell during a prison break, killing his would-be rescuer, because he hadn't finished reading the books he already had. The second he was done, he left jail on his own.
* HeelFaceRevolvingDoor: From the mid-1960s to the 1990s; these days he's just pure evil.
* InsufferableGenius
* MorallyAmbiguousDoctorate
* PhilosophersStone
* RedemptionDemotion: At one point while he was reformed and holding down a generic white-collar job, Eobard Thawne sought him out after reading about his noted chemical genius. He claimed that even if he wanted to help, he only had that knack for chemistry when his "evil side" was ascendant ([[CutLexLuthorACheck not that he did all that much with it]] ''then'', either). At another point post-Crisis, he had a job as a university professor but struggled with his research since "Alvin" had control of the Philosopher's Stone.

[[WMG:Double Down]]
->'''AKA:''' Jeremy Tell

A gambling addict who was cursed with a set of magically enhanced playing cards after murdering their pervious owner. After discovering that he can control the cards with his mind, Tell became a supervillain and member of the Rogues.

* BodyHorror: His cards come ''from chunks of his own flesh''.
* CursedWithAwesome: Sure, his powers require him to horribly mutilate himself whenever he uses them... then again, psychically controllable enchanted playing cards that can ''wound Kryptonians'' is an ability not to be trifled with.
* DeathDealer: Uses enchanted playing cards that can slice through just about anything.
* TheGambler
* GamblingAddict
* LaserGuidedKarma: His enchanted cards are bonded to his skin because he killed their previous owner over a gambling match that went badly for Tell.
* PungeonMaster: Card and gambling puns.

[[WMG:Golden Glider/ Glider]]
[[caption-width-right:180:Click [[labelnote:here]]http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/goldenglider_6873.jpg[[/labelnote]] to see Glider as she appeared before New 52]]
->'''AKA:''' Lisa Snart

Captain Cold's clever sister and a former figure-skater who joined her brother in supervillainy after the death of her lover, the Top. Pre-New 52 she wielded a pair of specially designed skates that effectively allow her to fly, but after the reboot she's gained a SuperpowerLottery.

* AdaptationalBadass: She's much more capable in the New 52 with her SuperpowerLottery
* AscendedExtra: She went from minor villain (before Flashpoint) to leader of the Rogues and technically BigBad (New 52).
* AstralProjection: In the New 52. She has intangibility and prehensile binds as a spirit. Her body is kept in a hospital.
* AvengingTheVillain: Took up supervillainy to avenge the death of her lover the Top.
* BigBadDuumvirate: After becoming the leader of the Rogues, she becomes this with her brother Captain Cold.
* BlondesAreEvil
* BountyHunter
* BrotherSisterTeam: With Captain Cold.
* ColorCharacter: Except in the New 52, where she goes by Glider.
* TheDarkChick
* EverythingsSparklyWithJewelry: She used jewelry based gadgets.
* GoldMakesEverythingShiny
* MiniDressOfPower
* OutlawCouple: With the Top.
** Later, with a variety of Captain Cold Expies she named Chillblaine. [[spoiler: Until one killed her.]]
** In the New 52, she's in a relationship with Mirror Master.
* PimpedOutDress
* PrettyInMink: She wore an ice skating dress with white fur cuffs.
* TheSmurfettePrinciple: Lisa was the only female Rogue for a long, long time.
* StuffedIntoTheFridge: Until the New 52 reboot ressurected her.

[[WMG:Heat Wave]]
->'''AKA:''' Mick Rory

A hot-tempered pyromaniac and [[VillainousFriendship Captain Cold's partner-in-crime]] who wields a powerful fire gun. Despite his poor mental state, he and Cold have worked together for years now and Heat Wave is always ready to partake in Cold's latest scheme.

* BaldOfEvil: Played with. In the regular series, he is bald, despite his scalp being rarely shown, but he's still a FriendlyEnemy. Compare to the Flashpoint incarnation who caused violence and destruction on a massive scale, but he had hair.
* BodyHorror: Integrating his heat tech with himself burned his skin; leaving his skin red and raw.
* ChestBlaster: In the New 52, he emits flames from a grate on his chest.
* ConvectionSchmonvection: Averted; his suit is specifically designed to protect him from the flames. Killed his would-be replacement in ''Rogues Revenge'' when his suit failed.
** Even then, he's clearly sweating in some scenes where he's especially close to intense heat.
* TheDragon: Frequently fills this role for Captain Cold.
* HeelFaceRevolvingDoor
* KillItWithFire: He does this to a '''BLACK LANTERN'''. Keep in mind that only anything associated with the Emotional Spectrum has a sure-fire chance of killing a Black Lantern, and even then it is usually two Lantern rings working together. "Everything has a melting point", indeed.
** Even normally, he's capable of burning the Flash, whose protection from friction gives him serious resistances to fire and heat.
* {{Pyromaniac}}: See SelfMadeOrphan.
* SelfMadeOrphan: Burned down his childhood home while his family was still inside. Not of malicious intent; he ''just couldn't help it.''
* TragicVillain: He's legitimately mentally ill and has sought out psychiatric help, but all the therapy he takes has made no progress in curbing his impulses to start fires.
* VillainousFriendship: With Captain Cold.
* VitriolicBestBuds: He and Captain Cold rub each other the wrong way. They also work well together on missions, and while Cold isn't above taking advantage of Heat Wave, is also protective and concerned over Rory's mental health.
* WhyDidItHaveToBeSnakes: Is afraid of coldness, from an incident where he was LockedInAFreezer as a child.

->'''AKA:''' Frances Kane

* CantStayNormal
* ChronicVillainy
* TheDragon: To Cicada in "Blood Will Run".
* ExtraOreDinary: Technically, she's actually using magnetic field manipulations.
* FreudianThreat: She continually tells Girder that if he keeps hitting on her, she'll tear him in two. When she does, it's a messy enough vertical tear that he's unlikely to have genitals after.
* IJustWantToBeNormal
* LoveMakesYouEvil: Initially, Wally's pressuring her to become a superhero pushed her to use powers she associated with her father's death, making her lash out violently. Later, she worships Wally, and kills in his name.
* ManchurianAgent
* TheMissusAndTheEx: She's the Ex in the DidYouJustHaveTeaWithCthulhu situation in Linda Park's entry.
* PsychoExGirlfriend: It helps her case that she actually has a mental illness to back this up.
* SelfMadeOrphan: She killed her father by accident when her powers manifested; she later claims to have killed her mother intentionally at some point.
* SuperpoweredEvilSide
* WithGreatPowerComesGreatInsanity

[[WMG:Mirror Master I]]
->'''AKA:''' Sam Scudder

* AscendedExtra: He get's a lot of focus and provides the narration in Forever Evil: Rogues Rebellion.
* CutLexLuthorACheck: One of the most glaring examples. This guy invented technology that allows for teleporation replication of matter, and all he used it for was petty crimes.
* KilledOffForReal: Though he's alive and well in the New 52.
* MagicMirror
* OutlawCouple: With Glider in the New 52.
* RealityWarper: In the Mirror World, he can shape it to his liking. He can even [[spoiler: make copies of Turbine's wife and daughter]] for Turbine to convince him to join the Rogues.
* TrappedInAnotherWorld: In the New 52, when the Rogues tried to integrate the abilities of their gadgets into themselves, Mirror Master ends up getting trapped in the Mirror World. He's still of use, as he can bring others into the Mirror World as well. By ''ComicBook/ForeverEvil'', he found a way to free himself.

[[WMG:Mirror Master II]]
->'''AKA:''' Evan [=McCulloch=]

* CreatorProvincialism: A Scottish rogue created by GrantMorrison.
* CutLexLuthorACheck: Played with. When Lex cut [=McCulloch=] a check to join the Injustice Gang, [[spoiler: Batman had a better offer in donations to [=McCulloch's=] old orphanage.]]
* DrugsAreBad: Suffers from a cocaine addiction, and deals it on the side.
* EvenEvilHasStandards: Originally. Not so much anymore.
** Specifically, [=McCulloch=] draws the line at going after a target's family, and has a soft spot in his heart for orphans.
*** And he quits the Injustice Gang partly because Batman pays him more than Lex, but when Lex offers to double it the Mirror Master says that it's not really about money, and is visibly disgusted by the Joker
* GreenLanternRing: The things he can do with his "magic mirrors" seem almost unlimited, up to creating entire mirror universes.
* KickTheDog: [[spoiler: Disguising himself as Pied Piper, murdering his parents, and framing him for it.]]
* LegacyCharacter
* MagicMirror
* PalantirPloy: Every reflective surface in existence [[ParanoiaFuel is his spy camera]].
* SelfMadeOrphan: End up killing his father by accident in his job as a hit-man. As a result, his mother committed suicide.
* ViolentGlaswegian
* {{Yandere}}: In one issue of the Waid run, he stalks an ex-girlfriend who went into the witness protection program and is eventually dragged away by the police while screaming that he loved her.

-> '''AKA:''' Tony Gambi

* AllYourPowersCombined: He has the ability to replicate the powers of any weapon he comes across. He has the abilities of most of the Rogues (specifically Captain Cold, Mirror Master, Captain Boomerang, the Weather Wizard, Heat Wave and Dr. Alchemy).
* TheDragon: To Abra Kadabra, during the ''Dark Flash'' storyline.
* IJustWantToBeSpecial: As a kid, when he looked up to the Rogues as role models.
* MeaningfulName
* {{Metamorphosis}}: After he receives his powers, he's told that the process can't be reversed and he'll never go back to looking like a normal human. However, since he's got the powers of his role models, he takes it in stride.
** It helps that among these powers, he does have Kadabra's wand, so some level of shapeshifting would be possible with practice.

[[WMG:The Top]]
->'''AKA:''' Roscoe Dillon

* BackFromTheDead
* TheChessmaster: [[spoiler:Remember when most of the Rogues [[HeelFaceTurn went legit]] during the later years of Barry Allen's Silver Age career and throughout Wally West's career prior to the ''Rogue War'' arc? That was Top's doing via MindControl.]]
** Possibly averted -- Top's arrogant enough that he takes credit for all these examples, but [[spoiler: Hartley resists once Wally shows his trust, and James Jesse quits his black ops anti-rogue government job, which had led him to give Captain Boomerang a FateWorseThanDeath. Though re-adopting his Trickster persona, James remained morally opposed to most of the Rogues' activities, implying the Top's attempt to push him back to Heel status actually resulted in a HeelFaceDoorSlam a little closer to the side of angels. Given that the only other Rogue to even flirt with heroism was the mentally unstable Heat Wave, who was reverting on his own before the Top removed the brainwashing, the Top may not have been as good as he claimed.]] While the other Rogues had their moments, they were so brief as to be unimportant, making the Top more a SmugSnake.
* EverythingsBetterWithSpinning
* EvilPlan: In one Silver Age story, he set up one that took effect ''after'' his death: he hid five discs throughout Central City and then tasked five of his fellow Rogues to find the discs before Flash did, lest the discs explode and destroy the city; once found, the discs were then to be stacked on top of each other in a specific order to deactivate them. [[spoiler:Turns out that stacking them this way set the trigger for the ''real'' bomb.]]
* ForTheEvulz: "Do you want to know ''why'' I do this? ... It's for the ''thrill''. The thrill of ''spinning'' your world ''upside'' down. Dragging your ''psyche'' through the ''mud'' and ''dirt'' that ''ours'' has gone through. We'll ''see'' what kind of hero you ''are'' then, Flash. We'll see..."
* FreudianExcuse: His parents pushed him to be the best at everything, and when he couldn't, he lashed out to tear down those he thought were better than him, hence his arrogant demeanor.
* GlassOfChianti: Was a wine connoisseur, which made him an outcast among the blue collar Rogues.
* GlowingEyesOfDoom: His eyes glow green.
* ManipulativeBastard
* OutlawCouple: With Golden Glider.
* PresidentEvil: Top died and possessed the body of a senator, carrying his powers with him back from the grave. He attempted to run for office but quickly reverted to type.
* PungeonMaster: When he went mad, he made constant top-related puns. "Oh, tip-''top''!" "I'm on ''top'' of the world!" "''Top'' of the morning to you, Flash!"
* PsychicPowers: The source of his spinning power, a weird form of self-telekinesis. He could also induce vertigo in those around him, and his telepathic "essence" has possessed people after his death.

[[WMG:The {{Trickster}} I]]
->'''AKA:''' Giovanni "James Jesse" Giuseppe

* AxCrazy: Depicted as a clinically insane serial killer in the DarkerAndEdgier TV series, played by MarkHamill.
* TheBarnum: Some depictions.
* BreakingTheFourthWall: On occasion.
* ChainedHeat: With Piper in ''ComicBook/CountdownToFinalCrisis''.
* ChronicVillainy
* CircusBrat
* {{Conman}}
* DidYouJustScamCthulhu -- twice!
* DisguisedInDrag: For a con, and flirted with Captain Cold while he did it.
* FakeDefector
* FriendlyEnemy
* GadgeteerGenius: He developed ''miniaturized antigravity'' as a teenager with pretty minimal resources.
* GenreSavvy
-->''(while helping clean up rampaging musical notes)'' You mean your own notes got away from you? Tsk tsk, you should know better than that, Pipes... that's last-ditch-beat-the-villain-gambit number seven: "Give him more power than he can handle!"
-->''(after punching out Grodd)'' Gee, maybe that new high-energy refined sugar diet is really working! Or maybe I've developed real super-powers and this is my origin!
* ImprobableWeaponUser: When he starts pulling toys out of his pockets, you'll want to duck.
* HeelFaceTurn
* KillerYoyo
* InHarmsWay
* JustFriends: With Catwoman. He considers her the "Most fascinating woman that he ever met."
* LukeYouAreMyFather
* ManOfWealthAndTaste: His persona when he joined the FBI had him cool, calm, and professional in contrast to his circus persona.
* NoMedicationForMe: The DCAU Trickster
* NotQuiteFlight: His Airwalker Shoes.
* QuickChange
* RepetitiveName
* SayMyName: Usually right after someone has discovered that he just pulled a con on them; needless to say, it happens a lot.
* ScrewySquirrel: He goes between this and BugsBunny depending on the writer.
* WeWouldHaveToldYouBut

[[WMG:The Trickster II]]
->'''AKA:''' Axel Walker

* AnArmAndALeg: During "Gorilla Warfare", he offers to be a guide for Grodd and holds out his right hand for a handshake. Grodd rips his arm off, thinking he doesn't know anything. He gains an ArtificialLimb to compensate.
* DisappearedDad: Implied; his parents are divorced and it's later suggested that his father was the one to leave after giving him some words to live by (see ThereAreTwoKindsOfPeopleInTheWorld). Lampshaded in an issue of ''Comicbook/TeenTitans'' when Bart asks if he turned to crime because he [[FreudianExcuse lacked a father figure]] and he snaps that the Rogues are the only father figures he needs.
* DrivesLikeCrazy: One of his favorite activities is stealing cars and joyriding around Keystone.
* ForTheEvulz: Unlike most of the Rogues, he has no FreudianExcuse. He just causes trouble for sh*ts and giggles.
* {{Jerkass}}
* JetPack: His flying shoes. He uses them to set Mr. Zsasz on fire in Forever Evil.
* LegacyCharacter
* PsychopathicManChild
* ScrewySquirrel
* ThereAreTwoKindsOfPeopleInTheWorld: "Either you're the trickster, or you're the one gettin' tricked!"
* TotallyRadical

->'''AKA''' Roscoe Hynes
-> ''First Appearance:''' ''The Flash'' #8 (2012)

Roscoe Hynes was a Tuskegee Airman who led a squadron of prototype planes during World War II. During the first combat mission, Hynes broke formation to test out the prototype plane's capabilities. He then appeared to disappear in thin air, but was actually absorbed into the Speed Force dimension.

In the Speed Force dimension, Hynes gained wind powers, but was stuck there for 70 years. When the Flash entered the Speed Force, he finds Hynes and takes him back to the present.

At the end of the Gorilla Invasion arc, the Rogues offer Hynes a spot on their team after he helped them fight the gorillas.

* BlowYouAway: His time in the Speed Force gave him wind powers. His main strategy is to [[TornadoMove make whirlwinds]].
* CivvieSpandex: His outfit is really a prototype flight uniform he wore when he was a Tuskegee Airman.
* FishOutOfTemporalWater: Originally from the 1940s, he was stuck in the Speed Force for 70 years before being released into the present day.
* FriendlyEnemy: He was originally the Flash's ally and has nothing against him. After the Gorilla Invasion arc, the Rogues offer him a place to live and [[spoiler: mirror copies of his family]] if he joins them.
* OlderThanTheyLook: He spent 70 years in the Speed Force and never aged a day.
* SpeechImpediment: He tends to stutter when nervous.
* YouCantGoHomeAgain: What he really wants is to go back to his time and be with his wife and daughter.

[[WMG:Weather Wizard]]
->'''AKA:''' Mark Mardon

* BadassLongcoat: In the New 52
* CainAndAbel
** In the New 52, Marc''o'' Mardon and his brother Claudio are in a gang. Claudio was murdered when he began to concede too much power to a rival gang, and the gang did everything to cover it up, including attacking the flash's girl friend, who was investigating the death. The flash hunts Marco down and demands to know where she went. Marco is confused and asked, why would I want to hurt the woman who is investigating my brother's death. [[DefiedTrope In the reboot, he and his brother were very close, and it was really his sister in law (and Claudio's wife) who killed his brother.]]
* EmotionalPowers: His weather powers in the New 52. When he made it rain enough to water crops, he became so depressed he had suicidal thoughts.
* EvilGloating: Mardon has an urge to make himself look smarter than the rest of the Rogues, and to that end researches new uses for his weather abilities, and is fond of throwing out Mark Twain references.
* GlowingEyesOfDoom
* MagicFeather
* MakingASplash
* ShockAndAwe
* TheUnfavourite: Apparently, once his mother realized that Mark had a "better" name than his brother Clyde she almost made them ''switch''.
* WeatherControlMachine: His weather wand.
** In the New 52, he integrates the powers of the weather wand into himself. Now he can control the weather himself. He still uses the wand to call down lightning.

[[folder:Other Villains]]
[[WMG: Blacksmith]]
-> '''AKA:''' Amunet Black

* BaldOfEvil: Becomes this as a result of her ExtraOreDinary abilities.
* BigBad: Of the ''Crossfire'' story arc.
* TheBlacksmith: Well, aside from it being her super-villain name, the trope is played with in that she (covertly) outfits the criminals of Keystone City with their weapons and gadgets, and also because of her own ExtraOreDinary powers.
* TheChessmaster: During the aforementioned ''Crossfire'' arc.
* DiabolicalMastermind
* ExtraOreDinary: She has the ability to bond flesh with metal. She uses this to turn her own skin into an ebony metal compound, and to kill the Rainbow Raider by [[ImpaledWithExtremePrejudice shoving one of his own paintings through his chest.]]
* FemmeFatale
* [[ManipulativeBastard Manipulative Bitch]]
* NebulousCriminalConspiracy: She was running her organization behind the scenes for at least ''15 years'' before it was first brought to light.
** ComicBookTime in effect, of course, since this would mean she's been running it since before any of the current superheroes showed up -- including Green Lantern, who inspired Goldface's tech, which Blacksmith used to start the Network in the first place.
* QuirkyMinibossSquad: Consisting of Weather Wizard, the second Mirror Master, Girder, Magenta, Murmur, Plunder, and the second Trickster.
* TheSyndicate: Hers is called The Network. It's an underground black market for super-villains.
* VillainDecay: Introduced as the Flash's newest BigBad in "Crossfire," she has made only one brief appearance since in which she ties to rally some escaping rogues [[SortingAlgorithmOfEvil only to be swatted aside by Grodd and left in the rubble]].

[[WMG:Brother Grimm]]

The prince of the magical dimension of Eastwind, Brother Grimm was a boy when Barry Allen and Wally West helped him and his brother overthrow his evil father. Grimm asked Wally for advice, and Wally told him to make his own choices; he gave the crown to his brother, but soon his brother proved just as evil as their father. Grimm killed his brother in battle and became king of Eastwind, blaming Wally for this tragedy. Years later, he came back to ruin Wally's life the same way he believed Wally ruined his: by destroying his home and family.

* AlienBlood: His is blue.
* AxCrazy
* DimensionLord
* TheEvilPrince
* EvilSorcerer
* FreudianExcuse: Accuses Wally West of ruining his relationship with his father and brother.
* IHaveYouNowMyPretty: Fell in love with Linda Park-West and abducted her to try to make her his queen.
* MageInManhattan: Can conjure up dragons, trolls, giant beanstalks, and other fairy tale monsters and props.
* PointyEars
* RefugeeFromTVLand: The king of the fairy tale land of Eastwind.
* ShouldersOfDoom
* SpiderSense: Can detect the Speed Force, allowing him to hit and dodge speedsters despite not having super speed himself.
* SpikesOfVillainy
* WellDoneSonGuy: Didn't get along with his father, the former king.

-> '''AKA:''' David Hersch

A cult leader who gained immortality from a lightning strike, and who thus considers the Flash as a sort of "brother of the lightning" who his followers worship. They prey on the lives of people who Flash has saved throughout his career, justifying their actions by rationalizing that without the speedster's intervention, those persons would have died anyway, so the cult can kill them with a clear conscience. Cicada equips his followers with special daggers that absorb the life-force out of people stabbed by them, and he intends to use that stolen life-force to resurrect his wife, who he killed in his back-story.

* AbortedArc: One of the police gets a hit off of Cicada's immortality, and Cicada is shown to briefly entrance him. Nothing more is ever made of it.
* AxCrazy: But he's a bit more low-key about it, compared to some other villains.
* BadassGrandpa
* BadassLongcoat
* BeardOfEvil
* ContemplativeBoss
* DrivenToSuicide: In his back-story, he attempted to do this after he murdered his wife. He wasn't successful; instead, a bolt of lightning that conveniently struck at ''that very moment'' gave him a sense of immortality.
* EvilOldFolks
* KnifeNut: His followers use special daggers that rob anyone stabbed with them of their life-force.
* MadScientist: Cicada does what he does to resurrect his wife.
* ReligionOfEvil: His cult dedicated to the Flash.

[[WMG:Cobalt Blue]]
->'''AKA:''' Malcolm Thawne

Barry Allen's twin brother. The Allens and the Thawnes came to the same doctor for the same reason, because both wives were pregnant and about to deliver; however, the doctor accidentally killed the Thawnes' child, then out of guilt gave them one of the Allens' twins and told the Allens that that twin had died. When an adult Malcolm found out, he set out to destroy Barry for having everything he himself could have had but never did. He utilized a magical blue flame that could rob speed from anyone connected to the Flash legacy.

* AbusiveParents: His adopted parents used him as a tool for their cons and treated him terribly; their knowledge that he wasn't their biological child only made it worse.
* BlondGuysAreEvil
* CainAndAbel: Though Barry himself never knew it, as Malcolm never revealed himself to his brother.
* ConArtist: Malcolm's adopted parents used a magical blue flame as a miracle healing agent (with temporary effects) to pull stunts like this. Of course, the flame itself was meant for greater purposes, which Malcolm learned and studied from his adopted grandmother.
* EverythingsSparklyWithJewelry: He keeps the flame contained in a blue gem.
* EvilSorcerer
* EvilTwin
* FeudingFamilies: The originator of the Allen-West/Thawne feud.
* FreudianExcuse: Being given away at birth to a bunch of abusive con artists, then later finding out you have a twin who got a relatively good upbringing by your real parents...can you really blame him for [[TheResenter being angry]]?
* InTheBlood: He is the progenitor of the villainous Thawne family, whose bloodline includes Reverse-Flash Eobard Thawne and Thaddeus Thawne, alias Inertia.
* KillItWithFire: At least one of his descendants used the inherited Cobalt Blue flame to murder his Flash's wife this way.
* LegacyCharacter: He's a distant ancestor of the Reverse-Flash, Impulse, Inertia, and Captain Boomerang II. As well, there are 1000 years' worth of Cobalt Blues that follow in his footsteps by fighting their respective Flashes (who are all of the Allen bloodline).
* MundaneUtility: Malcolm's adopted father used the blue flame to pull cons. Malcolm's adopted grandmother was disgusted by this, and consequently was delighted to find an eager student in Malcolm, who would subvert the trope by using the flame to its maximum potential.
* PeoplePuppets: [[spoiler:Turned several generations of Flashes into this through a BatmanGambit involving shards of his gem, infused with his own spirit.]]
* TheResenter: Toward Barry, for having the wonderful life that Malcolm got cheated out of.

->'''AKA:''' Neil Borman

A former power plant worker who got exposed to nuclear radiation and essentially became a living radiation battery. He was introduced during the ''Iron Heights'' storyline, being kept in a containment cell that used him to power the entire prison. After the Flash found out and confronted Gregory Wolfe about it, Fallout was eventually given improved living conditions where he now continues to power the prison, but the power is siphoned from him in a more humane manner.

* IJustWantToBeNormal
* ILoveNuclearPower: Except he [[IJustWantToBeNormal really doesn't]].
* MeaningfulName: He's named after Niels Bohr, one of the contributors to the Manhattan Project.
* PowerGlows
* PowerIncontinence
* UnwittingPawn: Of [[TheChessmaster Blacksmith]]. She orchestrated his escape from Iron Heights knowing his path would take him by the Garricks' home, causing Joan to develop cancer, forcing her and Jay out of town for treatment, depriving Wally of Jay's help.

[[WMG:The Fiddler]]
->'''AKA:''' Isaac Bowin

* AristocratsAreEvil
* DealWithTheDevil: In one version of his origin, this is how he learned to play his magical music.
* EvilTwin: Of a successful violinist, Maestro Bowen.
* KilledOffForReal: In his old age, the Fiddler tried out for the SecretSix. It didn't go well; he was executed for his failure.
* MagicMusic
* SesquipedalianLoquaciousness: Averted. Despite being a classically-trained musician and owning a Stradivarius, Bowin insists upon calling it a fiddle.

->'''AKA:''' Tony Woodward

* BlessedWithSuck: His body oxidizes easily and painfully.
* DumbMuscle
* MadeOfIron: Literally, following his StartOfDarkness.
* NeverMyFault: Girder's basic justifications for being a villain are "people did this to me and I don't deserve it," completely ignoring his past crimes.
* RapeIsASpecialKindOfEvil: Did this to a female co-worker in his back-story. His fellow workers' retaliation led to him [[NiceJobBreakingItHero getting superpowers.]]
* SingleTargetSexuality: Towards Magenta. She does not take kindly to it.
* SuperStrength
* WeaksauceWeakness: Water, due to his body rusting away.

[[WMG:Gorilla Grodd]]

A renegade from the hidden Gorilla City, Grodd is a mad genius and warlord who wants to destroy humanity and make Earth the dominion of apes. He was endowed with sentience by a radioactive meteor along with the other apes of Gorilla City, but also gained vast telepathic powers. Grodd has a formidable intellect offset by an animal's fury. He originally clashed with Barry Allen and has gone on to menace the entire Flash family.

* AGodAmI: In ''[=JLApe=]: Gorilla Warfare''. "I am the Lord thy Grodd! All shall bow before me!"
* {{Archenemy}}: Had a solid claim on this title during the SilverAge, when he was the only serious threat in the Flash's RoguesGallery of otherwise {{Harmless Villain}}s. These days he's more of a general DCU villain, though he still hates the Flash family the most.
* TheArtifact[=/=]FadSuper[=/=]ReimaginingTheArtifact: Grodd was created at a time when gorillas were something of a fad in comics, TV shows, and movies; unlike most other characters created in that craze, like the Gorilla Boss of Gotham City or the Mod Gorilla Boss, however, Grodd has kept appearing and generally been updated to fit the tone of the times.
* BigBad: Of ''[=JLApe=]'' and the 1991 ''ComicBook/AngelAndTheApe'' miniseries.
* EvilCounterpart: Of King Solovar.
* EvilOverlord: Whenever he does achieve power, most notably during ''Flashpoint''.
* FantasticRacism: He views humans as a worthless mud race and regularly tries to wipe them from the face of the earth.
* FinalSolution: Wants all of humanity exterminated. In ''Flashpoint'' he does manage to kill most of Africa.
* GeniusBruiser: A six hundred pound gorilla with psychic powers.
* GreenEyedMonster: According to ''[=JLApe=]'', the reason he's evil is because he's insanely jealous of Solovar.
* ImAHumanitarian
* KillAllHumans
* KillerGorilla
* LegacyCharacter: He has a son, Gorbul Mammit, who fought Impulse.
* MadScientist
* ManipulativeBastard
* MindControlEyes: His eyes, and his victims' eyes, tend to glow magenta when he uses his telepathy.
* NinjaPirateZombieRobot: A [[MadScientist mad scientist]], [[PsychicPowers psychic]], [[EvilOverlord world-conquering]], [[SuperStrength super-strong]], [[EvilGenius hyper-intelligent]] talking gorilla.
* [[OneManArmy One Ape Army]]: Despite talking and reasoning, Grodd is very much a wild animal, like a rabid gorilla with psionics. When a mishap leaves him free during a prisoner transport, the resulting rampage levels whole city blocks and leaves countless dead. It's implied that he does this in less than an hour.
* PsychicPowers
** MindOverMatter
** MindProbe
** PeoplePuppets
** {{Telepathy}}
* RedeemingReplacement: His grandson, Sam Simeon of ''ComicBook/AngelAndTheApe''.
* SuperStrength: Grodd is far, far stronger then your average gorilla.
* TouchedByVorlons
* WellIntentionedExtremist: According to Creator/PhilFoglio's ''ComicBook/AngelAndTheApe'' miniseries, Grodd's motive is that he believes Gorilla City will soon run out of resources, and that humans are in danger of destroying all of theirs. Hence the need to either "cull the herd" by killing most of the humans or turning them into apes. (Comics before and since have said that he's simply a madape who wants to TakeOverTheWorld.)

[[WMG:The Griffin]]
->'''AKA:''' Griff Grey

Bart Allen's roommate after Bart had been aged by the Speed Force, Griff was doused with chemicals and gained super-powers in a terrorist attack. At first he wanted to be a hero just for money and fame, but his resentment toward the Flash family and his out-of-control powers quickly turned into a true villain. While trying to boost his popularity, Griffin died in an accident he himself orchestrated.

* BaldOfEvil
* GloryHound
* {{Jerkass}}
* PowerIncontinence: His powers made him age rapidly.
* PsychoElectro
* SuperStrength

* AIIsACrapshoot
* ChekhovsGun: [[spoiler:It implants a piece of itself into Wally during an early confrontation. That piece later repairs Wally's heart when he gets shot through it by Vandal Savage.]]
* HeelFaceTurn: After a fashion.
* TheUnpronounceable: Though at least one official guide claimed his name is pronounced "kil-GORE."

[[WMG:Mota / Atom Smasher / Professor Fallout / Fusionn]]
->'''AKA:''' Manfred Mota

A rogue physicist who stole research from Jay Garrick to create a battlesuit, Mota clashed with every Flash under a variety of aliases, upgrading his atomic-powered arsenal each time and eventually mutating into a being of pure energy. His estranged daughter, Valerie Perez, briefly dated Bart Allen when he became the Flash.

* ContinuityCavalcade: The point of the anthology that introduced him.
* EnergyBeings
* IHaveManyNames
* MadScientist
* PoweredArmor

-> '''AKA:''' Dr. Michael Amar

A surgeon turned serial killer obsessed with silencing the voices of everyone around him, Michael Amar was incriminated by his inability to keep from talking. While in Iron Heights Penitentiary, he took the name Murmur, cut out his own tongue, and sewed his mouth shut so he'd never incriminate himself again. Years later, he hatched a plot to escape from prison by using a deadly engineered disease to kill the guards and the Flash, but Wally, Jay, and the Pied Piper put an end to it. He has since become a persistent and deadly thorn in Wally's side.

* AxCrazy
* CallingCard: His is to cut out his victims' tongues and sew their mouths shut. Including his own.
* CivvieSpandex: He wears a black leather outfit.
* DeadlyDoctor
* KnifeNut
* LeanAndMean
* PerfectPoison: Aside from his knives, he uses a type of anthrax-like poison made from his own unusual blood chemistry to kill his victims. This poison turns the victims' lungs to mud unless the antidote can be administered in time, and it is HIGHLY contagious.
* SerialKiller: Of the Visionary type; he hears voices and kills to silence them.
* TongueTrauma

-> '''AKA:''' (inapplicable)

A demon who is essentially the DC Universe's {{Expy}} of {{Satan}}. He has had interactions with most characters across the DCU due to his ''modus operandi'', but he holds some particular ire toward Wally West for beating his hidden plan in the ''Hell to Pay'' storyline.

* BlondGuysAreEvil
* DealWithTheDevil: His preferred method of operating. Whether you're a hero or a villain, he'll offer you anything you want, in exchange for either your soul or whatever other price he asks.
** ChronicVillainy: He apparently cannot refuse the offer of a soul in trade if he truly wants it, even if it costs him more than he can afford to give up.
* EvenEvilHasStandards: Even he was disgusted by [[EvilSorcerer Felix Faust]] and the levels that he would sink to for power.
* EvilCanNotComprehendGood
* HoistByHisOwnPetard: In the ''Hell to Pay'' storyline. [[spoiler:He orchestrates a plot to steal the love Wally and Linda have for each other, thus giving him a chance to gain ultimate power from the Speed Force, by forcing Wally to bargain for the Rogues' souls in exchange for giving up said love, and also claiming Linda's soul in exchange for sparing Wally's. Unfortunately for him, the couples' love corrupts him and he begs them to take it all back--but [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome they refuse unless he undoes all the damage he's done to the city]]]].

->'''AKA:''' Lashawn Baez

* ActionBomb: A side effect of her teleporting is a massive explosion. [[BlessedWithSuck Every time.]]
* AntiVillain: She just wants to help her dying father.
* TeleportersAndTransporters
* ThenLetMeBeEvil: She lashes out at Wally, revealing that she intended to use her powers to become a hero until [[NiceJobBreakingItHero he and the rest of the city labeled her a Rogue and treated her accordingly]]. Subverted eventually, though, when she allows the police to take her in, [[TearJerker having nothing left to live for after her father's death]].

->'''AKA:''' [[spoiler:Jared Morillo]]

A gun-toting villain from a mirror universe created by the Mirror Master, Plunder followed Wally back the real world when Wally made his escape. He joined up with Blacksmith's "New Rogues" and used the fact that he was [[spoiler:Detective Morillo]]'s mirror counterpart to keep the police out of the picture while her evil plan went into action. Much later, he was killed by Zoom during the "Rogue War" story arc.

* ColdSniper
* GoodScarsEvilScars: Played straight.
* TheDragon: To the mirror-universe Thinker.
* EvilCounterpart: He's a criminal mirror-universe version of [[spoiler:Jared Morillo, a good cop in "our" world.]]
* KilledOffForReal
* MistakenIdentity: Uses this to his advantage during the "Crossfire" story arc.
* PsychoForHire

[[WMG:President Thawne]]

* TheChessmaster

[[WMG:Rainbow Raider]]
->'''AKA:''' Roy G. Bivolo

Roy G. Bivolo believed he was destined to be a great artist, but his colorblindness made it impossible. His optometrist father created a pair of goggles that should have allowed him to see color, but instead gave him the power to shoot rainbow-colored beams of light, and presented them to Roy on his deathbed... which Roy then used to commit art theft as the Rainbow Raider. He was killed by Blacksmith for the offense of being obnoxious.

* ButtMonkey
* CutLexLuthorACheck
* EvenEvilHasStandards: He stopped himself from using his powers over emotions to force Monica Mayne to love him.
* EyeBeams
* FashionVictimVillain: {{In-universe}} this is people's reaction to his outfit, and justified by his colorblindness.
* ImpaledWithExtremePrejudice: Blacksmith vivisects him with one of his own paintings.
* KilledOffForReal
* LightEmUp / LightIsNotGood: His power is mostly manipulating light to create rainbows, which he uses to travel, attack and change people's emotions somehow.
* SorryBillyButYouJustDontHaveLegs: Could have been a gifted painter...except for that colorblindness thing.
* StevenUlyssesPerhero: One of the worst cases on record.
* SuperZeroes: Not by design, but he ended up that way. This guy is such a loser even GeoffJohns refused to revamp him.

->'''AKA:''' Unknown

A mercenary who first appeared in ''Flash #84'' as part of a real estate blackmail plot.

* AbsurdlySharpBlade: His armor is covered in blades, and his gauntlets can fire razor-sharp discs.
* DumbMuscle
* TheJuggernaut
* LightningBruiser
* NamesToRunAwayFromReallyFast
* SuperStrength

[[WMG:The Shade]]
->'''AKA:''' Richard Swift

* AntiHero / AntiVillain: As the mood strikes.
* CastingAShadow
* HeelFaceTurn: Kinda. Sorta.
* HeroicNeutral
* FriendlyEnemy: To Jay Garrick, now that both of them are semi-retired.
* HumanoidAbomination
* {{Immortality}}
* JerkWithAHeartOfGold
* ManOfWealthAndTaste
* RoguesGalleryTransplant: He turned... well, not good, but at least neutral, and became a supporting character in ''Comicbook/{{Starman}}''.

[[WMG:Tar Pit]]
->'''AKA:''' Joey Monteleone

The younger brother of a local crime boss, Joey Monteleone had the metahuman ability to project his consciousness outside of his own body. He then projected it into a vat of tar and was unable to return to his real body; however, he quickly took to his new form.

* BlobMonster
* DumbMuscle
* KillItWithFire
* TotallyRadical

[[WMG:The Thinker]]
-> '''AKA:''' Clifford De Voe

* AIIsACrapshoot: His current virtual form.
* AmoralAttorney: Well, he wasn't exactly amoral before he became a super-villain; rather, he underwent a FaceHeelTurn when he realized that his efforts to curb crime were doomed to failure.
* BadassInANiceSuit: In his Golden Age incarnation, he wore a business suit as opposed to a gimmicky costume, since he believed wearing costumes was bad luck. However, his Silver Age incarnation and at least one alternate-reality version of him wore a stylized purple and black costume (which was worn by the character in the ''JusticeLeagueUnlimited'' series).
* BaldOfEvil
* TheChessmaster: He specialized in this.
* HeelFaceTurn: Pulled this after learning he was dying from cancer.
** FaceHeelTurn: After his code-form was imprisoned by ComicBook/{{Checkmate}}, he decided to help them.
* KilledOffForReal: At least, his human body underwent this after battling with cancer; however, his mind lives on in computerized form.
* MasterOfIllusion
* MindControlDevice: His Thinking Cap.
* MindManipulation: The main power of the Thinking Cap.
* MindRape: Capable of this with his Thinking Cap.
* SuperIntelligence

[[WMG:The Turtle]]
->'''AKA:''' Unknown

A criminal mastermind who, as his name suggests, talks and acts very slowly. Because of this, though, he's best known in stories where he's TheChessmaster.

* EvilGenius
* LegacyCharacter: There are two versions of the character, the second inspired by the first (and who briefly worked for the first as TheDragon).
* WhatKindOfLamePowerIsHeartAnyway: Originally, his "power" was that he was the world's slowest man.
** HeartIsAnAwesomePower: ...but he later gained the power to "steal" the speed of those around him, rendering them slower than he was. (Also, his body ages ''very'' slowly, befitting the [[TruthInTelevision lengthy life-span of actual turtles]].)
* ManOfKryptonite: His power is tailored to weaken his chosen enemies.

[[WMG:Vandal Savage]]
->'''AKA:''' Vandar Adg

The immortal caveman-turned-conqueror who has plagued Earth's heroes for millennia, Vandal Savage was the first villain Wally West faced in his career as the Flash, and has gone on to menace Wally and his family numerous times afterwards. See [[VandalSavage his own page]] for more.


History for Characters/TheFlash - TV Tropes (2024)


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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

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Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.